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I thought Avenged Sevenfold's self titled album was really good. The last couple of albums have seen them really become a tribute band.

See - i'm the opposite...I really, really liked Nightmare but i can't get into their other stuff apart form a few select tunes on S/T. I've given HTTK a spin and it sounded alright, need to give it another listen.

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I thought Nightmare was great too. From the self-titled to that they were getting better and better... and now this. Agreed with all that's been said on it so far, it had been built up before anything had been heard as the album that was going to make them properly huge and for all that it's gone straight to number one, I can't help feeling they might have blown that. It went straight in at number one on the basis of hype before it had been heard, is it going to stay there now it's been heard and panned a fair bit? If they'd produced another album the quality of the last two they were heading for being unstoppable - and headlining Download, which was what elevated Slipknot to another level of hype four years ago - but I don't see this album being looked upon favourably at all over time.

That new Trivium song however is very good. If the album's anywhere near as good as In Waves it'll be among the best of the year.

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Last ever Metal Hammer podcast this week - https://twitter.com/Merl_Hammer/status/377412788072611840

Although it does seem something is planned to take its place - https://twitter.com/Merl_Hammer/status/377414009743364096

I'll be interested to see what happens after Friday. I've tried listening to other metal themed podcasts but never got into any of them for various reasons but I've always enjoyed the Metal Hammer one.

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Understandable heckling! Linkin Park are the epitome of everything that went wrong with 'metal' in the early '00's! Utter, utter shite!!!

The heckling received by HIM was at Wembley Stadium when they were inexplicably placed pre - Metallica on the bill which went: Mastadon, Machine Head, HIM(??!) then Metallica.

I've seen a massive amount of sh*te support acts through the years. (JFAC anyone?) but bottling is a step too far, actually felt quite ashamed at the bottling of MCR, especially when there were stones in bottles thrown from the crowd, it usually hit other people in the crowd rather than reach the stage. Also, didn't see the point in the MCR one as they were the headline act, so why stand and watch if you didn't like it? To ruin the gig for the genuine fans? Idiots. I'm not a fan of them by any means but my mate kinda was, so i stood with him in silence.

Aye my mate was at that Wembley gig, he says folk were doing the YMCA and such during HIM's set, which I like as banter, but bottling is outrageous and should never happen at any gig.

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I've seen a massive amount of sh*te support acts through the years. (JFAC anyone?) but bottling is a step too far, actually felt quite ashamed at the bottling of MCR, especially when there were stones in bottles thrown from the crowd, it usually hit other people in the crowd rather than reach the stage. Also, didn't see the point in the MCR one as they were the headline act, so why stand and watch if you didn't like it? To ruin the gig for the genuine fans? Idiots. I'm not a fan of them by any means but my mate kinda was, so i stood with him in silence.

Aye my mate was at that Wembley gig, he says folk were doing the YMCA and such during HIM's set, which I like as banter, but bottling is outrageous and should never happen at any gig.

Agreed bottling is unacceptable, I also agree that the amount of people who watch bands they think are shit is surprising, ok its kinda unavoidable when a shit act gets thrown in the middle of a group of bands you like, but for the most part it's very much avoidable, turn up late if you don't like the support or go watch another stage or go to the bar, it isn't difficult and it's better for everyone.

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I was at the Dublin gig in 2003. Thought the treatment of Linkin Park was pretty poor that day. What makes someone think that lobbing a bottle filled to the brim with their own pish is acceptable? The security were appalling as well, just stood and watched.

Yeah, from what i remember too The Darkness got a great reception then it turned foul as LP made it to the Stage. I'm sure they went off twice because of it, I also remember their DJ flipping out and chucking bottles BACK at the crowd.

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Saw Justin Hawkins band, hot Leg support Alter Bridge in Glasgow and get absolutely slaughtered.

At Reading in 1982 it was an ostensibly heavy metal line up, (Maiden, Schenker, Budgie headlined), but some bright spark booked reggae band Steel Pulse for the Saturday mid-afternoon. They were getting bottled a little and said they would walk off if it continued. Cue the air turning black with all sorts of missiles and a tub of margarine narrowly missed me, splatting the girl just in front of me. Strangely, I've never felt the need to take a tub of margarine to a gig.

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Knebworth '85 was similar. Started off promisingly with the likes of Mountain, Blackfoot and UFO. Then the rain started in earnest, and didn't stop. Cue Meat Loaf in the late afternoon graveyard slot, strangely enough in a stooky and doing his trademark bellowing like an out-of-key buffalo live extravaganza. Within a couple of minutes of his arrival, there was a barrage of piss filled bottles towards the stage that looked like a prelude to a WW1 offensive and which lasted the duration of his 'performance'. Things looked up for the Scorps though, who basically played Worldwide Live, and killed. Deep Purple headlined, and after all the anticipation subsequent to their reunion, were so-so at best.

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on Monday I stumbled across the Kreator album Phantom Antichrist. I've never been a Kreator fan as I struggle to get on board with their vocals but this album utterly blew me away. Unbelievable guitar work throughout and the songs had me damn near rocking out at my desk in work. Love it when something like that happens.

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on Monday I stumbled across the Kreator album Phantom Antichrist. I've never been a Kreator fan as I struggle to get on board with their vocals but this album utterly blew me away. Unbelievable guitar work throughout and the songs had me damn near rocking out at my desk in work. Love it when something like that happens.

Try the Enemy of God album, great record.

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