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"I have just eaten two..."

Correct grammer and no text speak, if you don't mind.

It's always hilarious when someone tries to pick up on errors in a post and end up looking like a complete tool.

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What's all this turban pish that people on Facebook are joining?

"Thankyou MTV for pimpin' my turban!"

"I hate it when my friend turns up wearing the same colour turban as me..."

Is there any real point in it?

(Note: The people joining don't actually wear turbans.)

Edited by Smurph
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Was thinking on the way home last night I’ve been a bit of a lucky charm for Thistle this season- our league record with me in attendance this season is P18 W10 D4 L4 = 34 points out of 54= 63%

Without me it’s P11 W2 D1 L8= 7 out of 33 = 21%.

This is largely due to me going to all home games and few away- our away record is poor but of the 5 away games I’ve gone to we’ve W2 D2 L1.

Too late now, but maybe I should have gone to more games!

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Was thinking on the way home last night I've been a bit of a lucky charm for Thistle this season- our league record with me in attendance this season is P18 W10 D4 L4 = 34 points out of 54= 63%

Without me it's P11 W2 D1 L8= 7 out of 33 = 21%.

This is largely due to me going to all home games and few away- our away record is poor but of the 5 away games I've gone to we've W2 D2 L1.

Too late now, but maybe I should have gone to more games!

I can just see the smugness seeping off of you.

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Generic chart rubbish, layout like the Minotaur's labyrinth, clientel are generally tossers. It's the sort of place you'd happily be dragged with the intention of snaring a drunken, slutty student, but IIRC, you mentioned you had a gf the other day so it's only real plus point goes out the window.

There are far worse places, but it's just so middle of the road and generally unappealing.

Cheers Fudge. I will go with no expectation so thing can only get better. I despise chart music but don't care when I've had a drink.

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I've been in Uni since 4.30am this morning doing some last-minute revision for a test I've got at 11am. In the computer lab I've been in a class started at 9am, although as I'm just sitting quietly at a computer the tutor has let me stay in.

There's two guys who, at the start of the lesson, asked if anyone had a cough and then when a couple of folk responded yes, took out face masks and are now sitting with them on. They look like complete idiots.

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