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Goalmine Competition !

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Pie and Bovril is delighted to announce the launch of our "Goalmine" competition which we will run from time to time throughout the season. The game is funded by our generous donations and affiliate commission that we make through the website so thanks to everyone who has supported us B)

Since this is the launch we are offering an extra special prize of a £150 MP3 player :o !

Of course winning such a prize is not going to be easy B)

Read on for full details;

The competition

The Goalmine competition is simple. All you need to do is estimate the total number of goals that will be scored in ALL senior scottish games next weekend November 13th/14th. That means every fixture in the SPL, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divisions.

Secondly, as a tie-breaker, you must then guess how many penalties will be scored in all of those games.

How to enter

To enter all you need to do is post on this topic with your guess. You should state clearly the number of goals you estimate will be scored and the number of penalties that you think will be scored.

You may only enter ONCE, and once you have posted you may NOT go back and amend your entry. ANY posts that have the "edited" tag on them will be disregarded even if they are edited prior to the games kicking off !

Users with multiple aliases should still only enter once, please don't try to cheat !

Any registered forum user may enter the competition.

You must have entered the competition by 3pm on 13th November. Any entries made after that time will be disregarded.

The Winner

After all of next weeks games are completed we will tally up the total goals scored and the number of penalties that have been scored. We will then check through the topic looking for those that correctly predicted the number of goals.

In the event of multiple posters having correctly guessed the total we will then use the penalties tie-breaker to decide the winner. The closest to the penalty total will then be declared the winner.

In the event that multiple posters have correctly guessed the number of goals, and the number of penalties the winner will be the poster who entered their predictions first :P

If nobody gets the number of goals right then the game will rollover to the next week!

The Prize

The prize is an MPeye HTS-150 1.5GB MP3, WMA, Ogg player with FM radio.

The features of this terrific device are as follows;

Up to 18 hours of battery life

Supports MP3, WMA ,OGG music files

Ultra-fast USB 2.0 transfers (up to 40 times faster than USB 1.1)

Integrated FM tuner

Built-in voice recorder

Intuitive music navigation Installation CD (PC)

Real-time MP3 encoding (no PC required)

1.5GB of internal storage

Store or transfer files of any type

FSTN 128x128 dot 8-line, EL Backlight

Rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery

Upgradeable to future formats and features

A couple of pictures of the device are shown below. We will deliver this direct to the winner of Goalmine :D



If you have any questions about Goalmine please post them here and we will answer them as soon as we can.

Thank you and good luck B)

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