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What is the RISK game thread all about? Is it a computer game? Or some fictional shite made my the OP.

I've read the last 2 pages but I don't understand.

Are they all homosexualz?

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What is the RISK game thread all about? Is it a computer game? Or some fictional shite made my the OP.

I've read the last 2 pages but I don't understand.

Are they all homosexualz?

Great, great job of staying under the radar.

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What are considered off peak times for Scotrail?

I am booking a ticket from Queen Street to Dundee that leaves about 12:40 (off peak after 9:15 so that's fine) but returning either 10 to 4 or 10 to 5. Would 10 to 5 still be considered off peak?

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Just a bit of fun really, know how to play RISK?


Hence the question. Educate me young pretender.

Edited by Chimp
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Risk (game)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Risk (game) Publisher(s) HasbroWinning Moves Games USA Players 2–6 Setup time 5–15 minutes Playing time 1 to 6 hours Random chance High (5 dice, cards) Skill(s) required Tactics, strategy, and negotiation Risk is a strategic board game, produced by Parker Brothers (now a division of Hasbro). It was invented by French film director Albert Lamorisse and originally released in 1957 as La Conquête du Monde ("The Conquest of the World") in France. Risk is a turn-based game for two to six players. The standard version is played on a board depicting a political map of the Earth, divided into forty-two territories, which are grouped into six continents. The primary object of the game is "world domination," or "to occupy every territory on the board and in so doing, eliminate all other players."[1] Players control armies with which they attempt to capture territories from other players, with results determined by dice rolls.Contents1 Equipment and its evolution in design2 Setup 2.1 Standard2.2 Alternate3 Player turn 3.1 Getting and placing new armies3.2 Attacking3.3 Fortifying4 Strategy 4.1 Basic strategy4.2 Alliances4.3 Dice probabilities5 Rule variations 5.1 Two-player Risk5.2 Capital Risk5.3 Secret Mission5.4 Alternate card turn-in rules5.5 Other rule variations6 Territories7 Official licensed Risk games8 Risk clones 8.1 'Anti'-Risk9 Computer and video games10 References11 External links 11.1 Official [edit] Equipment and its evolution in designEach Risk game comes with a number of differently-colored tokens denoting armies. In the first editions, the playing pieces were wooden cubes representing one army each and a few rounded triangular prisms representing ten armies each, but in later versions of the game these pieces were molded of plastic to reduce costs. In the 1980s, these were changed to pieces shaped into the Roman numerals I, III, V, and X. The 1993 edition introduced plastic Infantry tokens (representing a single unit), cavalry (representing five units), and artillery (representing ten units). The 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition contained the same troop pieces but made of metal rather than plastic. In the 2005 "bookcase" edition, playing pieces are once again wooden cubes. These token types are purely a convention for ease of representing a specific army size. If a player runs out of army pieces during the game, another color may be used to substitute, or another symbolic token to help keep track of armies. Standard equipment also include five (originally six) dice in two colors: two white dice for the defender and three red dice for the attacker.Also included is a total of seventy-two Risk cards. Forty-two of these depict territories, in addition to a symbol of an infantry, cavalry, or artillery piece. One of these cards is awarded to a player at the end of each turn, if the player has successfully conquered at least one territory during that turn. No more than one card may be awarded per turn. If a player collects either three cards with the same symbol, or one of each, these cards may be traded in for reinforcements at the beginning of a player's turn. These cards can also be used for game set-up (see below for details). Also included are two wild cards that depict an infantry, cavalry, and artillery piece, as opposed to one of the three and a territory. Because these cards have all three symbols, they can match with any two other cards to form a set. Twenty-eight Mission cards also come with the game to be used in the Secret Mission Risk rule variant.In the 40th Anniversary Collector's Edition the movement route between the territories of East Africa and Middle East was removed; this was later confirmed to be a manufacturing error, an error repeated in Risk II. Subsequent editions restored the missing route.[2] While the European versions of Risk had included the variation Secret Mission Risk for some time, the U.S. version did not have this added until 1993.[3][edit] Setup[edit] StandardEach player first counts out a number of infantry for initial deployment. The number of starting armies depends on the number of players. If two are playing, then each player counts out 40 infantry, plus 40 more from a different color set. This third set is neutral and only defends if attacked (the player not attacking rolls for the neutral armies). If three are playing, each player counts out 35 infantry; four players, 30 infantry; five players, 25 infantry; six players, 20 infantry. Players then take turns claiming territories by placing an infantry on an unoccupied territory until all the territories are occupied. Players then take turns placing their remaining armies on their territories. Having done this, the actual game begins with another roll of a die, which is used to determine the playing order.[edit] AlternateAn alternate and quicker method of setup from the original French rules is to deal out the entire deck of Risk cards (minus the wild cards), assigning players to the territories on their cards.[1] As in a standard game, players still count out the same number of starting infantry and take turns placing their armies.[edit] Player turnThere are three main phases to a player's turn: getting and placing new armies, attacking, and fortifying.[edit] Getting and placing new armiesContinent Bonus Armies Asia 7 North America 5 Europe 5 Africa 3 Australia 2 South America 2 Players draft new armies and then distribute these pieces to any of their territories at the beginning of their turn. The number of armies a player may draft hinges upon three factors: number of territories owned; continent bonus(es); and redeeming Risk cards. To calculate the number of armies drafted for number of territories owned, players divide their total number of territories by three and round down to the nearest integer. If this result is less than three, round up to three armies. Players also receive bonus armies for occupying an entire continent (see table to the right). Lastly, players may receive armies for turning in a set of three Risk cards. A set may consist of the three different army units (soldier, cavalry, artillery) or be three of a kind (e.g. all three cards have cavalry pictures). If the player has five cards, he must trade in a set. The first set to be turned is worth 4 reinforcements; the second is worth 6; third, 8; fourth, 10; fifth, 12; sixth, 15 and for every additional set thereafter 5 more armies than the previous set turned in. The player places these armies on any of his territories. If a player owns one or more of the territories depicted on the set of turned in cards, the player may choose one of these territories to be awarded two additional armies that must be placed in that territory.[edit] Attacking Example of matching up attacking (red) and defending (white) dice; in this case the attacker has won the battle.When it's a player's turn to attack, he or she can only attack territories that are adjacent or connected by a sea-lane to his or her own territory. A battle's outcome is decided by rolling dice. The attacking player attacks with one, two, or three armies, rolling a corresponding one, two or three dice. At least one army must remain behind in the attacking territory not involved in the attack, as a territory may never be left unoccupied. Before the attacker rolls, the defender must choose to resist the attack with either one or two armies (using at most the number of armies currently occupying the defended territory[4]) by rolling one or two die. Each player's highest die are compared, as are their second-highest die (if both players roll more than one). In each comparison, the highest number wins. The defender wins in the event of a tie. With each dice comparison, the loser removes one army from his territory from the game board. Any extra dice are disregarded and do not affect the results.If an attack successfully eliminates the final defending army within a territory, the attacker then must occupy the newly conquered territory with at least the number of attacking armies used in the last round of attack. There is no limit to the total number of additional armies that may be sent in to occupy, providing at least one army remains behind in the original attacking territory. Players may attack any number of territories any number of times before yielding the turn to the next player. Attacking is optional; a player may decline to attack at all during the turn.If an attacker occupies a defender's last territory, the defender is eliminated from the game and the attacker acquires all of the defender's Risk cards. If the conquering player then holds five or more cards, the player must trade in sets until the player has fewer than five. The gained armies are placed immediately. If at the end of attacking, at least one territory was conquered that turn, the player draws a Risk card from the deck.[edit] FortifyingWhen finished attacking and before passing the turn over to the next player, a player has the option to maneuver any number of armies from a single territory occupied by the player into an adjacent territory occupied by the same player. This is sometimes referred to as a "free move". Under an alternate rule, the maneuvering armies may travel through as many territories to their final destination as desired, providing that all involved pass-through territories are connected and occupied by that same player. As always, at least one army must be left in the originating territory. Play then proceeds clockwise to the next player.[edit] Strategy Risiko (Italian version) in play[edit] Basic strategyThe official rulebook gives three basic strategy tips for the classic rules:First, players should control entire continents to get the bonus reinforcement armies.Second, players should watch their borders for buildups of armies that could imply an upcoming attack.Third, players should build up armies on their own borders for better defense.Holding continents is the most common way to increase reinforcements. Players often attempt to gain control of Australia early in the game, since Australia is the only continent that can be successfully defended by heavily fortifying one country (either Siam or Indonesia).[5] Generally, continents with fewer borders are easier to defend as they possess fewer points that can be attacked by other players. South America has 2 access points, North America and Africa each have 3, Europe has 4, and Asia has 5.Generally, it is thought advisable to hold Risk cards until they can be turned in for maximum reinforcements.[5] This is especially true earlier on in gameplay, because extra armies make a greater difference in the beginning of the game.[5] Eliminating a weak player who holds a large number of Risk cards is also a good strategy,[5] since players who eliminate their opponents get possession of their opponents' Risk cards. In this case, trading in Risk cards earlier may help acquire the necessary troops. If the conquering player has five or more Risk cards after taking the cards of another player, the cards must be immediately turned in for reinforcements until the player has fewer than five cards and then may continue attacking."Turtling" is a defensive strategy where a player who feels vulnerable tries to become too expensive to be removed while remaining a threat to harass other players. The objective of this strategy is to not be defeated. A player using this strategy might remain in the game all the way to later stages and then mount an attack on the weakest player and start a chain elimination to remove one player after another to win the game. The player who uses this strategy is called a Turtle. The term was popularised in Real-time Strategy games where a player creates a defensive perimeter or a “Turtle Shell” around the base of operations. Solutions to counteract this strategy using cooperation have been proposed by Ehsan Honary.[6][edit] AlliancesThe rules of Risk do not endorse or prohibit alliances or truces. Thus players often form unofficial treaties for various reasons, such as safeguarding themselves from attacks on one border while they concentrate their forces elsewhere, or eliminating a player who has grown too strong. Because these agreements are not enforceable by the rules, these agreements are often broken. Alliance making/breaking can be one of the most important elements of the game, and it adds human interaction to a decidedly probabilistic game. Some players allow trading of risk cards, but only during their turn. This optional rule makes alliances stronger and more powerful.[edit] Dice probabilitiesDefenders always win ties when dice are rolled. This gives the defending player the advantage in "one-on-one" fights, but the attacker's ability to use more dice offsets this advantage, as indicated in the dice probability charts below. Actually capturing a territory depends on the number of attacking and defending armies and the associated probabilities can be expressed analytically using Markov chains,[7][8][9] or studied numerically using stochastic simulation.It is advantageous to always roll the maximum number of dice. (Exception: In some cases, an attacker may not wish to move men into a 'dead-end' territory. If this is the case, he might choose to roll fewer than three.)The table below states the probabilities of all possible outcomes of one attacker dice roll and one defender dice roll:Outcome probabilities of one dice roll in Risk(various number of die) Attacker one die two dice three dice Defender onedie Defender loses one 41.67% 57.87% 65.97% Attacker loses one 58.33% 42.13% 34.03% twodice Defender loses one 25.46% - - Attacker loses one 74.54% - - Defender loses two - 22.76% 37.17% Attacker loses two - 44.83% 29.26% Each loses one - 32.41% 33.58% Thus when rolling three dice against two dice (the most each player can roll), or three against one, or two against one, the attacker has a slight advantage, otherwise the defender has an advantage. When large armies face off, a player will tend to gain a greater advantage over his opponent by attacking rather than defending. (Multiple opponents can change the prudence of such a strategy, however.)The following table shows the probabilities that the attacker wins a whole battle between two countries (a sequence of dice rolls):Probabilities of attacker winninga whole battle in Risk[7][10][11] Number of attacking armies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number ofdefending armies 1 42% 75% 92% 97% 99% >99% >99% >99% >99% >99% 2 11% 36% 66% 79% 89% 93% 97% 98% 99% 99% 3 3% 21% 47% 64% 77% 86% 91% 95% 97% 98% 4 1% 9% 31% 48% 64% 74% 83% 89% 93% 95% 5

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studied numerically using stochastic simulation.It is advantageous to always roll the maximum number of dice. (Exception: In some cases, an attacker may not wish to move men into a 'dead-end' territory. If this is the case, he might choose to roll fewer than three.)The table below states the probabilities of all possible outcomes of one attacker dice roll and one defender dice roll:Outcome probabilities of one dice roll in Risk(various number of die) Attacker one die two dice three dice Defender onedie Defender loses one 41.67% 57.87% 65.97% Attacker loses one 58.33% 42.13% 34.03% twodice Defender loses one 25.46% - - Attacker loses one 74.54% - - Defender loses two - 22.76% 37.17% Attacker loses two - 44.83% 29.26% Each loses one - 32.41% 33.58% Thus when rolling three dice against two dice (the most each player can roll), or three against one, or two against one, the attacker has a slight advantage, otherwise the defender has an advantage. When large armies face off, a player will tend to gain a greater advantage over his opponent by attacking rather than defending. (Multiple opponents can change the prudence of such a strategy, however.)The following table shows the probabilities that the attacker wins a whole battle between two countries (a sequence of dice rolls):Probabilities of attacker winninga whole battle in Risk[7][10][11] Number of attacking armies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number ofdefending armies 1 42% 75% 92% 97% 99% >99% >99% >99% >99% >99% 2 11% 36% 66% 79% 89% 93% 97% 98% 99% 99% 3 3% 21% 47% 64% 77% 86% 91% 95% 97% 98% 4 1% 9% 31% 48% 64% 74% 83% 89% 93% 95% 5

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Hence the question. Educate me young pretender.

It's similar to "Command and Conquer".

Everyone gets a starting country, in this Europe only game Norway, Portugal, Turkey and Czech Republic. The aim is to own all the countries through occupying empty countries, getting more men and money, and invading occupied countries, weakening opposition.

In a nutshell

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It's similar to "Command and Conquer".

Everyone gets a starting country, in this Europe only game Norway, Portugal, Turkey and Czech Republic. The aim is to own all the countries through occupying empty countries, getting more men and money, and invading occupied countries, weakening opposition.

In a nutshell

I don't understand.

Why only these countries within europe? What happens during the game and why? How do you enpty countries and win the game?

I've never played command and conquer

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I don't understand.

Why only these countries within europe? What happens during the game and why? How do you enpty countries and win the game?

I've never played command and conquer

It was the first online game played so since Europe has 47 countries it was big enough.

Teams can either buy items, move troops or invade. Each move is played out on thread.

You invade with more troops then are defending it and claim the country

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I don't understand.

Why only these countries within europe? What happens during the game and why? How do you enpty countries and win the game?

I've never played command and conquer

You have to invade and keep all the other countries on the map. Using dice instead of stukas and panzers.

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