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He said that he could imagine some academics saying the paper is “specious and doesn’t make any sense”. But, he added, “you really need [a month] to consider it”.

Should've read:

He said that he could imagine some academics saying the paper is “specious and doesn’t make any sense”. But, he added, “But they are probably social scientists and need it explained slowwwwly with crayons and big pictures”.

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For some reason I woke up buzzing for the World Cup. I've spent all morning watching the official films from France 98 and South Korea/Japan 02.

Is there going to be a sub forum on here like the Euro 2012 one? If so, when's it going up?

I don't see why its not up yet - few things can be discussed already! Sort it out admin!

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For some reason I woke up buzzing for the World Cup. I've spent all morning watching the official films from France 98 and South Korea/Japan 02.

Is there going to be a sub forum on here like the Euro 2012 one? If so, when's it going up?

You're not the first to ask this and get no response. I believe Div has hired the same Brazilians that are constructing the stadiums. So the forum should be available a week before the tournament starts.
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The daft c**t that stays over the back from me had an empty last night. Woke me up 3 times with people shouting in his garden then when I got up this morning my garden was covered in contents from his bin and 2 expensive flowerpots.

I kindly returned the rubbish to him but could not return the flowerpots as they were "accidentally damaged" upon landing on our concrete.

Anyone got any useful tips to stop the c**t from using my garden as his rubbish bin?

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First time I've see this term being used away from a Kevin Bridges DVD.

It was quite a well used term around here in my formative years. Many a good night was had when someone had an empty because their parents were away for a dirty weekend in Blackpool.

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Googled this below, a forum for brothel creepers. I've never been to one, but probably would if it was late 19th century Paris, or gold rush San Francisco or Alaska, like in the films. This forum puts me off though.


Edited by welshbairn
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