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Passed all my exams for my 4th semester so I'll be admitted to do Honours now. Anybody able to tell me how Degree classifications are worked out? I'mm assuming it's based on the 3rd and 4th year? I just can't seem to understand how it works.

It should be detailed in the course description. 3rd year could count for nothing or it could count for a certain percentage of your degree classification. You'll be told just how much or if not it will be easily accessible.

I'm going back to uni for another year to do a masters. Got 2 offers, unsure which one to chose, it will really come down to which one I get funding for.

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Passed the classes I have got results for (1 left), got 2 A's 2 B's and a C. Fairly pleased with that and comfortably made it in to 5th year, don't even need the result for my final class. 8)

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Passed all my exams for my 4th semester so I'll be admitted to do Honours now. Anybody able to tell me how Degree classifications are worked out? I'mm assuming it's based on the 3rd and 4th year? I just can't seem to understand how it works.

Depends on what courses the Uni counts as contributing to the classification. Usually this is 3rd and 4th year courses. Here, it's as simple as this:

70% + 1st class

60-69% 2:1

50-59% 2:2

40-49% 3rd class

In the meetings however if a student is on the borderline (say, got 69.1%) then the lecturers discuss the student and if they feel it's right, they make the case for that student to be bumped up.

This is why, in large part I say to all students on here - go to your lectures. Be engaged and talk to the lecturers. If you do that, and you make a good impression, they'll go to bat for you.

If you do it all from home and don't go in, as many people on here have said they do, you won't get that.

We had a student with 49.8% and nobody made the case for him to get a 2:2. He's getting a 3rd. That's because he didn't engage with the lecturers or the courses.

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Guest honestrae95

Next year is a massive year for me. I'm currently sitting on a first (I think, not sure how my study abroad grades in second semester will be converted), and so I just need to pick some decent courses next year and do a good dissertation and I should make it. I wouldn't be too bothered with a 2:1 though, I probably deserve it given how utterly shite my GPA is after first and second year.

Just out of curiosity what was your GPA from 1st and 2nd year?

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Depends on what courses the Uni counts as contributing to the classification. Usually this is 3rd and 4th year courses. Here, it's as simple as this:

70% + 1st class

60-69% 2:1

50-59% 2:2

40-49% 3rd class

In the meetings however if a student is on the borderline (say, got 69.1%) then the lecturers discuss the student and if they feel it's right, they make the case for that student to be bumped up.

This is why, in large part I say to all students on here - go to your lectures. Be engaged and talk to the lecturers. If you do that, and you make a good impression, they'll go to bat for you.

If you do it all from home and don't go in, as many people on here have said they do, you won't get that.

We had a student with 49.8% and nobody made the case for him to get a 2:2. He's getting a 3rd. That's because he didn't engage with the lecturers or the courses.

How do my grades so far translate into percentages?

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How do my grades so far translate into percentages?

Well...didn't your courses get marked as percentages? These can be translated to grades but each should have a number.

Then it's the average of these.

A second thought on determining the degree outcome. For here, to get a first you must average 70% and above on your courses and also get a minimum of 70% on your final year dissertation.

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Just out of curiosity what was your GPA from 1st and 2nd year?

You're doing law at Glasgow, right?

1st and 2nd year GPA counts for naff all as long as you get into Honours. The only possible issue is you need to have done well enough if you want to get on the Diploma but the entry standards are low.

My 1st and 2nd year Law GPA was 15.7 on the Glasgow scale of 22. I ended up with a First with a Law GPA of 18 for my Honours subjects and am now doing a PhD in the damned thing.

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Depends on what courses the Uni counts as contributing to the classification. Usually this is 3rd and 4th year courses. Here, it's as simple as this:

70% + 1st class

60-69% 2:1

50-59% 2:2

40-49% 3rd class

In the meetings however if a student is on the borderline (say, got 69.1%) then the lecturers discuss the student and if they feel it's right, they make the case for that student to be bumped up.

This is why, in large part I say to all students on here - go to your lectures. Be engaged and talk to the lecturers. If you do that, and you make a good impression, they'll go to bat for you.

If you do it all from home and don't go in, as many people on here have said they do, you won't get that.

We had a student with 49.8% and nobody made the case for him to get a 2:2. He's getting a 3rd. That's because he didn't engage with the lecturers or the courses.

What's the point in having exams then? Just sit down in a room and give the people who sit in the front row firsts.

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My English Lit exam which I was depressing over for weeks afterwards ended up, somehow, getting me a B2. I was hoping for better at the start of semester but after the way things went I'm delighted with that and will go into joint honours with Politics next year.

Can't help but think the markers are a bit generous though, my exam was a complete disaster :lol:

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"Congratulations, you have successfully completed your programme and the Programme Board of Examiners has great pleasure in awarding you:

Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours (1st Division) in Building Surveying"

Well isn't that lovely of them, 2:1 confirmed today, not that it was in any doubt. No doubt I'll still be grumbling about my double group module screwing up my chances of a first when I retire!!

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Well...didn't your courses get marked as percentages? These can be translated to grades but each should have a number.

Then it's the average of these.

A second thought on determining the degree outcome. For here, to get a first you must average 70% and above on your courses and also get a minimum of 70% on your final year dissertation.

To the best of my knowledge they are only graded 1:A-C, 2:A-F 3:A-C and 4:A-F.

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Had a re-sit today and I slept in and missed it. E-mailed the course co-ordinator but I don't expect him to go out his way to offer me another one (don't blame him).

Any Stirling people had a credits shortfall before? Is it just a case of picking up an extra module next semester, or two half modules over two semesters?

I realise it's my own fault but I'm feart in case they turn round and tell me to get to f**k.

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Had a re-sit today and I slept in and missed it. E-mailed the course co-ordinator but I don't expect him to go out his way to offer me another one (don't blame him).

Any Stirling people had a credits shortfall before? Is it just a case of picking up an extra module next semester, or two half modules over two semesters?

I realise it's my own fault but I'm feart in case they turn round and tell me to get to f**k.

Just pass every module between now and the end of 4th semester. I fucked up one in autumn there and managed fine.

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Received 5 unconditionals to study Journalism this year.

After careful consideration, I decided that with the financial constraints involved in moving to Edinburgh, Glasgow Caledonia would be my best option. Anyone sat the course?

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"Congratulations, you have successfully completed your programme and the Programme Board of Examiners has great pleasure in awarding you:

Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours (1st Division) in Building Surveying"

Well isn't that lovely of them, 2:1 confirmed today, not that it was in any doubt. No doubt I'll still be grumbling about my double group module screwing up my chances of a first when I retire!!

Congratulations! A 2:1 is harder to get than some folk think.

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Getting even more nervous with every passing day

Attended a DegreePrep at RGU on Monday & yesterday. Looking even more forward to going but there's a niggling part of my mind that keeps trying to convince me I won't get in.

Completed & passed all my Interactive Media at college, just waiting on the results of my graded unit. Need to get a B or more to get into the Multimedia Development course.

Trying not to think about it but my mind keeps asking "What's the backup plan if you don't get the B or better?", so far I don't have one apart from pick up much more hours at work

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