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Who's Going To Uni?

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One of the guys I hang about with at uni was talking to someone in the year above about an assignment (one we're doing just now and one that they did last year), I don't know who brought it up because I wasn't there but apparently the lecturer didn't hand back their assignments and even refused to when someone asked for their's back (said he could only give feedback but not return the report).

There was also a suggestion that he was selling them (the assignment is that we're designing a car parking structure) now I don't believe that but surely he can't refuse to hand back the assignments? I think it'll be mostly calculations and drawings too so it's not like I'm typing up a report that I can just print off another copy of. Was just wondering since I know there's some people on the teaching side of things in this thread.

As an aside, got my dissertation subject and pretty happy with it. Second choice but it's in a subject where it was only going to be one lecturer and he's a good one (whereas my first choice topic is in a subject where there's a really bad lecturer, an alright one and a good one so it may have been a lottery on getting a good supervisor). Only need to submit the proposal this semester (end of November) but pleased that it's off to a good start.

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Dissertation is a taboo word for me at the minute. I've got to have a synopsis of it done by next week and I've not even got a question.

Still snowed under with a project evaluation which I essentially design, cost and maintain a brand new development. Shit loads of work to be doing, fortunately not so much for me as others.

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Just try scrape through it and next time make sure you pick an easy course like something from the business school or since your doing maths go for something like physics or astronomy. The programming courses are supposed to be really hard because Edinburgh is apparently number one in the UK for it.

I had a very similar thing with a f****** programme called MatLab. All you need to do is these secondary subjects is scrape a pass for the credits though. My other one was geography which probably involved more work than everything else combined due to essays on topics which scramble for relevance.

Cheers for the replies. It just seems impossible to keep up and because I've never done anything like it before the terms 'head' and 'brick wall' come to mind. It's been affecting my other subjects because I'm worrying like f*** because I don't have a clue about it. Meeting my personal tutor today to see if theres anything he can do, but really don't see a way out. Fucking hell.

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Cheers for the replies. It just seems impossible to keep up and because I've never done anything like it before the terms 'head' and 'brick wall' come to mind. It's been affecting my other subjects because I'm worrying like f*** because I don't have a clue about it. Meeting my personal tutor today to see if theres anything he can do, but really don't see a way out. Fucking hell.

What programming language are you using?

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I'm doing 2nd year Chem Eng part time at Edinburgh this year, due to me being the laziest fucktard in the world in 1st year, carrying credits onto 2nd year and it all emploding.

One thing I will say though, with regards to struggling with computer programming stuff, I've found (and heard from Edinburgh uni dropouts that have then went on to Herriot Watt) that basically EU is terrible at helping struggling students. Apparently Herriot Watt has far more communication between lecturers/tutors and students. I remember basically just not going to tutorials or handing in assignments in 1st year and I never heard a word back. Obviously we're all adults and need to take control of that stuff ourselves but the Uni couldn't give a sh*t! Thankfully I've got my head screwed on this year.

Good luck with the computing stuff, and if I can say one thing to help, it would be to confront your problems NOW. Don't wait till week 10/11 when theres no time for the information to sink in.

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Finding uni a bit daunting so far, if truth be told. I'm studying maths (which isn't too bad so far). However, the main problem is in one of my 2 secondary subjects. I (stupidly, probably) chose computer programming despite having no previous experience at school of it, although the course entry did no ask for any prerequisites and said it was open to those with no prior experience. Its like a completely different language to me already and its only a few weeks in, f*** :( Also, I'm at edinburgh


Is the course Computer Programming Skills and Concepts?

I'm at Edinburgh and did that course when I was in first year 4 years ago. I'm studying Civil Engineering and it was a suggested outside subject so I chose it. Like you I found it very difficult to begin with. I found it got better as it went on and I ended up passing it fairly comfortably.

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Absolutely. Contributing to the alienation and individual desensitisation that inherently comes with a capitalist society.

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Anyone who stands for election to a post in a student union is a bellend. I've no time at all for those organisations, that said I do contribute to the sports union by paying a membership so I can have the privilege of being involved in a sport.

Aw sheeeeit. SweeperDee is bringing out the deep stuff again.

Edited by yoda
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Cheers for the replies. It just seems impossible to keep up and because I've never done anything like it before the terms 'head' and 'brick wall' come to mind. It's been affecting my other subjects because I'm worrying like f*** because I don't have a clue about it. Meeting my personal tutor today to see if theres anything he can do, but really don't see a way out. Fucking hell.

If it helps, I had similar worries a few weeks into uni as although the electronic engineering course I started off doing only specified Higher maths as a prerequisite, Engineering maths suddenly started jumping into more complex stuff and I remember my lecturer saying "we'll, you really should have done Advanced Higher before coming here".

The fear of dropping out and disappointing everyone doesn't help, but I got over over it. The thing is, address the problem NOW so speak to your lecturer as I'm guessing that the rest of the course will build on what you're covering just now. I pulled through with a little extra help. Most lecturers / tutors are happy to help and appreciate you asking them questions.

I also found that dedicating certain days to different subject helped me too rather than literally worrying about different subjects at the same time.

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Wit the f**k you talkin about m8?


Do you just get all your posts out of a standard grade Modern studies/sociology textbook?

Capitalism through it's exploitive nature strips people of individuality, hence Universities becoming places that almost encourage/enforce conformism isn't all that surprising really. Instead of criticising the poster however, why not reply and criticise the actual post? I'd happily engage with you about capitalism and its flaws.

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Capitalism through it's exploitive nature strips people of individuality, hence Universities becoming places that almost encourage/enforce conformism isn't all that surprising really. Instead of criticising the poster however, why not reply and criticise the actual post? I'd happily engage with you about capitalism and its flaws.

Become or Becoming; I actually don't know which one is right in this instance. It's too early. :(

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You should probably learn the difference between "it's" and "its" as well tbh.

Whereabouts? The post you quoted has the correct usage of "it's" and the original post has its which is the possessive/ownership version of the word.

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