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How do I get rid of cats?

There are around half a dozen of the wee fuckers that come in and out of my garden at will. They shite everywhere. I've tried the chemical stuff that's meant to do the job and they basically laughed in my face.

I don't even have a big garden or any seeds or vegetables or anything. They just hate me. Needless to say I also hate them.

I know it sounds crazy but it seems to work..... Get an empty plastic bottle and take the label off it ( like a 2 litre Irn bru bottle for example ) and half fill it with water and just leave it in the garden.... An old neighbor of mine used to do that ( to keep away cats ) Cat psychology is not my forte so I can't explain why ( or if ) it works but you could always give it a go ;)

What's the difference between ginger beer and ginger ale?

Ginger ale has a crisper taste and is usually lighter in colour..... Ginger beer is normally cloudier and darker in colour

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I know it sounds crazy but it seems to work..... Get an empty plastic bottle and take the label off it ( like a 2 litre Irn bru bottle for example ) and half fill it with water and just leave it in the garden.... An old neighbor of mine used to do that ( to keep away cats ) Cat psychology is not my forte so I can't explain why ( or if ) it works but you could always give it a go ;)

Ginger ale has a crisper taste and is usually lighter in colour..... Ginger beer is normally cloudier and darker in colour

I was always told that cats panic when they see their reflection or something ridiculous like that.

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I've seen folk hanging CDs in their garden to do this.

In council schemes admittedly.

I've seen CDs on the dash in the front of trucks as well.

I think that's in the belief that it reflects speed guns rather than deters cats though.

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I've seen CDs on the dash in the front of trucks as well.

I think that's in the belief that it reflects speed guns rather than deters cats though.

Could be they think it confuses the locating device employers use to spy on employees. Heard a biscuit tin works. Not sure where you're supposed to put it.

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I've seen CDs on the dash in the front of trucks as well.

I think that's in the belief that it reflects speed guns rather than deters cats though.

They do that here on the cars & motorbikes, reason is that nae c**t has lights that are working correctly, so if you have lights you will get a reflection. Yes they are that fucking crazy that they will drive along on country roads in complete darkness.

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Is there a mental condition where someone takes pleasure in telling you their and their family's illnesses?

I have a guy at work who constantly tells me how ill him and his family have been and now he's just texted me to tell me his kid's got chicken pox. Erm, I don't give a flying f**k mate.

I reckon it's similar to Munchausens except I reckon, I hope, the stories are true.

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