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My attendance even during honours years was absolutely dreadful, despite the fact I lived a ten minute walk away.

I could quite comfortably got a 2:1 by not going to a single lecture and combining my 4 years of uni into 1.

I actually feel quite embarrassed to have a good degree from a good uni given how little effort I put in.

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Last exam done!

Was the.first year subject I took to make up credits so next to no work done for it and I was late as I sat in the wrong exam for five minutes

Only exam I have left early in uni too. Just wanted out of there


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My last one is Comparative Literature tomorrow and I can't wait til it's out the way due to an exciting football/alcohol themed weekend ahead. I've done barely any work for it though and I've had to spend my birthday today going over old slides and copying out quotes over and over again.

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My last one is Comparative Literature tomorrow and I can't wait til it's out the way due to an exciting football/alcohol themed weekend ahead. I've done barely any work for it though and I've had to spend my birthday today going over old slides and copying out quotes over and over again.

Comparative Lit is probably the one module I've taken that I properly hated. Managed to get a good grade despite not actually finishing the books I wrote about in the exam.

Some utterly awful novels were on that reading list. And one good one, but I wasted that on the essay.

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Comparative Lit is probably the one module I've taken that I properly hated. Managed to get a good grade despite not actually finishing the books I wrote about in the exam.

Some utterly awful novels were on that reading list. And one good one, but I wasted that on the essay.

I got a C1 in the first semester, and that was by writing on two books in the final exam that I didn't even read at all and based on last minute sparknotes revision.

The worst thing about the course is that the books are so bloody hard to find in English because they're essentially European texts. There was one book that was 24 hour only in the library that everyone was fighting for after the John Smith had run out of the Comp Lit bundle packs, and I only just finished it yesterday. My own fault really for not taking the course all that seriously, but it's easy enough to get an acceptable mark in with little effort.

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I got a C1 in the first semester, and that was by writing on two books in the final exam that I didn't even read at all and based on last minute sparknotes revision.

The worst thing about the course is that the books are so bloody hard to find in English because they're essentially European texts. There was one book that was 24 hour only in the library that everyone was fighting for after the John Smith had run out of the Comp Lit bundle packs, and I only just finished it yesterday. My own fault really for not taking the course all that seriously, but it's easy enough to get an acceptable mark in with little effort.

When I did it the 'bundle pack' consisted of three of the books. Searching for them online meant I managed to get one of the books in Spanish, and a very badly translated version of another book which meant it was pretty much unreadable.

I wonder if they mark it softly as it may be the only way to convince people to actually do it at honours.

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It's all over. The comp lit exam today went pretty much as expected (other than being interrupted by two fire alarms), it felt like I talked a whole load of shite in my answers but should be enough to get me an ok mark.

My biggest regret is undoubtedly English Lit though, an exam where I just rushed through the paper foolishly, overlooked two very suitable questions and answered two much harder ones instead that I had to force my answers into without being at all relevant to the question. I only need a C1 to progress to honours but it went so badly in that exam I doubt I'll even get that. Were it not for the breakdown I had in that exam then I'd be going into the summer absolutely flying, but I may as well just forget about it now and cross the bridge when I come to it.

I've been looking forward to finishing up for ages - a reuniting with FM, a hunt for a part time job and the beginning of my driving lessons are all in the pipeline.

Edited by Firhill Road
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My attendance even during honours years was absolutely dreadful, despite the fact I lived a ten minute walk away.

I could quite comfortably got a 2:1 by not going to a single lecture and combining my 4 years of uni into 1.

I actually feel quite embarrassed to have a good degree from a good uni given how little effort I put in.

What did you study, out of interest?

My courses certainly got a lot more difficult into honours (I've just finished a Maths degree), but a lot of my friends who studied Arts subjects seem to feel that 4th year modules were no more difficult than first year ones. Perhaps that's just the uni I went to though and other places are different.

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The boy I reported for plagiarism admitted it (and on another course, too).

Needless to say he failed the courses and will not be graduating with honours this summer.

Good. Why should folk who have blatantly cheated get the same grades as those who have worked hard honestly.

One guy I know made it super obvious though. For the geology equivalent of a thesis/dissertation, he had to spend a month out in the arse end of nowhere, in his case around Glenshee, to produce a geological map and regional report. One week before submission, the Braemar BGS map magically goes missing from the map room and his submitted product is an exact replica. Funnily enough, he never got his honours either.

To make it worse, there's a giant false fault on the map where two BGS mappers had previously mapped different areas. Where they didn't join up perfectly, the BGS just explained it by drawing in a fault.

I think he spent most of the time at the other end of the country getting pissed with mates back home during the summer actually. Unlucky.

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I went to Skye for 10days with my mate who was doing his 4th year Earth science mapping project. I just went with him to get wrecked and go hillwalking myself while he did his mapping exercise.

He was really unwell for 3 days so I went out and did it for him. He got an A for it. Im only mentioning this because you mentioned geological mapping, not because it's plagiarism (although I suppose it technically is) but because of my absolute astonishment that he got such a mark when I did a third of the mapping

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I didn't know until after his hearing that he had done it on another course as well.

I was bloody seething about it. Another student I supervised worked his arse off for the final 3 weeks, sending me drafts at 4 am,, working every waking hour to squeak through. What this guy did was take an earlier dissertation and go through it line by line, rewording it. This brought the "plagiarism checker" score down to an acceptable level. If I hadn;t checked against his sources he would have passed no problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice one mate! Unlucky on missing out on a first. What's next for you?

I was lucky enough to land a job at uni, working in events. I am enjoying it so far, been pretty busy the past couple of weeks!

What about yourself?

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