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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Seeing as someone posted that Kris Commons will be the player manager im all for that. Maybe slightly out of our price range but if we got rid of all our duds then we could afford him. Wait that would leave us with about 3 players. 

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Bobby Linn's been Tweeting pictures of the Arbroath squad in Magaluf for three days now, one of which has featured Dick Campbell.

Either he arrived later than everyone else, or the claim he was interviewed on Saturday is nonsense.

I'm presuming it's the latter. In fact, I don't believe for one second he's even been considered.

Was at the Cowden game on Saturday so must have travelled to meet up with the squad on Sunday
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32 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

Bobby Linn's been Tweeting pictures of the Arbroath squad in Magaluf for three days now, one of which has featured Dick Campbell.

Either he arrived later than everyone else, or the claim he was interviewed on Saturday is nonsense.

I'm presuming it's the latter. In fact, I don't believe for one second he's even been considered.

Campbell was at Central Park on Saturday, he was with the Pars kit man and came in about 5 minutes after you.

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5 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

If you'd like to decide whether or not you'd like Aitken by today then that'd be great. We're sort of stuck with no players or coaching staff here.


He should stick with you guys, it might be difficult to match or surpass Murray's 6th place finish in the championship, but it's unlikely Rovers will be bothering those dizzy heights for quite some time.

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Just now, renton said:

He should stick with you guys, it might be difficult to match or surpass Murray's 6th place finish in the championship, but it's unlikely Rovers will be bothering those dizzy heights for quite some time.

5th I'll have you know!

Things don't seem too rosy down at the Rock at the minute, and so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him jump at the offer of joining a bigger full-time club, even if things aren't great with you lot at the moment.

I just wish we'd know either way so we could get down to the business of assembling a squad and preparing for the new season.

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Just now, Sonsteam of 08 said:

5th I'll have you know!

Things don't seem too rosy down at the Rock at the minute, and so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him jump at the offer of joining a bigger full-time club, even if things aren't great with you lot at the moment.

I just wish we'd know either way so we could get down to the business of assembling a squad and preparing for the new season.

Of course it was, I was trying to work out whether that was one of Grant Murray's 6th or 7th place positions, as you finished directly above us - apologies.

How come things aren't looking to rosy? Next year is another eminently survivable league for you guys, and for all we're full time we aren't in any sense bigger and are a complete fucking mess at the minute.

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26 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

If you'd like to decide whether or not you'd like Aitken by today then that'd be great. We're sort of stuck with no players or coaching staff here.


I was going to take that one ^^^^^^^   (but Renton got there 1st).

Thanks Sons 08 but I'd prefer to decline on the Aitken offer.

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2 minutes ago, renton said:

Of course it was, I was trying to work out whether that was one of Grant Murray's 6th or 7th place positions, as you finished directly above us - apologies.

How come things aren't looking to rosy? Next year is another eminently survivable league for you guys, and for all we're full time we aren't in any sense bigger and are a complete fucking mess at the minute.

Where do I start?!

I posted this on our thread the other day

"We currently have no confirmation who our manager will be, with pre-season starting in roughly a month

  • We currently have the grand total of 0/none/zilch/nada signed players
  • We currently have no head of youth
  • We've rammed season ticket prices up, peeving off lifelong fans
  • We've rammed gate prices up, potentially deterring any walk up punters
  • We've got a stadium that requires extensive work
  • We've got owners who treat the fans with contempt, whilst trying to hide their true identity
  • We've got owners who will neglect the stadium work until it's absolutely, 100% necessary 
  • We've got owners who are desperately trying to get us to buy into a plan about as watertight as sieve
  • We've lost our top goalscorer and our leading assister to league rivals
  • We've been asked to fill in a survey by our owners that has no relation to our new stadium
  • We're being told every pre-season that 'the budget's been cut' having run with a tiny squad last season
  • The politics going on behind the scenes appears to outdo the Labour Party at the moment

I get the feeling when this excellent period ends we'll have a few tough seasons ahead."

To expand on it. The lack of players is concerning me, but I understand that they won't sign until Stevie does. That leaves us in limbo. On top of that we're having to replace the majority of our best players, with Thomson (top goalscorer and joint top assister), Andy Stirling (top assister), Sam Stanton (standout outfield player), Daniel Harvie (YPOTY) confirmed as away and potentially the vital Alan Martin and Stuart Carswell going elsewhere too.

On top of that, our youth system was struggling and unproductive anyway, but it would seem that 'Project Brave' has killed it. Tony McInally was well thought of, and only joined last summer, yet he's away. For whatever reason.

Our ST and walk up prices have gone up a decent amount. Without published figures I can't be sure, but our home end feels less busy than it did a few years ago, whilst the general apathy felt by the people of the area isn't going to be helped by £20/22 tickets. There are fans on here who aren't buying STs for next season because of the the price rises, and they are guys we can't afford to be losing.

That's before you get to things behind the scenes. Our mysterious owners haven't put a penny in (or, to be fair to them, taken a penny out), however they are intent on trying to force through a totally unsustainable move to a stadium we won't own. As a result they have neglected the current site and it requires 'extensive' work with the slope and the floodlights being the main causes of that.

One of the owners (Ian Wilson) showed face at a meeting with the Sonstrust in November, and spoke to the fans with a tone that made him appear instantly despicable. He was patronising, passive aggressive and at times downright rude.

During that meeting the Trust handed out comment sheets to be passed on to the owners in order to highlight the issues that we are concerned about. We've heard nothing back from them, before Wilson starts bleeting to 'The Sun' about a negative 'small minority' being vocal in their opposition to the totally uncosted plans.That came after he refused to speak to the local press, and the article was the most one sided thing I think I've read.

As a total outsider therefore there looks to be a complete disconnect between the fans and the owners. The issue is that when the owners treat the fans with the contempt they've shown, then they can't expect unwavering support. That was further exemplified when we were asked to fill in a survey for the new stadium, and it asked questions like 'How fit would you consider yourself to be'? It's a football stadium, not a leisure centre!

This time last season we were informed that our budget had been cut. I've no idea by how much, or for what reason, but it's what we were told. As a result we started the Betfred Cup campaign with effectively 11 fit senior players, a broken Frazer Wright, and some young guys. Then again this year rumours have it it's been cut once more. So God knows where that leaves us!

So aye, you comfortably won crisis club Top Trumps this season, but we've started strongly in the competition for next season's crown!

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6 minutes ago, Scottydog said:

I was going to take that one ^^^^^^^   (but Renton got there 1st).

Thanks Sons 08 but I'd prefer to decline on the Aitken offer.

Good stuff. Let the board know, and hopefully we'll have him tied down to a new deal ASAP.

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