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I go on my phone when i wake up which is usually at 7 and every morning at 715 almost exactly i can't open up a thread, or the general nonsense forum or the politics forum and it says page unavailable. This probably lasts for maybe 2 minutes then its fine afterwards.

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It is on charge next to bed usually - I'm certain it can't just be me who experiences this.


Anyway can anyone recommend a decent Podcast that is jovial/political, something along the same line as the Trews perhaps? I quite like The Artist Taxi driver but he gets quite annoying.

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Anyway can anyone recommend a decent Podcast that is jovial/political, something along the same line as the Trews perhaps? I quite like The Artist Taxi driver but he gets quite annoying.


Page 94: The Private Eye Podcast. Not many of them but it will probably tick your boxes.

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Why would you spend £299 for two cordless Gtech vacuum cleaners when you could get one cordless Dyson that does all the same things for about £50 less?

It's too difficult and I don't understand.

Edited by stimpy
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I'm fed up having to wear "smart" shoes to work (i.e. shows that go well with trousers and a shirt - not shoes with GPS and Wifi).


But as we all know, trainers are much comfier to wear. 


So does anyone have any links to shoes I could buy that look like normal black work shoes but actually feel like trainers?



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Going to Dmitri Vegas at the Highland Centre in a few weeks, does anyone know a cheap way to get back into Edinburgh after(around 3am), is there a night bus nearby etc


N22 from the Hilton, about 10 minutes walk.

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