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I wish you were my dad, Kilt. <_<

[b[Edit to add:

Except for Status Quo, are you punishing the poor girl for going to school?[/b]

Nope, she was the one who wants to see them and I got roped in because neither the ex or my son would go with her. It's an excuse for me to see her, providing she actually goes to school - she's been dogging classes for weeks apparently. Although as I discussed this with my ex on Tuesday, using the threat of not taking her if she carries on missing school won't really work as she'll most likely just turn round and state, quite accurately, 'I'm the one with the tickets'. :( Being a Dad isn't easy, believe me! <_<

I've seen the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Ted Nugent, Status Quo, Tangerine Dream, Be Bop Deluxe, The Streetwalkers, Genesis, Camel, Caravan and Led Zeppelin over the years - I'm pretty cool, if somewhat old.... :rolleyes: B)

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Nope, she was the one who wants to see them and I got roped in because neither the ex or my son would go with her. It's an excuse for me to see her, providing she actually goes to school - she's been dogging classes for weeks apparently. Although as I discussed this with my ex on Tuesday, using the threat of not taking her if she carries on missing school won't really work as she'll most likely just turn round and state, quite accurately, 'I'm the one with the tickets'. :( Being a Dad isn't easy, believe me! <_<

I've seen the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Ted Nugent, Status Quo, Tangerine Dream, Be Bop Deluxe, The Streetwalkers, Genesis, Camel, Caravan and Led Zeppelin over the years - I'm pretty cool, if somewhat old.... :rolleyes: B)

Aye, you're definetely old mate. B)

Anyway, your dad comments ring true as your daughters behaviour sounds like mine about 10 or 12 years ago.

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Don't ever say I wasn't there for you.

I'm going through my very own mid-life crisis as I approach (or hurtle) towards 25 :(

Me too :'(

Thanks SP, but.....25?! Feckin 25?! I'm almost twice your age.........oh pants! :(:rolleyes::lol: Keep your head down and your hide safe BTW, BD! ;)

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Was at Pete Doherty last night and was shocked by how young the crowd looked, the entire crowd, with the very obvious exceptions of me and my mate, looked like extras from "Skins".

I've never seen so many boys with "Manga" hair and Fred Perry and Henry Lloyd polo necks buttoned all the way up.

And skinny fit jeans!!

What the f**k's going on?! I'm only 24 for f**k's sake!

Anyhoo, I've got tickets for The Complete Stone Roses, Placebo and Babyshambles all in the same month so December is looking good gig wise.

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I've seen the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Santana, Ted Nugent, Status Quo, Tangerine Dream, Be Bop Deluxe, The Streetwalkers, Genesis, Camel, Caravan and Led Zeppelin over the years - I'm pretty cool, if somewhat old.... :rolleyes: B)

That's a pretty enviable list right there.

Amazing how many people dislike Status Quo! I thought they were (are) great. Real original 'Boogie' Rock & Roll band. I've been offered a ticket to their gig at the SECC and I think I'll take it up. Wizzard and Roy Wood supporting in some way/shape/form I hear? Sounds quite good.

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Two gigs lined up before the year is out.

1. Idlewild in Moshulu (or whatever it's called these days) in Aberdeen, 6 November &

2. Placebo in Cologne, 4 December.

Very much hoping to add Muse on 9 November to the above, but I give myself zero chance of landing a ticket in the morning.

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That's a pretty enviable list right there.

Amazing how many people dislike Status Quo! I thought they were (are) great. Real original 'Boogie' Rock & Roll band. I've been offered a ticket to their gig at the SECC and I think I'll take it up. Wizzard and Roy Wood supporting in some way/shape/form I hear? Sounds quite good.

I'm nearly 50 - it ain't that enviable from my point of view! :rolleyes:

Wizzard and Roy Wood you say? Will I have to grow my hair and beard, wear a ridiculous long coat and put glitter all over my face?! :lol: On second thoughts, he might freak my daughter out so much she'll go back to school and finish off her education to get a proper job! :lol:

Oh, and for all the young 'uns on here.....

You'll have heard whilst Christmas Shopping, but it really happened..... *


*I've just watched it again myself.....I'm sorry, guys, really, really sorry for that link! :ph34r:

Edited by Kilt
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