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I hope not. It's almost funny, but not really. It's like it's highlighting that there's loads of comedy potential, without actually fulfilling it. I'm also not sure 800 tweets a minute is really that good an idea.

This is exactly how I feel about it but you've articulated it far better than I ever could.

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Is the Condescending Fitba page made by a P&B poster?

It's fucking pish.

It's unoriginal and painfully unfunny yet I've been bombarded with retweets from it in the last couple of days. Posted a 'condescending tweet' poking fun at the Falkirk youth player who died a few years back and promptly deleted it after a little bit of feedback.

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The condescending fitba tweets are painfully cringe worthy. I had a (rather tame) go at the guy for the reference to the Falkirk youth player and unfollowed immediately.

I agree with RATM, there are far too many tweets per day from the guy and he'll have no condescending pish to tweet by Sunday.

Edited by smpar
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I genuinely think that the majority of my followers are from p&b. Usually id be unhappy with having people I dont really know on my page but it stops my eyes burning after looking through countless posts from the bigot brothers so...

follow @aidanmcl93 please!!!!

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The only football parody account that I've found to be funny is the Sam Allardyce one, although the Gary Caldwell one was excellent before it got canned.

I've blocked both the Condescending Wonka and Fitba ones as someone different would RT one every 5 minutes.

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