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You know when you walk past people having a conversation and just as you're in-line with them you hear the really good bit? Well that's what happened to me today. Was just walking through town on my way to do a bit of shopping and saw this woman shouting at two or three kids. I assumed they were just her own kids getting a ticking off from their mum over something, but the thing she came out with next suggests this maybe wasn't the case. She bellowed at them, in a strong English accent:


Unbelieveable scenes.

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A guy at work today sent me an email describing something as 'parallelepiped-like', a weird shape I'd never heard of before.

Therefore as I clocked him walking through the big room, I asked him how on Earth you pronounce such a thing. What I totally forgot however is that this guy has a terrible stammer and (in front of everybody else) he struggled to get past first letter, never mind the pile of other P's and L's which he has specific trouble with.

I reckon that everyone's thinking that I did it on purpose to be an utter d*** when it was genuinely just a case of my brain and mouth not connecting. :(

Edited by Hedgecutter
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To be fair to Soccer AM there's f**k-all better to watch on a Saturday morning and Helen Chamberlain is still fairly pleasant on the eyes, but the show definitely ain't as good as it used to be.

Think Fenners was the loss though, not Tim Lovejoy.

I stopped watching when they got rid of the topless weather.

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On the train through Yorkshire earlier in the week I saw a couple of hares fighting. (They were in a field, I was looking out the train). They were huge. Never seen that before. It was better than seeing the rats in Bradford a couple of weeks before.

Watership Down sex dream IMO

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