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Astana have ripped the peloton apart so far, I don;t really see the point though, thye don't really need to eliminate anybody since it's pretty much down to Contador and Schleck. Schleck surely has to make a move today, even if he doesn't gain time at least push Contador to see how he's going.

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Man this is some good racing......a good old fashioned mountain battle. Schleck is on Contador like a shadow. A few violent accelerations and Andy has kept with him no bother at all, in fact, dare I say it, he looks like he's going quite easy. This is one hell of a chess match.

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Decent stage as far as Schleck is concerned, yes he didn't gain any time, but ultimately he didn't lose any time either.

I'm actually a wee but disapointed in Schleck. At 2k to go I'm screaming at the tv for him to make a move. However, after that performance, the pressure seems to be all on Contador. Andy must be pretty confident about the next few days climbing not to have had an attack, and after his defending today why shouldn't he be confident.

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I'm actually a wee but disappointed in Schleck. At 2k to go I'm screaming at the tv for him to make a move. However, after that performance, the pressure seems to be all on Contador. Andy must be pretty confident about the next few days climbing not to have had an attack, and after his defending today why shouldn't he be confident.

Me too, but he matched everything the Contador did, which was great, maybe saving himself some energy too.

I also noticed that there was only one Saxo Bank rider with Andy today (I think) are they saving themselves for tomorrow seen as the Astana boys were ending themselves throughout the stage with the high pace-setting?

Andy really needs to attack at some point, or Contador will destroy him on the TT.

Great stage today.

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Me too, but he matched everything the Contador did, which was great, maybe saving himself some energy too.

I also noticed that there was only one Saxo Bank rider with Andy today (I think) are they saving themselves for tomorrow seen as the Astana boys were ending themselves throughout the stage with the high pace-setting?

Andy really needs to attack at some point, or Contador will destroy him on the TT.

Great stage today.

Looks like Schleck might be putting all is eggs in the Tourmalet basket later in the week. Will be interesting to see if Menchov might try a move tomorrow? If he can get back 60-90 seconds he could become a huge threat in the ITT.

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A few observations about today.

The crowds on the top of the climbs didn't seem as big today as normal, especially for a weekend stage. Very strange.

Team Sky need to add a real GC contender to their squad before next year. People got carried away with Wiggins' performance last year. For the money they allegedly have though, I am sure they will be able to tempt a big name. I'll go out on a limb here and say Vinokourov is someone they should be going for as it looks like Astana won't be there next season.

Riis is a fool for not making Schlek attack Contador today after Vino was dropped. He looked much the stronger of the two. They waited too long to attack him last year and Ventoux was a disaster. What's to say Andy will have a good today tomorrow?

One of my emails got answered today on Eurosport again even though I thought Sean Kelly's answer was shite. The climbs appear to be much harder in the Pyrenees than they are in the Alps to me. They are not the same as he said. The fud.

Edit :-

Wiggins admits last year was a fluke.

Edited by bairnagain
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Team Sky need to add a real GC contender to their squad before next year. People got carried away with Wiggins' performance last year. For the money they allegedly have though, I am sure they will be able to tempt a big name. I'll go out on a limb here and say Vinokourov is someone they should be going for as it looks like Astana won't be there next season.

Will Vino not be 38 by then? I'm not to sure. I'd go for someone younger to be honest (Kreuziger/Roche/Van Den Broeck/Luis Leon Sanchez/Cunego/Valls Ferri).

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Possibly, but one thing's for sure, Team Sky need to get things sorted out if they want to be taken seriously. All this talk of signing Cavendish is a joke, no doubt hyped by their paymasters. Sure, we can all pick a fantasy squad. I'd have Cav for the sprints as well as his 5 men to help win the sprints, Conador for the mountains as well as his 5 climbers to help him. Oh, there's a problem there I think.

OK, Vino is getting on a bit. Kreuziger is a good shout though.

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Possibly, but one thing's for sure, Team Sky need to get things sorted out if they want to be taken seriously. All this talk of signing Cavendish is a joke, no doubt hyped by their paymasters. Sure, we can all pick a fantasy squad. I'd have Cav for the sprints as well as his 5 men to help win the sprints, Conador for the mountains as well as his 5 climbers to help him. Oh, there's a problem there I think.

OK, Vino is getting on a bit. Kreuziger is a good shout though.

I predict they have precisely 0.000000000000000000000001% chance on signing Cavendish. The main reason being that theres no way Cav would want to leave HTC to go to them. Sky have to do something pronto, their oppertunities of a stage win are fast running out.

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Possibly, but one thing's for sure, Team Sky need to get things sorted out if they want to be taken seriously. All this talk of signing Cavendish is a joke, no doubt hyped by their paymasters. Sure, we can all pick a fantasy squad. I'd have Cav for the sprints as well as his 5 men to help win the sprints, Conador for the mountains as well as his 5 climbers to help him. Oh, there's a problem there I think.

OK, Vino is getting on a bit. Kreuziger is a good shout though.

If Astana do fold, what about Contador? Has he already signed up for another team next season?

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