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It really depends on the lager, tbh.

Ciders, however, are far too sweet. It's like trying to drink super concentrated apple juice.

That's because you get shite like Strongbow up here mostly. Personally, I can't touch cider anymore, but when I did drink it, I preferred the drier ones. Sweet ciders are disgusting.

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I'm not really a lager fan either. I can take an ice cold council lager but would struggle to drink it all night. Quite like a cider now. Blackthorn or Strongbow would be my choices as they're not quite as sweet as Magners/Gaymer/Koppaberg etc but pack the required punch.

I mainly just drink vodka on nights out which probably explains the nick I get into.

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Jack Daniels goes well with Coke. That's all it's good for. I have half a bottle left in a cupboard and I never want to lay eyes on it again after Saturday night.

This. I remember the good old days in the Greenock cattle-market nightclub were it used to be 1.50 for a vodka or Jack D with mixer. They cottoned on to that soon enough. sad.gif

Yeah it's a bit like Jager, don't think I'd drink it without coke.

I've never drank Jager with coke. I've started drinking Jager with beer over here, mainly because there's a bar deal with a beer one Euro and a Jager one euro.

Always a good idea at the time.

Ciders, however, are far too sweet. It's like trying to drink super concentrated apple juice.

Cider + blackcurrant. Or a Kopparberg/similar.

I'm not really a lager fan either. I can take an ice cold council lager but would struggle to drink it all night.

I only really drink lager when I'm at the football, because a day touring, say, Dumfries pubs is a lot easier when the round is just 'x pints of Tennents'. And the chances are you'll get a pint whether you wanted it or not.

Cider and lager are just starter courses for the vodka.

Edited by vikingTON
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What happens if you fail the exam for one of your electives at uni? Do you just get punted out that course?

you'll have to take another elective next year, or at least do one semester of another class in order to get enough credits.

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I've never drank Jager with coke. I've started drinking Jager with beer over here, mainly because there's a bar deal with a beer one Euro and a Jager one euro.

I think it must be a Glasgow/Scottish thing, when I was in Tenerife in October I asked for one and the bartender, English chap, asked me like 2 or 3 times if I was serious.

The idea of drinking Jagermeister with any drink (other than to wash it down!) seems strange.

It's really tasty with coke, just can't afford to drink it every weekend sad.gif

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I think it must be a Glasgow/Scottish thing, when I was in Tenerife in October I asked for one and the bartender, English chap, asked me like 2 or 3 times if I was serious.

i would say its a ned thing,ive never seen or heard of it in a boozer

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i would say its a ned thing,ive never seen or heard of it in a boozer

You can get it in pretty much any boozer in glasgow. It also comes with a nifty chilling device in some places.

Edited by calum_gers
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I'm going to surprise my girlfriend by getting her a cat for Christmas. She's been on at me for years to get her one, so finally relenting. What other stuff do I need to buy though? I presume litter tray, carry cage and somewhere for it to sleep. Anything else?

Also, should I take her with me to pick one or surprise her altogether by just having it there when she comes home one day?

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I'm going to surprise my girlfriend by getting her a cat for Christmas. She's been on at me for years to get her one, so finally relenting. What other stuff do I need to buy though? I presume litter tray, carry cage and somewhere for it to sleep. Anything else?

Also, should I take her with me to pick one or surprise her altogether by just having it there when she comes home one day?

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