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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I have been having problems all night. I get in to threads okay but then the page freezes and I get the old " this program is not responding " message. It's not my machine though as it is working fine everywhere else except P&B..It's a pain in the arse :angry:

I think it's a problem with one of the ads Div is trying to sort it out at the moment. :)

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Ignore this post it's nowt to do with the thread!

Every time I post using IE it crashes so I'm checking on Google chrome.

Nightmare!!! :rolleyes:

Yes it works!!!!

I suggest two perfectly good browsers and you choose Chrome :rolleyes::P

Dont use IE, use any like firefox,google chrome,opera.

But not necessarily in that order ;)

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I think it's a problem with one of the ads Div is trying to sort it out at the moment. :)

So there we have it. Livingston FC in tandem with their benevolent council have screwed everyone over yet again. The new low is of course, ripping off a few charity organizations this time around (but sshhh.......don't mention it on LL, it's not the done thing. Horrible truths like that are avoided at all costs). Certainly, the Accrington Stanleys of this world need to have a long hard look at what has gone down in West Lothian. For them to be forced to the edge of extinction by HMRC, yet see the same GO take a paltry offer from Britains most ethically corrupt football club, is something that is worthy of further investigation by the Accrington people.

So now McGruther, Rankine and MacDougall can concentrate on what this is really all about. D'ya think it's about football? Of course it isn't. It'll be interesting to see how quickly the council/club love affair moves on to the next phase. Of course, we'll all be wrong. This a new age Livingston with integrity and honesty as its watchwords. Just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. So far, on the subjects that matter (not that naming a teddy bear isn't important in it's own sweet way), that makes the current score P&B 3-0 Livvy Lions. I reckon we won't have to wait too long on the killer fourth goal.

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So there we have it. Livingston FC in tandem with their benevolent council have screwed everyone over yet again. The new low is of course, ripping off a few charity organizations this time around (but sshhh.......don't mention it on LL, it's not the done thing. Horrible truths like that are avoided at all costs). Certainly, the Accrington Stanleys of this world need to have a long hard look at what has gone down in West Lothian. For them to be forced to the edge of extinction by HMRC, yet see the same GO take a paltry offer from Britains most ethically corrupt football club, is something that is worthy of further investigation by the Accrington people.

So now McGruther, Rankine and MacDougall can concentrate on what this is really all about. D'ya think it's about football? Of course it isn't. It'll be interesting to see how quickly the council/club love affair moves on to the next phase. Of course, we'll all be wrong. This a new age Livingston with integrity and honesty as its watchwords. Just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. So far, on the subjects that matter (not that naming a teddy bear isn't important in it's own sweet way), that makes the current score P&B 3-0 Livvy Lions. I reckon we won't have to wait too long on the killer fourth goal.

Have you been on Livilions tonight? Look at the thread Tiresome. ;)

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Have you been on Livilions tonight? Look at the thread Tiresome. ;)


What a great spoof site that is - top notch satire :D

I would ignore P & B its full self important plebs


That Hibee Jibbee,The ghost of Jim Morton ,Viking Ton and the likes

Aww, I'm gutted I didn't make the top list :(

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So there we have it. Livingston FC in tandem with their benevolent council have screwed everyone over yet again. The new low is of course, ripping off a few charity organizations this time around (but sshhh.......don't mention it on LL, it's not the done thing. Horrible truths like that are avoided at all costs). Certainly, the Accrington Stanleys of this world need to have a long hard look at what has gone down in West Lothian. For them to be forced to the edge of extinction by HMRC, yet see the same GO take a paltry offer from Britains most ethically corrupt football club, is something that is worthy of further investigation by the Accrington people.

So now McGruther, Rankine and MacDougall can concentrate on what this is really all about. D'ya think it's about football? Of course it isn't. It'll be interesting to see how quickly the council/club love affair moves on to the next phase. Of course, we'll all be wrong. This a new age Livingston with integrity and honesty as its watchwords. Just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. So far, on the subjects that matter (not that naming a teddy bear isn't important in it's own sweet way), that makes the current score P&B 3-0 Livvy Lions. I reckon we won't have to wait too long on the killer fourth goal.

Is that the Rankine that the leader of the Livi Trust has warmed to?

The fuds on Livilions bleat on about how folks over here want to see their club killed off and fail to see why anyone would think like that. Heres a clue for the dummies, it isn't what you have done in the past, it's because you are still doing it now!!

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That Hibee Jibbee,The ghost of Jim Morton ,Viking Ton and the likes

Can I say that I count it as a point of personal achievement, to be blacklisted in the highest levels by the LL faithful. Rather like criticism of Churchill in late 1930s: I must be saying something right.

EDIT: Out of interest, what's the LL position on Capability Scotland or the NHS getting 5p in the £?

Edited by HibeeJibee
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EDIT: Out of interest, what's the LL position on Capability Scotland or the NHS getting 5p in the £?

It seems to be, the chapter is closed, the book is back on the mantle. Tomorrow is new day in a new world.

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Can I say that I count it as a point of personal achievement, to be blacklisted in the highest levels by the LL faithful. Rather like criticism of Churchill in late 1930s: I must be saying something right.

EDIT: Out of interest, what's the LL position on Capability Scotland or the NHS getting 5p in the £?

Only Massone and the guy due £9k voted against so the charities must have voted for the CVA :rolleyes:

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I would ignore P & B its full self important plebs, there is a hard core of posters who poke there nose into everything and know everything. For this reason I have stopped using P & B and would reccommend this.

Livi fan in 'running from the facts shock'.

Well I can only be honoured that my fact based analysis (Cosgrove, take note) grinds their gears so.

Edited by vikingTON
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If I were a Livvy fan I'd be extremely upset with the board of directors. They're paying full time wages, they have just employed an assistant manager (who I presume will be on a decent salary) when it's evident that the gate receipts will not cover them and now they are asking Livvy fans to 'volunteer' to tidy up, and do general maintenance tasks, around the stadium! And you need to provide your own refreshments!

Are people really this stupid?

At the recent Volunteers meeting the Trust held at the stadium, we gathered a few names of supporters willing to help out with a range of tasks at the club. One of the areas was general assistance with physical work needing done in and around the stadium.

The first of these tasks has now arrived and we are looking for fans willing to help clear rubbish, equipment and general odds & sods from behind the South Stand, in anticipation of possible future use. Additionally, the club would like to remove the 'Reserved' and 'Season Ticket' lettering from the seats in the West Stand.

We will be making a day of this on Monday 21st September (this Monday - apologies for the short notice!) which is a school holiday, and a holiday which many parents will also take. Volunteers will gather at 10am at the stadium.

We have already contacted the 'Groundforce' volunteers who put their names to the list at the meeting, but would like to ask if anyone else would be willing to help on the day. If we can gather a good squad of helpers it will make light work of the tasks, and we do not anticipate this being a back-breaking chore. We will simply do what we can as a squad, and anything that any volunteer can do will be helpful. Scruffy clothes and some tough gloves may be useful, plus some water/juice.

If you are able to help, please send an email to enquiries@liviforlife.co.uk, with your name and contact details

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So there we have it. Livingston FC in tandem with their benevolent council have screwed everyone over yet again. The new low is of course, ripping off a few charity organizations this time around (but sshhh.......don't mention it on LL, it's not the done thing. Horrible truths like that are avoided at all costs). Certainly, the Accrington Stanleys of this world need to have a long hard look at what has gone down in West Lothian. For them to be forced to the edge of extinction by HMRC, yet see the same GO take a paltry offer from Britains most ethically corrupt football club, is something that is worthy of further investigation by the Accrington people.

So now McGruther, Rankine and MacDougall can concentrate on what this is really all about. D'ya think it's about football? Of course it isn't. It'll be interesting to see how quickly the council/club love affair moves on to the next phase. Of course, we'll all be wrong. This a new age Livingston with integrity and honesty as its watchwords. Just like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that. So far, on the subjects that matter (not that naming a teddy bear isn't important in it's own sweet way), that makes the current score P&B 3-0 Livvy Lions. I reckon we won't have to wait too long on the killer fourth goal.

You going to the meeting Duncan? Be good to get some answers on the new housing deve... er sorry I mean the new season.


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