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8 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

You'll have to explain this one as it's not making sense to me

A chang bottle is rather large and about 7% alcohol. Nice though!

3 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

If you can remember what you've drank you're doing doing it wrong, imo ;)

Were you born in 1999?

Even if you weren't assuming you are early 20's and into going out all the time then that is fair enough thing to say but once you start getting a bit more health conscious then its a good idea to get some sort of scale into how much you are consuming and how it may be damaging you. I would consider my usual drinking session in the house to be a half bottle of wine and 4 tins/bottles of beer to be quite excessive as it goes far past your maximum daily amount recommended by health professionals, if someone was doing that every day then that would be something that should be cut back on a bit, perhaps half the quantity or only do it 4 nights a week or something. I consider it as too much good living, and while i get fat i don't particularly worry about liver disease or alcohol controlling/ruining my life. 20 cans a day, over a fortnight however is way off the scales as to what i would ever imagine being able to consume so i wanted to find out what was driving him to drink that much and what the come down was like off it. 

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19 minutes ago, throbber said:

A chang bottle is rather large and about 7% alcohol. Nice though!

Were you born in 1999?

Even if you weren't assuming you are early 20's and into going out all the time then that is fair enough thing to say but once you start getting a bit more health conscious then its a good idea to get some sort of scale into how much you are consuming and how it may be damaging you. I would consider my usual drinking session in the house to be a half bottle of wine and 4 tins/bottles of beer to be quite excessive as it goes far past your maximum daily amount recommended by health professionals, if someone was doing that every day then that would be something that should be cut back on a bit, perhaps half the quantity or only do it 4 nights a week or something. I consider it as too much good living, and while i get fat i don't particularly worry about liver disease or alcohol controlling/ruining my life. 20 cans a day, over a fortnight however is way off the scales as to what i would ever imagine being able to consume so i wanted to find out what was driving him to drink that much and what the come down was like off it. 

7%? I assume it must be different in Thailand then as in all the shops in Scotland it's 5%. And whilst you can get the bigger bottles of it, he never specified what size of bottles he was drinking.

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Not had a drink for about a month and it's making such a difference to life in general. Not a grouchy b*****d all the time, look healthy, don't get blinded by my own boozy sweat when I exercise, meals out are a fraction of the cost. Couldn't do it with willpower but used some mind bending technique and it has done the trick. 



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I have folk staying with us this week but after that I just want to cut it out for a month. Feeling quite anxious just now and have been for a few days which is 90% certainly down to drinking, couldn't get my pills for it as the surgery is shut today so going to have to drink to ease the nerves a bit.

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21 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

'runners' is a common parlance for 'trainers' in Australia. Or at least it was when I was there.

Got you. The weirdos rarely wear anything on their feet so footwear rarely pops into conversation. Why the f**k anyone would want to walk about barefoot in a petrol station forecourt in the pissing rain is beyond me. They are a strange breed these Western Australians.

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12 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Not had a drink for about a month and it's making such a difference to life in general. Not a grouchy b*****d all the time, look healthy, don't get blinded by my own boozy sweat when I exercise, meals out are a fraction of the cost. Couldn't do it with willpower but used some mind bending technique and it has done the trick. 



My friend says he is interested in learning about this mind bending trick, Derren.

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5 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Got you. The weirdos rarely wear anything on their feet so footwear rarely pops into conversation. Why the f**k anyone would want to walk about barefoot in a petrol station forecourt in the pissing rain is beyond me. They are a strange breed these Western Australians.

I was in Melbourne, maybe that's it.

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24 minutes ago, throbber said:

I have only ever seen one size of Chang bottle, its 6.4% I just googled it!

I too Googled it. It's 5% in the UK, but differs quite a bit in Thailand (can be up to 7%).

13 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Not had a drink for about a month and it's making such a difference to life in general. Not a grouchy b*****d all the time, look healthy, don't get blinded by my own boozy sweat when I exercise, meals out are a fraction of the cost. Couldn't do it with willpower but used some mind bending technique and it has done the trick. 



I haven't drunk since the day of the League Cup game against Dundee United (31st July). Not had as much as a single milliliter of alcohol. I've had beers in my fridge since that game that have remained utterly untouched. I haven't drank during midweek for a few years now, and only really ever drink if I'm at the football or going out. That game was the last one I attended and I rarely go out as I've no one to go out with at the moment and have been skint anyway. 

I used to drink every single Saturday, which usually involved me sitting at home by myself getting drunk. In fact I spent New Year's Eve doing just this (a distinct lack of offers saw me with nothing to do/nowhere to go). Hit that on the head a while ago now.

It's not even been a challenge. And I haven't even done it as a challenge or for a health kick or whatever. The next game I go to I'll have some beers. 

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58 minutes ago, throbber said:

I consider it as too much good living, and while i get fat i don't particularly worry about liver disease or alcohol controlling/ruining my life. 20 cans a day, over a fortnight however is way off the scales as to what i would ever imagine being able to consume so i wanted to find out what was driving him to drink that much and what the come down was like off it. 

It was a good few years back during the Christmas fortnight that I rattled through all that drink. Didn't really have much of a come down off it either. I limit myself to Friday and Saturday only now and i never ever touch a drop if i am working the following day. Just an age thing now, have done it all and I just cant be bothered anymore. On holidays now for a couple of weeks so my intake might rise a little bit just like most folk on holiday.

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The last two times I've drank I've stuck to low carb beer or low carb cider. The next day I woke up without even a hint of a hangover. Don't know if it's because it was low carb or just coincidence but that's what I'll be buying in future.

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