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Again, what do you think your average Scottish person knows about English towns out with the major cities? A lot of English people love Scotland and know a lot about it, a lot of English people have never been to Scotland before as they prefer going somewhere hot on their holidays. All of this talk is just paranoia.

I don't think they have to visit to know some basics. My post above being a great example. I don't get wound up by it nor am I having a dig at English folk but the amount of times folk are stumped if Glasgow or Embra aren't the answer is comical.

There's no way of answering the question. Obviously England is far bigger so there are more answers to choose from but if I was to have a 'quiz off' with an English person and had to give 3 towns/cities for every one of their answers I reckon I could hold my own. Though wouldn't be able to tell you where they were as my geography is shite [emoji38]
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I don't think they have to visit to know some basics. My post above being a great example. I don't get wound up by it nor am I having a dig at English folk but the amount of times folk are stumped if Glasgow or Embra aren't the answer is comical.

There's no way of answering the question. Obviously England is far bigger so there are more answers to choose from but if I was to have a 'quiz off' with an English person and had to give 3 towns/cities for every one of their answers I reckon I could hold my own. Though wouldn't be able to tell you where they were as my geography is shite [emoji38]

Again, a lot of people have shit knowledge on what you might consider to be basic topics it’s not a Scottish v English thing IMO. Anyway, we may be going round in circles a little bit.
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1 hour ago, Jamaldo said:

It was the "Rovers" part that made it embarassing. If the answer had just been Raith then I could understand.


The question didn't directly specify the answers would be the full town name, I don't think. It was worded like "which team is named after the town it plays in?" - so it's not saying the town would be called Raith Rovers. Just that they would be from Raith and have the Rovers ending.

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3 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:




I watched Pointless first and got a Pointless answer in the final B)

21st Century Grand National winners.




I got three pointless answers in the final, embarrassingly they were all about equestrianism. 

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The question didn't directly specify the answers would be the full town name, I don't think. It was worded like "which team is named after the town it plays in?" - so it's not saying the town would be called Raith Rovers. Just that they would be from Raith and have the Rovers ending.

I think it was implied though.
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On 08/11/2017 at 23:55, Miguel Sanchez said:

You can tag users to get their attention more easily. I'll do it for you. @Mr X why is this fine young man feeling like his account is under threat?

I got banned but I'm back now after emailing Div, thanks for the help though! (I'm a girl though but that's beside the point)

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2 hours ago, PB 4.2 said:

I'm treating myself to a rare midweek bevvy.   I'm on the Carlsberg Export in recognition of what a great country Denmark is.    

Cleaned the bike, was in an awfy mess thanks to this pishy weather.

Denmark is a great country, the Danes do love to cycle.


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1 minute ago, bennett said:

Cleaned the bike, was in an awfy mess thanks to this pishy weather.

Denmark is a great country, the Danes do love to cycle.


I don't wish to befriend you.   


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Just now, bennett said:

Two new cyber buds in one night, what a night.

Have you looked at finance for a cheap motorcar?   

Your an adult and you're still using a child's toy for transportation.    Have you no shame?  

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