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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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15 hours ago, HIT THE CHANNEL said:

A few reflections...

4. 1700 against saints and 2500 against the Pars is a step in the right direction. Getting the average gate to 1900/2000 and the derby gate to 3000 would be a great achievement by the end of the season. Hopefully the lowering of the prices, which I think was an excellent move by the club, gets a few lapsed fans back involved. The great start, on the back of a excellent season previous, should help too. the crowds regressed over a long period of pretty poor football and results at Starks so it will be a slow rebuilding. Although most people are probably already bang at this, I would encourage as many of you to try your hardest to badger your friends and family to come along and get them back into the habbit. We managed to convince a Dee to come on saturday as they played friday night! Incidentally he is coming again on saturday to hopefully watch us pump United.

Anyway, really looking forward to heading to Tannadice on saturday, I would Kevin Keegen to beat them.

I'm having nun of that black and white shite on this thread

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15 hours ago, HIT THE CHANNEL said:

5. Does anyone have any update on Craig Barr? will we see him before Christmas all things going well? Whilst Big Jean looks a good signing and the partnership with Bene looks promising, having cover is vital and Barr is quality when fit. 

I can't answer the Barr question but in terms of cover I've heard a rumour that we are after a centre back now and I'm not entirely sure how the fans would feel about him signing for the club. He's got, let's say, a chequered past.

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Things are pretty rosie down pratt street at the minute I was also astonished when Locke was appointed but so far so good and he's shut a lot of people up. Jury is still out though as the true tests come when he needs to make important changes and we go non our annual shite run post halloween but impressive so far.

The club seem to have upped their game from a pr point as well. Not just cutting admission which is a bold move and welcomed by fans of all teams in the league but they have omcreased the profile on social media loads of tweets and wee videos all help as well as inviting fans to a kit launch cashing in there and then by showing folk the kit them promptly relieving them of a fair few quid at the same time.

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