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Everyone is different, some people enjoy lifting weights and some people do better with playing sports etc.  I certainly think that there are very clear benefits both physically and socially from playing team sports, evne if it's just kick abouts with your mates or more organised team sports.  As you get older that can be tricky though.

I used to run a lot and did half marathons but stopped for a couple of reasons - one was I had an asthma attack while running which was quite scary, and two with my wife I having our son the time aspect was important.  I used to do a long run on a Sunday and would get up relatively early, eat a big bowl of porridge, wait an hour or so, go out and run ten or more miles, get back, have a shower and bath, have a recovery meal and rest.  It would basically take most of the day and if I did that now I'd be leaving my wife in charge of my son for that time.  Also, I work through the week and want to spend as much time as possible with the boy.  

I've moved to lifting weights as I want to stay healthy and active and have a good, cheap (£14/month) gym near my work which I can use at lunchtimes.  I find focussing on the big barbell lifts works well for me and is a time-efficient way of exercising.  Also, physically I am more suited to this than running.  I'm naturally a broad person, I'm never going to be a natural endurance athlete.

Working in an office is also a factor about fitness, as stated above by someone.  If you jhave a physical job then you are going to be a lot fitter than being a desk monkey like me.  Also, I find healthy eating hard in offices, I  try to prepare all my food for the day beforehand (breakfast of overnight oats and lunch of healthy wrap or 'pick box') because the food avialable in most offices is just crap, donuts, buns, sweets.  I'm fairly slack with my diet but am making a big effort at the moment not to eat complete crap.

So after all this, my unpopular opinion is that htere is no perfect way of exercising or eating, it all depends on the individual circumstances, both in terms of their life and of their body type and natural preferences.  Except throbber, who is clearly a pencil-necked skinnyfat girlie man.

Edited by ICTChris
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Mince pies and Christmas Cake are both absolutely disgusting.

Christmas dinner (traditional one with turkey, potato and veg etc) is boring, stodgy nonsense and the most over-rated meal of the year.

In short, Christmas is a bad time for eating.

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1 hour ago, JTS98 said:

Mince pies and Christmas Cake are both absolutely disgusting.

Christmas dinner (traditional one with turkey, potato and veg etc) is boring, stodgy nonsense and the most over-rated meal of the year.

In short, Christmas is a bad time for eating.

Totally agree, mince pies and xmas pudding are utterly bowfin.

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Belle and Sebastian are fucking shite.

They are actually awful. You'd think 10 albums and 25 years of touring would make one half decent song.


Even their most famous songs have bare minimum entries on wikipedia. Even their fans dont have time for them. Shite band

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6 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

I thought people only went or the gym to tell FB they're at the gym?

You mean people actually go and workout?

aye or at my work theres seems to be a regular round robin of folk who:

Start of talking about joining the gym

then tell you they are going to the gym

tell you they've been to the gym

tell you that you should go the gym

try to get you to join their gym

this goes on for a few weeks, every fcking day..

it then goes quiet

so you ask "how the gym going?"

"aw can't be ars*d any more".."too dark at night", "work is too busy" etc etc


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Exercise should be part of everyday living, not just reserved for the gym.
Amazes me how often I see people in their prime of life taking the lift up two or three flights of stairs instead of walking. Or people who get onto an escalator then stand still.
Just remember that a lot of folk have hidden illnesses and might be taking the lift for any manner of reasons (which you'd never know unless you knew them well). I take your point that plenty of c***s are just lazy - but I'd fit into the category you've mentioned and at the moment one flight of stairs would have me pretty knackered.

But also...boff a tranny!!!! [emoji3166][emoji3166][emoji3166][emoji51][emoji51]
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59 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Just remember that a lot of folk have hidden illnesses and might be taking the lift for any manner of reasons (which you'd never know unless you knew them well). I take your point that plenty of c***s are just lazy - but I'd fit into the category you've mentioned and at the moment one flight of stairs would have me pretty knackered.

But also...boff a tranny!!!! emoji3166.pngemoji3166.pngemoji3166.pngemoji51.pngemoji51.png

Of course. I've had spells myself where the stairs are not an option.

But I see perfectly able-bodied people pulling this shit at work every day.

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2 hours ago, Doctor said:

They are actually awful. You'd think 10 albums and 25 years of touring would make one half decent song.


Even their most famous songs have bare minimum entries on wikipedia. Even their fans dont have time for them. Shite band

First couple of albums were decent enough but they've went steadily downhill since then. And Stuart Murdoch usually comes across as a total twat.

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Like absolutely everything, the gym simply acts as one part of a balanced healthy lifestyle.

It gives you access to varied, expensive and very large kit which is impractical to own/store at home.

For a lot of people its also quite social and gives you time out from the house.

My gym has a full size boxing ring in it which I clearly cant get on my own.

The gym isnt the be all and end all, with other exercises being available, but its fucking stupid to say its worthless. A good gym allows you to work on stuff that is otherwise totally impractical.

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In my experience people far more frequently bore me to death about their political views or running habits than any vegan or gym goer. Seems to be a perception from a few roid heads that’s out pictures up.

Weight is much more fun and varied than cardio though. It also makes you look better and shifts fat quicker. That’s why people go.

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