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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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I have no interest in the comics but love this show and so I seem to be diametrically opposed to everyone else in this thread! I've enjoyed season 4 so far and I'm not really interested in the Governor coming back, in TV land bad guys should get one season and then sod off so we can all move on. I'm way more interested in conflict between Rick and Daryl (especially if there was mud....or oils of some sort....but I digress) and moving on from the prison. I do think the show isn't very good at introducing new characters, the only new character in the last two seasons I've got to like is Mechonne. They need need to let us get to know a few people better before killing them off.

I'm only on UK viewing so haven't read the spoilers above. I thought the episode on Friday was terrific, I genuinely didn't know if certain people were going to make it through and the scene at the end with Hershall in the cell sobbing was heartbreaking.

So there you go.

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I feel like The Walking Dead have missed out on something here.

I think it could have worked out a lot better if they had alternated the governor's story and the events on prison, although I can understand the need for continuity. Fringe used this technique excellently for season 3, making the anticipation when it arrived back at the normal or alternate universe all the more worth it.

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Decent episode with the Governor, although I am not sure if this is him starting to turn out like a decent guy, or he will turn back to his old ways later on. Good to see him looking after the little girl like it was his own daughter.

Yeah I enjoyed that episode, good to see the Governor back and get away from the prison and the rest of the characters for a little while, it looks like next week's episode will be more of the same. I thought it was quite good to see him being a good guy but I don't think it will last and from the preview of next week it looks like things are going to kick off a bit so that might set him back to his mental ways.

I really liked the latest episode, the tension when he first goes into the flat is amazing as I was expecting him to start slaughtering them all to keep all of their stuff for himself. I liked to see him do a turn as a nice guy, I can see where folk might not like it as he's supposed to be bat shit crazy but I think it showed that he wasn't always mental. The current world and personal tragedies made him go mental. The preview of next week's episode didnt exactly have me buzzing, I think it looks like it could be a total filler episode to give us a break from the prison group but nonetheless rather pointless. Fine performance by David Morrissey last night as well by the way.

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Im not a big governor fan but that was a cracking episode, I didn't like how the zombies were starting to become almost an irrelevance so I'm enjoying that about the new eps. I was a bit worried the governor coming back might ruin the way they've made them the main threat again. Maybe with him bashing the dads head in he'll realise he was just doing what had to be done, like michonne although her action was slightly needless

Edited by killie_lad
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Best episode so far for me. Really enjoyed it showing he is more than just a batshit crazy villain but just someone else doing what he could to keep the people he loves safe. The end to the promo for the next ep is genuinely intense go watch it if you haven't,


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Apart from working I've been watching this religiously the past week and a half, so much so I caught up the entire series from s1 e1 to last nights one on FOX.... Tad worrying but I lovee it, I've enjoyed near enough every episode, a lot of complaints about season 2 being slow but obviously didn't feel like that for me seeing as I basically just watched it as 1 big episode. Loving it though, although I'd like it if they sort of got back on the track of trying to solve the problem like they did in the first season. Now it just looks like they are just living for the sake of it which is all they can really do to be fair, hope they venture away from the prison and back to the city or something though, looked cool when they run into that huge mass of them in the car, wonder if they're congregating their or it's just a coincidence, really really enjoyed this, shite I'll be waiting on seeing it on a weekly/monthly basis though. :(

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Well you knew that was going to happen. Which is a shame cause i was starting to like that Martinez character. I have no idea why he killed that Pete guy, it was clear he wasnt going to be much of a leader and The Governor could've taken over no bother I would think. Was probably because he wouldnt attack other people for supplies so he could be a thorn in his side should he ever take over but still. Oh and if someone just killed my brother I wouldn't instantly become their right hand man just because they pointed a gun at me and gave me a cigarette. The minute that c***s back was turned I would've shot him in the back of the head.

Oh and why did One Eye Bry not destroy Pete's brain?

good thing is the mid season finale looks like a belter.

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Oh and why did One Eye Bry not destroy Pete's brain?

I didn't notice it at the time but when he was a zombie I noticed a chain on his ankle so he must be weighted down in the water, so there's no chance of him getting out.

As to why he kept him alive, he's probably trying to re-create his zombie head tanks that he had in Woodbury. For whatever reason.

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I didn't notice it at the time but when he was a zombie I noticed a chain on his ankle so he must be weighted down in the water, so there's no chance of him getting out.

As to why he kept him alive, he's probably trying to re-create his zombie head tanks that he had in Woodbury. For whatever reason.

yeah he was weighted down for sure. The head thing is one theory, He could also just be using the lake as like a graveyard for walkers since its "dead" anyway. This whole thing just reminded me of something I hate about the walking dead as well, that people re-animate however slowly or quickly is needed for the scene. This Pete guy was obviously dead a wee while but didnt re-animate, same goes with the old guy in the apartment

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yeah he was weighted down for sure. The head thing is one theory, He could also just be using the lake as like a graveyard for walkers since its "dead" anyway. This whole thing just reminded me of something I hate about the walking dead as well, that people re-animate however slowly or quickly is needed for the scene. This Pete guy was obviously dead a wee while but didnt re-animate, same goes with the old guy in the apartment

Everyone takes different amounts of time to come back as they said really early on though? And the old guy did did he not leading to him getting his heed smashed in?

Anyone watch this as it streams live from the States? Watched last weeks one on Monday night from a site but would like to watch it tonight! :(

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