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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Don't be so fucking ignorant. Do you seriously think every Livi fan supports the way this man has run the club?

I remember at the start of the season i said something along these lines could happen and there was a chance they couldnt be trusted and you shot me down because you were signing players like Innes and started well in the league and playing matches against the fans etc.

There was only one way this was going to go, although i didnt think it would happen so quickly.

Edited by port-ton
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this guy is just as bad as giovanno de stefano, another italian bu~**itting lawyer i hope the livi fans try and do something for their club as adminastration could be happening before the end of feb and they still have not paid one big creditor who is determined to freeze there income from this sat game against dundee.

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I remember at the start of the season i said something along these lines could happen and there was a chance they couldnt be trusted and you shot me down because you were signing players like Innes and started well in the league and playing matches against the fans etc.

There was only one way this was going to go, although i didnt think it would happen so quickly.

I did that because you were simply basing it on past-experience and mild xenophobia.

"There was only one way this was going to go." What a load of rubbish. If the guy had been in the more competent financially he could have avoided half of the problems he's created now. On the positive side, he's tried to bring the fans back but it seems like the people of West Lothian don't want a local team and are happy with their subcription to CelticTV.

The club's a poison challis for a chairman. You need serious amounts of money to run the club as it is now. I was so happy at him coming because I thought he had that money. I have serious doubts now.

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this guy is just as bad as giovanno de stefano, another italian bu~**itting lawyer i hope the livi fans try and do something for their club as adminastration could be happening before the end of feb and they still have not paid one big creditor who is determined to freeze there income from this sat game against dundee.

Go on then, tell us who it is and how much we owe them.

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I did that because you were simply basing it on past-experience and mild xenophobia.

"There was only one way this was going to go." What a load of rubbish. If the guy had been in the more competent financially he could have avoided half of the problems he's created now. On the positive side, he's tried to bring the fans back but it seems like the people of West Lothian don't want a local team and are happy with their subcription to CelticTV.

The club's a poison challis for a chairman. You need serious amounts of money to run the club as it is now. I was so happy at him coming because I thought he had that money. I have serious doubts now.

Of course im going to base it on past experience. Livi fans were far too trusting because some unknown foreigner came along and flashed a bit of cash.

He hadn't even been in the door five minutes and already he was the start of a bright new future for Livi.

unlike most fans i dont want livi to go bust, but IMO livi fans were too quick to sing the praises and talk about how good things were going to be before they checked out just the idiot in charge of them was. You all saw the $ signs and suddenly he was the next messiah that no one was allowed to question. And judging by what people have said in this thread about some livi fans it seems that some still feel this way.

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The club's a poison challis for a chairman. You need serious amounts of money to run the club as it is now. I was so happy at him coming because I thought he had that money. I have serious doubts now.

I thought Massone was going to make Livi the "third power" in Scottish Fitba once he buys the stadium :rolleyes: ? The man is an ass, Livi have never even been a credible force in West Lothian :rolleyes: .

Still it swelled the chests of the councillors when they "stole" a club from another community, how many did they approach or was it just Meadowbank and East Stirling they attempted to re-locate to Livi.

Pity they hadn't re-located them just to West Lothian then the locals might have grown an affinity with the "white elephant" instead they located it in a place that has killed the rest of West Lothian and is despised by many West Lothian residents for that reason, no such probs getting support for Bathgate Thistle or Linlithgow Rose though, eh?

I feel sorry for the real fans and what they have gone through and by most accounts are about to go through again, perhaps it is time to admit the experiment didn't work and re-organise at a level which is sustainable, or do the councillors still enjoy the free hospitality?

Edited by AND180Y
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I remember at the start of the season i said something along these lines could happen and there was a chance they couldnt be trusted

There was only one way this was going to go, although i didnt think it would happen so quickly.


unlike most fans i dont want livi to go bust,


Christ I wish I could be like you. Livi fans have enough to worry about without you jumping about shouting "I told you so." Forgive the guy for not immediately being cynical and heaven forbid actually showing some optimism because they signed one of the best centre halves around at this level.

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The whole thing is a total and utter shambles.

Sadly, there are still plenty of Livi supporters only too keen to give these people the benefit of the doubt, which I find absolutely staggering.

My gut feeling is that the support is probably too divided to be capable of saving the club.

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The club's a poison challis for a chairman. You need serious amounts of money to run the club as it is now. I was so happy at him coming because I thought he had that money. I have serious doubts now.
Why continue to run the club as it is now then? As hard as it may be to cut back to only spending a maximum of 99p for every £1 brought in, I'd grit my teeth and take the hit on the chin if it meant having a club to support in the future. It doesn't always have to be boom or bust. When will we learn? :(
My gut feeling is that the support is probably too divided to be capable of saving the club.
LLD, then those with a mind to save it should leave those who don't/can't behind. It doesn't have to lead to animosity, but the other side of the coin is that nowhere does it say it has to be amicable either. Anyway, what is the trust doing at this time? Their silence is worrying. Edited by Wall E
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I think anyone who is passionate about the club they support in whatever way they support it is a real fan.

Did I insult you by calling you a real fan, likes? :P

I misinterpreted what you said. Apologies.

Why continue to run the club as it is now then? As hard as it may be to cut back to only spending a maximum of 99p for every £1 brought in, I'd grit my teeth and take the hit on the chin if it meant having a club to support in the future. It doesn't always have to be boom or bust. When will we learn? :(

I don't think we should run the club as it is now, I completely argee with you. Stability is key but I think, to an extent, that our early success has hampered us when we've received offers for the club in recent years. These morons have seen what the club have done in the past and immediately think "WE COULD GET BACK THERE AGAIN!" without realising that a lot of that was done on a huge loss financially.

As AND180Y has often point out, with our club being so young, there is not going to have been a rich, local businessman who has been a fan of the club for years, coming in to save us. We're sort of endeared to getting crackpots on a mission for quick success.

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So how many days till payday for Livi Players?

Is it 23 taking us to the last Thursday of the month?

Is it 24 taking us to the last working day of the month?

Is it 25 taking us to the last calendar day of the month?

or is Massone going for the double leap year this month? :oops:whistle

(Yes I am bored tonight)

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The quote in the Record today went something along the lines of "If they sell me the stadium then we don't have a problem. If they don't, well then we might".

Who is this fucking zoomba and at what point will he get sectioned?

Edited by Fife Saint
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The quote in the Record today went something along the lines of "If they sell me the stadium then we don't have a problem. If they don't, well then we might".

If you look at the livilions site (http://www.livilions.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=15234), it appears the stadium purchase is a done deal, and Massone has started the second stage of the great plan.. though I didn't expect that parts of the ground would be sold off in this fashion .. "Dundee fans to be offered Almondvale Suite"

Any idea how much Massone is looking for the Dundee fans to stump up?

Partick fans. You are due at Almondvale on 28 February (if the creditors, administrators, banks etc etc don't get there first) - which bit of the stadium do you fancy owning? The Chairman's office, with its dilllusionally optomistic view of the future?

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He does have a point though. The club needs to look at the reasons why Livi fans have turned their backs on the pre match lunches. Will Dundee fans be given a chance to comment on the service and food they recieve? If any of them go that is. There'll will either be no-one there or ten thousand with hundreds locked out watching from Bubbles Hill. ;)

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