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Nope, sorry, it doesn't show how many people actually did think you are that stupid,I don't post on every single thing I agree or disagree on for example, merely that there were three people with the time and the inclination to point it out.

As I've said before, you have a habit of being seen as something of a class dunce on here, it's hard to put any statement, no matter how moronic, past you.

But surely if that's your opinion of me Banterman,why take the time and effort to point it out?

Surely the best course of action would be to simply ignore it!.

I think what you fail to realise is that this is an internet forum on which people can come across as and how they wish and unless you know any of the posters on a personal basis,it's really quite difficult to categorise any individual based merely on words on a screen.

For example, if sumwun posts like this wi crap grammur and spellin like,you could automatically assume that they aren't the brightest.

Whereas, if someone posts very eloquently and expressively, showing exemplary command of the English language, you could automatically assume that they are intelligent, well educated and successful individuals.

The thing is,the majority of P&B posters choose to be anonymous for these basic reasons and in reality can be who or what they like, at times, sometimes giving others a totally false impression.

That's what makes it all a bit of fun!

Awrite man!

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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But surely if that's your opinion of me Banterman,why take the time and effort to point it out?

Surely the best course of action would be to simply ignore it!.

I think what you fail to realise is that this is an internet forum on which people can come across as and how they wish and unless you know any of the posters on a personal basis,it's really quite difficult to categorise any individual based merely on words on a screen.

For example, if sumwun posts like this wi crap grammur and spellin like,you could automatically assume that they aren't the brightest.

Whereas, if someone posts very eloquently and expressively, showing exemplary command of the English language, you could automatically assume that they are intelligent, well educated and sucessful individuals.

The thing is,the majority of P&B posters choose to be anonymous for these basic reasons and in reality can be who or what they like, at times, sometimes giving others a totally false impression.

That's what makes it all a bit of fun!

Awrite man!


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But surely if that's your opinion of me Banterman,why take the time and effort to point it out?

Surely the best course of action would be to simply ignore it!.

I think what you fail to realise is that this is an internet forum on which people can come across as and how they wish and unless you know any of the posters on a personal basis,it's really quite difficult to categorise any individual based merely on words on a screen.

For example, if sumwun posts like this wi crap grammur and spellin like,you could automatically assume that they aren't the brightest.

Whereas, if someone posts very eloquently and expressively, showing exemplary command of the English language, you could automatically assume that they are intelligent, well educated and sucessful individuals.

The thing is,the majority of P&B posters choose to be anonymous for these basic reasons and in reality can be who or what they like, at times, sometimes giving others a totally false impression.

That's what makes it all a bit of fun!

Awrite man!

So what are you saying? Are you saying that you are "successfuly" disguising your true nature? Because while you can camouflage your nature with mannerisms and spelling, your overall personality tends to come shining though. So what do you do to disguise your nature? Do you pretend to be thicker than you are? Do you deliberately blunder through logical arguments? Because if so, why? :huh:

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It absolutely is.

People often refer to Flower of Scotland as 'dirge' without having a clue what it means. Most people use it in a negative way but don't know that it means a slow, sombre, song of mourning.

It doesn't just mean shite or cringeworthy.

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I'd go with

"You know you're in for a shit holiday when the family of Celtic/Rangers Tops gets off the plane, gets onto the same transfer bus and finally you are the only one's left on the bus with them as the bus heads to the last drop-off hotel.


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God Save the Queen sounds better than Flower of Scotland, except when sung by Rangers fans, when it sounds a total mess: but that's more down to the scumbags that sing it than the song itself.

Is this an acceptable compromise?

Edited by Ad Lib
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