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I really don't like all this 'sportsman' pish in cycling. A true sportsman will do everything in his power (within the rules) to win, and I don't see why it should be any different in cycling. Besides, it's totally arbitrary what gets stopped for and what doesn't - what if Contador had crashed on the descent - should Schleck have waited for him? What if Sanchez and Menchov didn't wait - should Schleck still be a 'sportsman'? If I was Schleck I'd be raging - at my bad luck but not at Contador.

I also hate the way they don't contest sprints or climbs out of 'respect'. It's cheating the public and the sooner it stops the better.

are you saying it's ok to blatantly cheat then. It's this kind of thing in all sports that just ruin the sports, like diving in football. Anyway contador and co. didnt have to wait for andy but they could have let catch up. I dont think contador deserves to win after that.

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schleks just a moany p***k

He said he accepted Contadors apology and that it was forgotten about.

The point that someone made earlier about Roche falling behind and nobody waiting for him is shite as well. The gentlemens rule of waiting is aimed more at the yellow jersey contenders. Roche falling behind had absolutely no bearing on the GC.

As I already said, if Contador fails to win by anymore than 40 seconds then I'll view it as worthless, but chances are he will win it by more than that given the fact that thye have the big one on Thursday and the TT (where AC will more than likely destroy Schleck). The thing that's annoying is that we will never know what would have happened at the point of Schlecks mechanical as he looked to be pulling away and had Contador struggling.

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So if Contador wins the tour by any less than 40 seconds you think he'll have deserved it?

He will win it by a couple of minutes now but of course he would have deserved it if it is less than 40 seconds. I've not seen a Tour winner that didn't deserve to win (except Floyd obviously and he got his collar felt in the end).

contador is a lying, cheating scum bag. Hes such a suck up, he wants everyone to love him.:angry: Theres no doubt that schleck is the better cyclist. HE had attacked and got a few seconds when just at the perfect timing for contador his chain broke. The whole tour will probably be decided on that. Its just condadors luck that annoys me and he tries to say he attacked, he didnt know schleck had broken his chain, basically tries to say "schleck started it" . He said he didnt want to apologize so why did he?

By attacking like what contador did he's just saying schleck, your a better cyclist so i'll just cheat a bit when your bike has broke.

it was halarious though when contador was standing up on the stage thing and everyone was booing him. :lol:

What a load of pish. Schleck the best cyclist? Contador's winning of all three grand tours would suggest otherwise.

Incidentally his chain didn't break. The chain got thrown off when he tried to change gear. That's a rider error and not a mechanical one.

He said he accepted Contadors apology and that it was forgotten about.

The point that someone made earlier about Roche falling behind and nobody waiting for him is shite as well. The gentlemens rule of waiting is aimed more at the yellow jersey contenders. Roche falling behind had absolutely no bearing on the GC.

As I already said, if Contador fails to win by anymore than 40 seconds then I'll view it as worthless, but chances are he will win it by more than that given the fact that thye have the big one on Thursday and the TT (where AC will more than likely destroy Schleck). The thing that's annoying is that we will never know what would have happened at the point of Schlecks mechanical as he looked to be pulling away and had Contador struggling.

Ah right so the gentleman's agreement only applies to some riders?

Pity it didn't apply when Schleck attacked on the Arenburg pave stage when Contador and Armstrong were in trouble.

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I really don't like all this 'sportsman' pish in cycling. A true sportsman will do everything in his power (within the rules) to win, and I don't see why it should be any different in cycling. Besides, it's totally arbitrary what gets stopped for and what doesn't - what if Contador had crashed on the descent - should Schleck have waited for him? What if Sanchez and Menchov didn't wait - should Schleck still be a 'sportsman'? If I was Schleck I'd be raging - at my bad luck but not at Contador.

I also hate the way they don't contest sprints or climbs out of 'respect'. It's cheating the public and the sooner it stops the better.

Your absolutely right of course. People are getting awfully bunched by this incident.

In a sport completely riven by doping you would think there would be better things to be outraged about.......Vino's stage win, Erik Zabel 'mentoring' Cav, Bjarn Riis being Schleck's directeur sportif.

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Your absolutely right of course. People are getting awfully bunched by this incident.

In a sport completely riven by doping you would think there would be better things to be outraged about.......Vino's stage win, Erik Zabel 'mentoring' Cav, Bjarn Riis being Schleck's directeur sportif.

Nail on head. I`ve already stated that cheating comes naturally to sportsmen, more so in cycling than anywhere else. So for for Contador to take advantage of Schlecks misfortune the other day, is nothing compared to what these guys have done to their own bodies over the years in order to gain a physical edge.

Very interested to hear what Lemond has got to say regarding Armstrong at the forthcoming federal hearing in Los Angeles, he says the evidence against Armstrong is "overwhelming". Armstrong has already dissed Landis has having zero credibility. This could get very messy indeed.

Blood Brothers

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Nail on head. I`ve already stated that cheating comes naturally to sportsmen, more so in cycling than anywhere else. So for for Contador to take advantage of Schlecks misfortune the other day, is nothing compared to what these guys have done to their own bodies over the years in order to gain a physical edge.

Very interested to hear what Lemond has got to say regarding Armstrong at the forthcoming federal hearing in Los Angeles, he says the evidence against Armstrong is "overwhelming". Armstrong has already dissed Landis has having zero credibility. This could get very messy indeed.

Blood Brothers

Whoah. Bit of a lengthy piece and given that it's the wall street journal, I'd guess they're not printing first and settling the lawsuit later.

Landis has nothing to lose. He got caught at the height of his career and blew it big style. whether Armstrong is as black as he's painted in the article, I dunno. The rumours/ speculation has been there for years. Is landis saying what people want to hear to suit the rumours?

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Well that's it then, unless it rains during the TT and Contador falls.

I thought Schlecks comments were odd regarding the TT. He said that unless he starts his TT after Contador, ie. in the yellow jersey, then he has no chance of winning. To be honest, I don't ink it would matter if he knew what Contador was doing on the road ahead of him, he still wouldn't better his time.

It's a bit of a shame for Schleck that Contador will win the tour with only two real attacks of any note, one where he took 10 seconds and the other coming whilst Schleck had a mechanical.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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[quote name='myshkin' date='21 July 2010 - 11:33' timestamp='1279708389' post='4591107

What a load of pish. Schleck the best cyclist? Contador's winning of all three grand tours would suggest otherwise.

based on this tour he seem a far better bike rider.

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It's a bit of a shame for Schleck that Contador will win the tour with only two real attacks of any note, one where he took 10 seconds and the other coming whilst Schleck had a mechanical.

Shame my arse. Schlek knew he had to attack Contador whenever he could but chose not to until it was too late. Even then Contador was in no bother whatsoever. The right man wins.

Who have had the more disappointing Tour, Sky or Liquigas? Both have been pish, but at least Thomas held the white jersey for a couple of days, so by that reckoning Liquigas have been worse, they've done hee haw.

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based on this tour he seem a far better bike rider.

Yes your right. That's why Schleck is wearing the maillot jaune.

Oh wait a minute........

Shame my arse. Schlek knew he had to attack Contador whenever he could but chose not to until it was too late. Even then Contador was in no bother whatsoever. The right man wins.

Who have had the more disappointing Tour, Sky or Liquigas? Both have been pish, but at least Thomas held the white jersey for a couple of days, so by that reckoning Liquigas have been worse, they've done hee haw.

Sky or Liquigas...hmmm....depends what angle you look at it from.

Sky have been shite although did anyone really expect much from Wiggo this year? I didn't. Thomas has done well but Flecha is simply too old now and EBH hasn't been sharp enough in the finishes or got in the wrong breaks. Simon Gerrans abandoning early was a blow though as he could have at least competed in the mountains.

Liquigas tend to keep their best performances for Italy. Basso was clearly 'prepared' for the Giro back in May. He didn't look the same rider although he's apparently been sick. Wihtout Nibali he has been hopeless though, and it just shows how well Nibali did for him in the Giro. Kreuziger has done alright but it will be a poor tour that he challenges for.

Maybe Sky edge it because of the pre race bollocks they talked but it's a tight one.

By the way Mr Tashkent Terror...hows your head doing after that crash on the Champs Elysees? Looked a sore one.

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Who have had the more disappointing Tour, Sky or Liquigas? Both have been pish, but at least Thomas held the white jersey for a couple of days, so by that reckoning Liquigas have been worse, they've done hee haw.

Sky by a mile for me. It has been an utter disaster from them. Wiggins in 24th? He didn't even challenge in the prologue. Apart from Thomas stting 2nd in the GC for a few days it's been miserable tour for them. It was highlighted yesterday when they set up Boasson Hagen for the sprint yet Cavendish still won without any of his own team. At least Liquigas have had a Kreuziger who alone has done more than the entire Sky team.

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