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Saw someone get arrested in the city centre yesterday. No idea why but his mate was coated in a Union Jack so it was probably warranted. The guy being arrested was pinned to the ground by three officers and trying to resist his arrest. Surely you'd just accept it? Resisting isn't going to do you any good.

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Watched Jonathon Ross last night, I usually don't but was wanting something to watch before MOTD. I actually thought Danny Dyer came across as quite a funny guy, and Peter Andre was a thoroughly nice guy. I know that flies in the face of the general opinion on these two (in particular Danny Dyer) but I thought both seemed decent people.

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I'm currently staying at parents. It's shit but I plan to be gone in a few months.

Last night I dropped a glass of coke on my bed. It appears to have stained the mattress. I'm worried that after I'm gone my parents will see the stain and think I shat the bed. I fear I'll forever be the son who shits the bed in their eyes. If I stay over for a visit and they've put a mattress protector on the bed, my fears will be confirmed.

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I'm currently staying at parents. It's shit but I plan to be gone in a few months.

Last night I dropped a glass of coke on my bed. It appears to have stained the mattress. I'm worried that after I'm gone my parents will see the stain and think I shat the bed. I fear I'll forever be the son who shits the bed in their eyes. If I stay over for a visit and they've put a mattress protector on the bed, my fears will be confirmed.

Bite the bullet and ask your mother how to get rid of coke stains. She'll feel needed, and hopefully believe you when you confess to the mattress incident.

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