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That Harvey video is amazing.  I have so much admiration for him, not only for swearing in front of that panel of horrible old boots but if he's out and about and someone shouts something at him he just walks up and says "Hello you c**t".



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That Harvey video is amazing.  I have so much admiration for him, not only for swearing in front of that panel of horrible old boots

And Piers Morgan, whom I think we can safely say, he was addressing directly.

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Frankie Boyle had the funniest line about Harvey after Katie Price had claimed his earlier comments were making Harvey a subject to bullying he said something like "As if the kids at his school wanted to bully him before but couldn't think of an angle" Very poor taste but quite funny.

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Matty got banned for saying he laughed at Harvey Price.

I expect a few bannings here once Rudolph Hucker starts grassing.

Hello you c**t x

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From the ET story on Harvey's "slip" on Loose Women



She has also named and shamed the internet commentators who have created cruel memes and left vile messages about her son.


Pray for bullywee.


Edited by Mark Connolly
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