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I was one of the non-contributors till about this time last year. I used to turn up and hope to learn from the tutor or others in the group. I was in a class though which was absolutely painful, there were about 10 of us and no one would answer anything. The tutor was struggling badly so I felt guilty and started contributing much more. As gimpy as it sounds, you do get a lot more out of it when you make an effort.

No? Really? dry.gif

I've taught 4 person tutorials this semester (only 5 people in the class at best), except I'm an awesome tutor, so I never struggle. 8)

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Got a B2 in my History essay there - first essay at uni so pretty pleased with that. Only real criticism was that I tried to cover too wide a period at times so my argument was sometimes a bit thin but good otherwise

Also got the full 10% for seminar participation so in a good position to get a good grade this semester after the exam smile.gif

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Working on a presentation for Friday. I hate presentations, I have no confidence whatsoever in standing up and speaking to a room full of people.

It's always about the standing up bit for me. I can teach a classroom whilst sitting down at a desk running a Powerpoint show perfectly fine but as soon as I'm standing up, I get a case of Shakey Leg Syndrome. Stupid really.

Tutor filmed it and burned a disc for everybody with their presentation on it. Needless to say, I will never be watching mine.

I got put on a 'Train the Trainer' course when I first started my job and we had to stand up and give a 5 min talk knowing we were going to be filmed. It would then be played back to the whole class for them to pick out any faults they thought you had. Terrifying at the time but really useful in the long run. I'd rather not do that again though.

It disappoints me when people can't spell the name of the place where they studied sad.gif

Alexander Carnegie would be horrified.

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Can't get an answer from my seminar leader so may as well put it here. We had to do a 2000 word essay and then a 1000 word reflective report afterwards. I've went right my word count in the report by around 200 words, so don't want to add anything else obviously. My question, I want to include a Johari Window in an appendice at the end, if I write something about it in the appendice, does that count towards my word count? My mate reckons it doesn't, but I'm not too sure.

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I'd say that if you expect it to be evaluated, then it should count towards your word count. Footnotes are generally considered part of word counts too.

That said, (and of course, check with your course syllabus and/or the instructor first) word counts tend to be a guideline for most assignments in my experience: obviously instructors don't want to grade 100 'War and Peace' efforts which is why they tend to stipulate a maximum, but the idea that an answer can only be provided in a set number of words is fairly ridiculous. Some people have more direct writing styles than others, and I doubt anyone would say that a student's thoughts and evidence should be left out just because of an arbitrary limit on word count.

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Bibliographies count for us in music - I think they always have. I got special dispensation to go slightly over in last years dissertation since I referenced a lot of youtube videos and the URL's for them are huuuuuuuge.

Aye, so someone who was in my year and did a couple of the same courses as me is in court accused of gay rape. Was one of those guys who everyone is aware of, had nicknames for and generally thought him to be a bit of an oddball. Really quite horrifying.

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Bibliographies count for us in music - I think they always have. I got special dispensation to go slightly over in last years dissertation since I referenced a lot of youtube videos and the URL's for them are huuuuuuuge.

Aye, so someone who was in my year and did a couple of the same courses as me is in court accused of gay rape. Was one of those guys who everyone is aware of, had nicknames for and generally thought him to be a bit of an oddball. Really quite horrifying.

Was that the story about the guy getting raped on Byres Rd last weekend? Bloody hell!

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The one thing that's annoying me this year is that Politics have returned to this bizarre rule about including Bibliographies in the word count. Mental.

Really? Fucking hell laugh.gif

My bibliographies are always huge, it's a form of cheating really.

Was that the story about the guy getting raped on Byres Rd last weekend? Bloody hell!

Not Byres Road, it was up in Dowanhill.

Although there was one on Byres Road too wasn't there?

Byers Road too?! Jesus Christ, my days of walking round the West End late at night carefree are over. He's on fucking bail too.

Is it weird I tried to look him up on facebook? Probably. But I wanted to know who to avoid.

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Yeah pretty sure I heard about one on Byres Rd, time to get the long johns looked out boys! Make it more difficult...

I'm a third of the way through my last paper due in before Christmas. Writing about Porter's Generic Strategy literally makes me want to kill myself.

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Byers Road too?! Jesus Christ, my days of walking round the West End late at night carefree are over. He's on fucking bail too.

Is it weird I tried to look him up on facebook? Probably. But I wanted to know who to avoid.

Maybe I'm getting them confused between news stories, when Adam mentioned it it rang a bell though.

This link provides a middle name, which will help with any cyber stalking STV news. Believe me, he has a strong online presence and is a rather infamous figure on campus.

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Maybe I'm getting them confused between news stories, when Adam mentioned it it rang a bell though.

This link provides a middle name, which will help with any cyber stalking STV news. Believe me, he has a strong online presence and is a rather infamous figure on campus.

Yeah, I too may be getting confused.

See he's from Edinburgh. Hardly a surprise really. Coming through here, shagging our men. dry.gif

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We've returned to bibliographies as well in Politics. Apparently the all the universities were getting hassle over not making them compulsory as it downgraded the quality of the course so they've made it a requirement again.

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