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I respect Martin Scorsese and what he's done in his career, no doubt about that but he's no right whatsoever to think he's the judge of all things cinema.

Going to the pictures to see some Marvel Film, or even something like Bond is great.....for a couple of hours you can just switch off and enjoy the nonsense. Surely that's what you're supposed to be doing with your precious leisure time.

The bottom paragraph is basically what he argued lol
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The bottom paragraph is basically what he argued lol
I remember reading the quotes and unless he was misquoted in the article I read I don't agree that's what he basically argued.

Anyway, I was more thinking his comments about it 'not being cinema' or words similar.

Unless I'm mistaken, the last Marvel Film I saw was on a big b*****d screen in a big b*****d room filled with folk. It's cinema, maybe not to his taste, but plenty of his movies will fall into that category for some, doesn't mean they aren't cinema.
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14 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Ok, got you.

But folk will usually play different games as an adult to what they did as a kid, unless they just play the same ones over and over, especially because they'll actually be able to buy and play 18 rated games (and how can games 18 rated be for kids?). 

Is it any different to watching a TV show or film that you liked as a kid? 

It is even that difficult from going to the football as an adult because you enjoyed it as a kid?

What I'm getting at here is why are video games different in to the other things mentioned?

Well, I think watching TV shows and films you liked as a child is an example of what I'm talking about.  Why do so many people hang onto what they liked when they were a child well into middle age?  

Thinking about it, maybe video games are just better now and thus more enjoyable for adults.  I'm sure even the most committed gamer would find a 45 year playing Sonic the Hedgehog for eight hours pretty weird but, from what I can see, games now are more challenging and 'adult' in themselves.  So the development of games has lead to the changes in the cohort who play them.  As I said in my earlier post, I'm not saying it's a necessarily a bad thing.  It's interesting to me that in my lifetime things that were previously the realm of children have become normal adult activities. 

I did some Googling about this and found that the Prison Planet guy did a Youtube video about this subject.  I'm looking forward to taking my Brain Plus tablets before doing my stint on InfoWars tonight.

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The “can video games” be art argument is redundant, they can be as much as any other medium but the examples offered by gamers normally aren’t. The best example offered of a video game as art that I hear is The Last of Us which is good but is ultimately a fairly derivative episode of the Walking Dead that’s especially well produced and acted. Maybe gamers are just shite at advertising their medium.

Superhero movies likewise. Marvel movies are just entertaining theme park rides with nothing to say and while DC movies seem to be trying to say something are usually saying something incredibly stupid (which tbf I enjoy).
Art is subjective of course but there are lots of amazing story telling games out there; The Last of Us being one of them. The character development is excellent. Please don't compare TLOU to TWD. TLOU developed these two characters superbly, as I said. TWD manage to bring interesting characters into play and turn every single one of them into boring b*****ds that you're praying get eaten by the zombies!
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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:



We’ve let the “let people enjoy things!!!” crowd get away with murder


They need to do this again, only with the added category of "Women Rank, after their male partner has fully explained the basic plot three times, explained who every major and minor character is, and answered a billion blindingly obvious questions about the narrative". Not that I know any women who do this EVERY FUCKING TIME WE SIT DOWN TO WATCH A MOVIE :angry:

Going to the cinema is a right laugh. Due to the fact she feels she can't speak for fear of being shushed, her face is a picture of contorted and anguished gurning for the duration.

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

The “can video games” be art argument is redundant, they can be as much as any other medium but the examples offered by gamers normally aren’t. The best example offered of a video game as art that I hear is The Last of Us which is good but is ultimately a fairly derivative episode of the Walking Dead that’s especially well produced and acted. Maybe gamers are just shite at advertising their medium.

Superhero movies likewise. Marvel movies are just entertaining theme park rides with nothing to say and while DC movies seem to be trying to say something are usually saying something incredibly stupid (which tbf I enjoy).

I'm still disagreeing here. I think a lot of it is just snobbery when it comes to such films. 

Films don't need to or have to say anything, but Marvel films actually do deal with quite a lot of prominent issues and say plenty (how well they do so is entirely subjective). When folk make the arguments about them being brainless etc and not saying anything, I wonder if they've actually seen them? 

16 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Well, I think watching TV shows and films you liked as a child is an example of what I'm talking about.  Why do so many people hang onto what they liked when they were a child well into middle age?  

Thinking about it, maybe video games are just better now and thus more enjoyable for adults.  I'm sure even the most committed gamer would find a 45 year playing Sonic the Hedgehog for eight hours pretty weird but, from what I can see, games now are more challenging and 'adult' in themselves.  So the development of games has lead to the changes in the cohort who play them.  As I said in my earlier post, I'm not saying it's a necessarily a bad thing.  It's interesting to me that in my lifetime things that were previously the realm of children have become normal adult activities. 

I did some Googling about this and found that the Prison Planet guy did a Youtube video about this subject.  I'm looking forward to taking my Brain Plus tablets before doing my stint on InfoWars tonight.

I'm not sure it's a case of 'hanging on' to things people liked as a kid rather than simply still liking it. Following football is no different surely? Folk liked it as a kid and still like it. They aren't 'hanging on' to something they liked as a kid.

Video games have never been just for children incidentally. That was always misinformed, dismissive garbage. It caused plenty of issues when Mortal Kombat rolled around and parents were suddenly like 'hold up, what is this'?! It forced age classification as up to then there hadn't been any, which was absolutely stupid and arrogant.

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Expanding on my Seinfeld love-in but a thing I noticed with Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men and maybe even Friends is the removal of the laugh track just hammers home that all the characters viscerally dislike each other. Zero reaction half the time to each other while they lecture each other. Seinfeld, on the other hand, lots of laughs from the cast.

The Big Bang Theory is weird. The wean likes it so I bought him a box set, and must have seen most of it several times by now.

There's a lassie on it who apes Rachel from Friends to the point that she's obviously made a study of it, and an obnoxiously creepy laddie who seems to exist purely because the writers have a problem with India and wanted an excuse to say how shit it is in every episode. The fact that he comes off worse than what seems to be a genuine Larry Laffer style Grade A sex pest is a thing of wonder. Between that and treating a character's asexuality as a constant source of merriment, I don't think it's going to age well.
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Das boot, few dollars more and the thing are classic movies and pinnacles of their genres. 
If people want to watch frozen or any stuff like that then go for it, no harm done.

some people like films with no depth and robots and explosions and shit, personally I prefer 70s and 80s films where directors had to rely more on acting and building a story rather than effects. This boomer shit is nonsense because some of the most popular superhero films were darker versions like Batman series and joker. Depends on the mood, quite enjoyed the Thor film on a few weeks back but it was about as deep as a puddle.

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26 minutes ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:
32 minutes ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:
Is holding onto things from childhood a particularly millennial thing? There are plenty of boomers out there who still love the cowboy films they grew up with, or gen Xers who still obsess over star wars. 

And both are fucking shite.

See the source image

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Think this film is 2nd in the boomer Male list.

To assist the youngsters:

Theres this superhero dude called Spartacus who, like, thinks he's fighting the Evil Empire of The Bosche in this, like, dystopian world. Or some shit.

Then he realizes that the evil wizards who run his home planet are bad guys too. Can civilisation, like, survive?

Theres also explosions and cool uniforms. Dudes get shot and you see everything!


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