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I'm just in after deciding to walk home gassed as it was quite a nice evening. Half-way home it was pishing it down and I was thoroughly regretting not getting a cab. Just before my damp trudge ended a taxi drove past me, stopped turned round drove past me again, stopped then reversed back until he was level with me, no more than 20 paces from my door. He puts the window down and as I'm standing there soaked to the skin he shouts "Well, did you fucking order a taxi or not?" Well obviously not, c**t.

Well in Jimmy, good stuff.

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Guest The Phoenix

I bought a lovely 8 year old Scotch the other day, needless to say his parents weren't impressed

Something they probably have in common with yours.

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I got one from Tescos off the shelf about a month ago on an impulse. Same price. It's still in the back of the car though. If you post a picture of your sister in law I'll try it out tomorrow morning and let you know.

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