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Looking through my wee boy's P3 pdp earlier and he has written, "I know that God created the world."

Explained to him what I believe and told him that he'll make his own mind up on these things when he's a bit older and knows more.

He tells me that he was asked to write that in his book which, if true, I'll be pretty annoyed about.

Are schools still allowed to teach these absolute bullshit fairy tales?

At my son's school they teach things about all religions, which is fair enough I guess, even though I don't really believe that there is a place for it in school these days.

If my son came home saying that he had been told to write in his book that God created the world then I too would probably be pissed off.

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I forgot to set my alarm and so slept in, resulting in me being 4 hours late for work. Because I'm working in a different building from everyone else by myself for half the day (then one other person comes in, but she's my mate and I've just told her and she laughed) no one noticed. They just thought I was in the other building.

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I forgot to set my alarm and so slept in, resulting in me being 4 hours late for work. Because I'm working in a different building from everyone else by myself for half the day (then one other person comes in, but she's my mate and I've just told her and she laughed) no one noticed. They just thought I was in the other building.

I work between different offices (17 miles apart) and don't need to tell my boss where I'll be on a daily basis.

My normal workmates in Aberdeen will be assuming I'm at the other office whilst the others there assume I'm in Aberdeen normally.

This could so easily be abused!

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I had a dream last night where me and some friends took a minibus to play football. We were going past the old maternity hospital in Dunfermline when the bus took a turn down a steep street that doesn't exitst to get to the fields (which also don't exist). Inside we were all getting changed and I went to take a pish. For some reason two of my friends were in there taking a pish whilst naked. One of them turned around and started pishing on me.

Naturally I was less than pleased and stormed out in a fury but also feeling hurt and betrayed. I decided to get a bus home so started walking up the steep, imaginary hill. Whilst walking up the hill I decided that as my trainers were soaked with pish, I would remove them. I threw them in a skip then resumed walking barefoot. At the top of the hill I got back in to an area that does exist, but was from the past (i.e. shops etc that are there now were not there in the dream; it looked like how it used to). I got on the bus, barefoot and got dtopped off at the old bus station (it was demolished years ago). I remember being worried about being barefoot and then was walking up one of the cables on the Forth Road Bridge.

I'm also writing this on the shitter at work and my right leg has gone numb and I"m struggling to stand.

^^^ friends with 8milebu

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I have to say, I don't really see why the school teaching Christianity to your children would annoy you.

Kids are independant enough to make up their own minds up about these things. Especially if they don't go to church. I was christened, took first communion, went to church AND Sunday School every sunday up until I was about 12ish, and I never gave two hoots about it nor was I ever remotely religious.

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I have to say, I don't really see why the school teaching Christianity to your children would annoy you.

Kids are independant enough to make up their own minds up about these things. Especially if they don't go to church. I was christened, took first communion, went to church AND Sunday School every sunday up until I was about 12ish, and I never gave two hoots about it nor was I ever remotely religious.

It's just like saying to children that Santa is real. At that age, they're stupid and don't realise it's all a big lie that they'll eventually grow out of.

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It's just like saying to children that Santa is real. At that age, they're stupid and don't realise it's all a big lie that they'll eventually grow out of.

If that was true there wouldn't be any adults in church/chapel.

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I have to say, I don't really see why the school teaching Christianity to your children would annoy you.

Kids are independant enough to make up their own minds up about these things. Especially if they don't go to church. I was christened, took first communion, went to church AND Sunday School every sunday up until I was about 12ish, and I never gave two hoots about it nor was I ever remotely religious.

Why teach it all though? Why not teach them about the cult of Transformers or He-Man or something? All are just as valid as Christianity, Islam etc etc.

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Just in from uni after doing the worst assignment I've ever been given. First train back from Dundeh and I'm now in bed. Haven't slept in just under 24 hours. Shame pubs aren't open at this time, would love a pint right now.

I just saw a bloke stumble out of the casino about 15 minutes ago. Are you as jealous as I am?

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