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6 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Skipping over the fact a cursory look at your man's account there suggests that he is both a Web3 and Jordan Peterson guy who is into "virility" and whose thoughts are therefore immediately suspect, a few comments:

  • Having worked in a social media company in an area very close to moderation it is very unlikely the reasons given re RT'ing accounts are the whole story. Rather than being a conspiracy, however, it is much more likely what the CS advisor in question decided would have the most chance of A - making them go away or, if not possible, B - wind them up. 
  • There of course is a wider question to be addressed urgently around accountability and transparency of social media companies. Until that time, however, the Ts and Cs are a pretty good guide for what not to do!
  • Off the top of my head he did multiple things which could have led to a suspension - hiding links in replies so as to avoid misinformation markers, spamming gambling ads without making it clear it was advertising, Covid "misinfo".  
  • Creating a disruptive business, which by it's nature has to try and bend or break the rules its ecosystem, completely dependent on Twitter, a platform which while free can knock your account out at a moment's notice, is an interesting choice. Especially when the people you are upsetting are some of the most bitter and mendacious people on earth - British journalists. 
  • Like most social media influencers, because ultimately that's what the accounts were, he was playing a stupid game; and has now won his stupid prize. 
  • This new turn in the creator economy, recreating and diluting other's work for a population with endemic ADHD, as PfA did or the recent Mr Beast Squid Game, is extremely depressing and will lead to far more cases like this because, ultimately, people don't like their work being stolen for bigger audiences by snotty terminally online kids.

Also doesn't explain why they took or had their website taken down.

It wouldn't surprise me to find that this whole thing ends with Ali coming back looking for cash.

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