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I'm quite looking forward to this "innovative learning week". No classes so I'm going out Monday and Wednesday and going to a gig on Friday.

Noel G at the SECCby any chance?

I'm aiming to complete a good few series of The Wire during innovative learning week.

Edited by ForzaDundee
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Well, I've spent the last few weeks trying to get a one page form for a US application VISA filled in by the university.

Go to registry:

"I've never seen this form before."

Apparently this means, as I discovered several minutes later, that they weren't filling it in.

Email adviser of studies. Response 2 weeks later:

"I don't work here any more".

Thank you Glasgow bureaucracy rolleyes.gif

I was tempted, when emailing the head adviser of studies to say. So, if telling students that their adviser of studies is no longer at the university is not your job what is your job?

Oh and my lecturer kept bringing up that I was smiling too much today and it was putting her off. Which was just bizarre for so many different reasons and repeatedly targeting one student is probably tantamount to bullying - even if only 6 people actually went to the lecture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite being warned numerous times not to take econometrics this year I went ahead and took it anyway. Terrible decision on my part.

Funnily enough I'm currently sitting in a three hour Econometrics lecture.

It's shite and boring but I'm quite the boy at it.

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I wore my St Mirren hat to uni during the winter. 8)

I saw a guy with a red Saints track suit top on last week. First fellow Saints fans that I've seen at uni.

There's a guy at Glasgow Uni who plays in the 6-a-side league and wears the same full St.Mirren kit every single week. I also played football against a guy wearing St.Mirren shorts. Resisted the urge to kick him.

Edited by Bonksy+HisChristianParade
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There's a guy at Glasgow Uni who plays in the 6-a-side league and wears the same full St.Mirren kit every single week. I also played football against a guy wearing St.Mirren shorts. Resisteed the urge to kick him.

That was me for the last two years.

Wonder who it is now, wonder if he's as pish as me.

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Whole of class extension on our 4.5k essay for our honours politics module meaning that not only don't I have any classes from now until 27th March but I also don't have any assessments due until 16th April (that essay) then exams in late April/May.

Down-side: I've been bed-ridden ill with gastroenteritis since Thursday and still don't feel great. At least I didn't get it during a particularly busy work spell.

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Exam timetable for Glasgow out today.

As ever it could be better and could be worse. I have two exams 2-4 (decent) and two 9:30-11:30 (shit).

The dates are 23rd April to the 18th May and mine are all late-ish coming in May on the 3rd, 8th, 9th and 17th. Strategically this will mean I will not be studying my financial management exam until the 9th and focusing on the other three. Having two a day after each other is obviously shit but I know people who have a morning exam on the 8th as well as the two I have, so it could be worse.

It also sets me quite nicely for a Thursday blow out.

Edited by Supras
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Exam timetable for Glasgow out today.

As ever it could be better and could be worse. I have two exams 2-4 (decent) and two 9:30-11:30 (shit).

The dates are 23rd April to the 18th May and mine are all late-ish coming in May on the 3rd, 8th, 9th and 17th. Strategically this will mean I will not be studying my financial management exam until the 9th and focusing on the other three. Having two a day after each other is obviously shit but I know people who have a morning exam on the 8th as well as the two I have, so it could be worse.

It also sets me quite nicely for a Thursday blow out.

I finish on the 4th. Not bad.

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