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The majority of the coke in Scotland is shite. It got tested a few years back and the amount of cocaine in the powder most mugs buy is about 5%.


Not that I would know, but you get what you pay for. When I buy it I get the good stuff because I want to feel it. When Bonnie buys it she gets Shit.
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I don't want to upset anyones feelings or put any posters nose out of joint with this sensational and groundbreaking news.

The best Pringles flavour is Prawn Cocktail.

That is all.

Get. Out.

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Come at me.

There's an idea, I'm going to beat you with one of throbbers socks.

Prawn fricken cocktail, I knew you were a deviant but too far.

Edit:ill beat not brat you, brat is a German style sausage. Doubt you want sausaged with one of throbbers socks

Edited by weirdcal
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I don't want to upset anyones feelings or put any posters nose out of joint with this sensational and groundbreaking news.

The best Pringles flavour is Prawn Cocktail.

That is all.

I second that. I could eat a tube of them just Now, cheers Bobby ya c**t.

Oh and weirdcal, you are outvoted on this one.

Edited by philpy
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I second that. I could eat a tube of them just Now, cheers Bobby ya c**t.

Oh and weirdcal, you are outvoted on this one.

I'll third that straight onto my shopping list for tomorrow. Think I'll pile them up between two pieces of sliced buttered white bread and then scrunched down to make a delicious mouth drooling lunch.


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In the house myself, so had a quick scan through the babe channels for the first time in years. Deary me they haven't half gone downhill....

I can't believe that they're still going tbh.

Used to love a wee skek when I was 12/13 but nowadays all the bairns have smartphones. Scary to think of the utter filth youngsters will be getting exposed too these days.

Babestation and Nuts were all I really had back in the day. Occasionally you'd get a wee shitey video sent on the bluetooth at the school.

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All the files from the laptop at work have been deleted. The girl I work with spent a hour looking in diffrent folders then turned it off then on hoping they would re-appear. She then took the battery out and put it back in saying I know a trick :lol:

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I can't believe that they're still going tbh.

Used to love a wee skek when I was 12/13 but nowadays all the bairns have smartphones. Scary to think of the utter filth youngsters will be getting exposed too these days.

Babestation and Nuts were all I really had back in the day. Occasionally you'd get a wee shitey video sent on the bluetooth at the school.

I can't believe they ever even got off the ground, considering that they started when everybody was getting the internet and nobody's parents knew anything about blocking websites. The idea that adults actually call in to these things...*shudder*

Oh, and you'll get no sympathy from us oldies. We had to make do with looking in hedges in case the porn fairy had dropped off a sticky bundle :angry:

Edit: can't type, need to sleep...fucking insomnia...

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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I can't believe they ever even got off the ground, considering that they started when everybody was getting the internet and nobody's parents knew anything about blocking websites. The idea that adults actually call in to these things...*shudder*

My job tangentially intersects with online advertising and a lot of money went into promoting these things in the early days. I assume some old duffer whose wife had long since stopped sleeping with him stood up in a board meeting one day and said, "Harlotry! That's what the youths want these days! Minion: go to the moving-picture store and procure a daguerreotype of the most delectable Prussian maidens, that we might 'up-load' it to the 'inter-net' for the recreation of the veteran onanist and manually-stimulating tyro alike. For but four farthings a day, they shall be cast free of the yoke of Livejasmin 'pop-ups'!"*

*not verbatim but close enough

Edited by Swampy
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Also, the reason they're still going is the same reason so many porn sites are still going: they cost relative pennies to operate (that is, you can get an affiliate porn site off the ground for the three figures) and the potential returns are quite high. Even at the top of the game you're talking an order of magnitude less than anything else in the motion picture industry, and while porn customers (that is, those who actually pay) are relatively few these days, they are an insanely loyal demographic. You can liken them to smokers, not just because of their behavior but also because of the ruinous effect on their health (albeit their mental health) exacted by their vice of choice. Once you get someone hooked on paid-for porn you have a customer until death, impotence, or rock bottom.

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