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Who's Going To Uni?

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There's no chip on my shoulder; you won't catch me moaning about it and I hate it when folk try to belittle other degrees or anything like that. It's just blatantly obvious though, don't know why some other's have a problem with it.

You're putting other degrees down by saying you're having to work harder than people, with absolutely no evidence either way. How do you define working hard btw?

I'm sure most would happily confirm that medics have to work harder than them, why then do they have a problem engineers working harder than them? Maybe it's simply due to an image problem surrounding engineering in general.

I have absolutely no idea how hard "medics" (quite a varied group as with any degree discipline I'm sure you'd agree) work. Neither do you.

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Edinburgh Uni sounds like its full of c***s!

Nothing like making a sweeping generalisation about an entire university.

Those bitching about their workload really need to man up, I found university very easy to manage - although I'm sure there will be very contrasting experiences across my course - but on the whole it is a lot less intensive than working.

I was always bemused by people, doing the exact same thing as me, who got extremely stressed out about university. You have classes about 8 hours a week, and have months to do your assignments, it's a pretty decent life for anyone with a semblance of organisation.

If you think engineering degrees are too much work, you best stay far away from being an engineer in Oil and Gas...

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Nothing like making a sweeping generalisation about an entire university.

Those bitching about their workload really need to man up, I found university very easy to manage - although I'm sure there will be very contrasting experiences across my course - but on the whole it is a lot less intensive than working.

I was always bemused by people, doing the exact same thing as me, who got extremely stressed out about university. You have classes about 8 hours a week, and have months to do your assignments, it's a pretty decent life for anyone with a semblance of organisation.

If you think engineering degrees are too much work, you best stay far away from being an engineer in Oil and Gas...

Well my original comment was a sweeping generalisation but one that i have heard from a lot of people i know who have gone there.

That aside i agree with you - i have worked since school and couldn't hack college in my early years because i chose to get pissed instead so got what i deserved. For years i wanted to go back and do what i could as i would always be told i had the brains just not the ambition or motivation but eventually took a leap of faith last august and started at college thinking the work load would be hard to manage throughout but i was pretty wrong. Fair enough and HND isn't a ridiculously hard thing to do but i was surprised at how so many people around me did so very little and complained about how hard it was, the same people who said they wanted to to go uni afterwards so needed good grades in their graded units were the ones who handed no draft submissions in, had next to nothing done up until 3 days before final submissions and were gobsmacked they didn't get the grade to get into uni. i just wonder what they are doing there? why bother be on the course and what do you expect to get from your qualification if you can't meet deadlines even with months to kill?!

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Anyone on here went into Uni (1st year) via the HNC route? i have highers but i wouldn't stand a decent chance of getting into most places, would a HNC backed up with highers give me a good chance of getting into Uni? (Heriot Watt is where i want to go btw)

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Anyone on here went into Uni (1st year) via the HNC route? i have highers but i wouldn't stand a decent chance of getting into most places, would a HNC backed up with highers give me a good chance of getting into Uni? (Heriot Watt is where i want to go btw)

what you wanting to study pal?

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Business with Marketing mate

A few guys on my course had the grades to get into first year uni but decided to go to college, 2 of them were wanting to go into 1st year of uni after they spent the year getting an HNC which was a bit of a waste of a year IMO. The 2 of them didn't get the graded unit results they needed as well so couldn't get into uni that way anyway. I can only really say that the college will help you get through your year or your 2 years and give you a lot more help than you would get at uni so you get your hand held through it somewhat so it will probably ease you into uni life but if you get good grades in your year doing an HNC your as well trying to aim for 2nd year entry to uni as you will probably feel that you have wasted a year! Just my opinion though

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A few guys on my course had the grades to get into first year uni but decided to go to college, 2 of them were wanting to go into 1st year of uni after they spent the year getting an HNC which was a bit of a waste of a year IMO. The 2 of them didn't get the graded unit results they needed as well so couldn't get into uni that way anyway. I can only really say that the college will help you get through your year or your 2 years and give you a lot more help than you would get at uni so you get your hand held through it somewhat so it will probably ease you into uni life but if you get good grades in your year doing an HNC your as well trying to aim for 2nd year entry to uni as you will probably feel that you have wasted a year! Just my opinion though

Aye that's what i've been thinking, a couple of guys i know done 2 years at college then the final two years at Uni, it's just the step up that worries me. What college do you go to?

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Aye that's what i've been thinking, a couple of guys i know done 2 years at college then the final two years at Uni, it's just the step up that worries me. What college do you go to?

I was the same i was worried about how hard college was gonna be and spent the first year worrying at how hard uni would be but found that i sailed through and got an A in my graded unit so i am on the right tracks for sure. I got Edinburgh college and wanting to get into 3rd year of heriot watt. Need to get an A in my 2nd year as well though i think. College might be right for you if your worried about the step up plus you can still have an HND and get a job off that if you decide studying isn't for you!

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On moving from college to uni, the staff here have said that in their experience the incoming college students are in 2 groups. Half have a good work ethic and get on with it and often outperform the students who were here for years 1 and 2. The other half find reasons not to come in, for instance we have students who come from a Glasgow college and for many coming to Edinburgh for a lecture is deemed a waste of time. These folk find the transition hard.

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Next year is a massive year for me. I'm currently sitting on a first (I think, not sure how my study abroad grades in second semester will be converted), and so I just need to pick some decent courses next year and do a good dissertation and I should make it. I wouldn't be too bothered with a 2:1 though, I probably deserve it given how utterly shite my GPA is after first and second year.

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How do you know you narrowly missed out?

I ended up with 67% overall, and to get a 1st you need a 69.1%. I fucked up a couple of modules in third year, which had I done better in, my overall average would have been much better.

Regarding the direct entry courses, that's what I done. The work is much more challenging, but lecturers are aware that they are teaching DE students, so they do tend to go easier on you in the beginning, in my experience.

For those heading into HND, you should be asking lecturers for tutorials on how to reference properly, how to go about searching for information, and improving your writing style. We had absolutely none of that in college.

Through work, I'm going out to local colleges come August to talk about uni, and I will be raising all three points, as they are critical to success at university.

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For our graded unit we had hardly been told anything about referencing to then be told its alls bout referencing and you can't say something without backing it up, i just wrote a few reports and did a reference list at the end but apparently it wasn't enough and i had to quote it in my text as well. Got a good grasp of report writing now mind you

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I've just been accepted onto MLitt Celtic and Viking Archaeology at Glasgow. I'm a little worried as I've never studied archaeology before, so going in at masters level will be a bit of a challenge. A summer of reading should have me up to speed though and the admissions staff must think I'll be upto it. I'm mostly really excited though. I've been wasting my time and degree since I graduated in 2012 and I can't wait to get back to studying now.

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I've just been accepted onto MLitt Celtic and Viking Archaeology at Glasgow. I'm a little worried as I've never studied archaeology before, so going in at masters level will be a bit of a challenge. A summer of reading should have me up to speed though and the admissions staff must think I'll be upto it. I'm mostly really excited though. I've been wasting my time and degree since I graduated in 2012 and I can't wait to get back to studying now.

Well done buddy; sounds quite interesting.

What's the degree outline like?

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Cheers. It's quite wide ranging, depending on your interests. I'm planning on sticking with more theoretical and interdisciplinary courses on historical archaeology and suchlike, with a focus on kingship. There's lots of fieldwork as well though, which'll make a nice change from my usual library intensive choice of courses. All in all, I'm really excited about studying something brand new to me.

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I've just been accepted onto MLitt Celtic and Viking Archaeology at Glasgow. I'm a little worried as I've never studied archaeology before, so going in at masters level will be a bit of a challenge. A summer of reading should have me up to speed though and the admissions staff must think I'll be upto it.

Darn, you just missed 'Vikings' with Neil Oliver on the Yesterday channel. That would have half sorted you out.

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