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Completed Games?


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Many years ago I played portal for a while, enjoyin it as a series of puzzle based levels, didnt get too far thru it. I finally got around to playing it again, this time played it as one whole connected story and I've gotta say, DAMN! Its a fucked up game that really plays with you psychologically, and is pretty unsettling. Thought it was brilliant.

Other games recently completed include Zelda: link to the past, played this on an emulator on my phone, one of my top 5 games of all time, its still brilliant.

Tomb raider, the new one. Fun game to play, great graphics, but nothin particularly groundbreaking.

Dmc, another fun, arcadey game with excellent visuals, but nothing to write home about.

Playin sim city (snes) now, don't even know if it can be completed, city is up to 250k ppl and for the first time ever, I didn't use the money cheat!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Halo 4. Yet another game with a shockingly crap ending. All the way through the game I'm thinking "this Didact fella is almost indestructible, how the hell am I going to defeat him in the inevitable final chapter showdown?".

But no -

long video sequence, left stick, left stick, left stick, right trigger to implant grenade, long video sequence, end of game


Edited by Swarley
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  • 6 months later...

Not posted on this thread before, so I'll put my tiny platinum list with a wee description.

CoD: World at War -- Genuinely felt proud after getting this. Veteran was a wee bitch but trial and error made it a little easier. Also, everyone complained about how hard shooting down 45 Japanese Zeros was. Got it first time 8)

The Walking Dead - Get it for completing the game.

Assassin's Creed 2 - Collecting feathers was time consuming but wasn't challenging.

Lego LOTR - Done this with my little brother, lots of fun.

The Last of Us - More time-consuming than challenging. The game is so good though that I had no gripes with completing it multiple times.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Tomb Raider just there. Incredibly short, felt quite disappointed when it finished, as I was really enjoying it. Very easy too, as I never complete games (although curiously, I completed the first 4 TR games back in the day). I've only got 12/50 achievements, mind, so might replay to try and get them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just completed Assassin's Creed 2. Had got back into AC by downloading AC3 a few months ago. Completed the Storyline of this and decided that I needed to start from the first game again as when it first came out I couldn't get into it. However, I've not got round to playing the first one but got the 2nd one in Game Station for a fiver a few weeks ago along with Black Flag. Got stuck on Black Flag about 30% in......sold materials for money, which then f*cked me for upgrading the ship & at present, the mission I'm at requires me to capture a slave ship. However, my Jackdaw just isn't strong enough & it's impossible to defeat the ships and fortress who are firing at me. I decided to put it down and start on AC2 for a while to give me a wee break. Completed AC2 in about a week, really enjoyed it & will now return to AC4 to get this damn ship upgraded to be able to compete.

I do plan to completely complete AC2 if that makes sense. Collecting all those feathers is going to be a bugger though!

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Just finished "Hard Rain" on PS3.

Apparently there are a number of different endings depending on what actions you do.

May try it again.

As for the game, a solid 8/10 from me

Only played it through the once tho think i got one of the crapper endings. Excellent game tho, especially like that if the character you are controlling at that time dies the story adjusts and continues with the remaining ones

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