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The Walking Dead

King Kebab

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Is my tele broken? I've definitely been watching something different than everyone else :lol:

I could see why some people wouldn't like it. A lot of people hate flashback episodes and it did fanny about a bit, but overall I thought it was the cat's clankers. What's not to like about a quarry full of the undead?

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Actually quite enjoyed last nights episode.

A few cool shots throughout which I enjoyed, especially the zombie filled quarry and the truck falling off the cliff edge and the shots of the zombie army meandering down the road. Also quite enjoyed the black and white flashbacks, nice nod to the comics there.

How fucking annoying is Morgan already? "I KNOW WHO YOU ARE" "THIS AINT YOU" "THIS IS YOU RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME" thats all he fucking talked about apart from the cringeworthy joke with Michonne about his protein bar. He's just there as a walking talking moral compass for Rick.

What was with Abraham taking a sudden interest in Sasha? and talking about brains in his ears and shit? and the whole thing with the ring and his bottle of booze. He going a bit PTSD as well you think?

Quite like the whole situation with Glen and Nicholas? Seems the guy is trying to make up for what he's done but I think its set up for him to get someone killed either accidentally or deliberately which could show his true colours.

Edit: As for the horn, it could be: The Wolves, That Pete's son who hates Rick, Carl being a wee swampy or Eugene being a big swampy.

Edited by 11thHour
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Really enjoyed that. Do we think those walkers in the quarry have something to do with the group behind the 'W' markings, and that they are the ones who set of the siren? In response to them shifting their supply, so to speak.

Edited by tintax
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Was there an explanation given as to why there were tonnes of zombies in the quarry? Think I must've missed it

It showed how the zombies entered the quarry. They basically fell down a screed slope and, once inside, they were trapped. I think the explanation was was that the more zombies in the quarry, the more noise and the more noise, the more zombies were attracted to it.

Therefore, zombies in the local area would have heard the mass moaning, been attracted to it, fell down the screed slope or off a cliff and been trapped with the rest of the horde.

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It showed how the zombies entered the quarry. They basically fell down a screed slope and, once inside, they were trapped. I think the explanation was was that the more zombies in the quarry, the more noise and the more noise, the more zombies were attracted to it.

Therefore, zombies in the local area would have heard the mass moaning, been attracted to it, fell down the screed slope or off a cliff and been trapped with the rest of the horde.

Aw yeah I forgot about that part, I was also thinking about the trucks though. Were they placed there to trap them in or just there by coincidence?

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No, it was said that there was an encampment of survivors at the bottom of the quarry and they barricaded themselves in with the trucks, which worked to a degree but as has been said, the Zombies fell in anyway from around the sides attacked the encampment, ate or turned everybody there, made a shitload of noise which in turn attracted more zombies, who all preceded to fall in until we saw the numbers that were there at the same time as Rick!!!

Don’t know why they didn’t just set fire to them all while they were in the quarry, I’m sure there was a better way than just letting them all out and trying to lead thousands of them away, like maybe parking another truck behind the ones they squeezed between, I mean you’re not talking about criminal masterminds when you’re dealing with the main protagonists of this show!!!

“Look Tam, I’m through, aaawwwwfuck, there’s another of those things with wheels here, lets all walk into it for months”

Edited by King Kebab
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No, it was said that there was an encampment of survivors at the bottom of the quarry and they barricaded themselves in with the trucks, which worked to a degree but as has been said, the Zombies fell in anyway from around the sides attacked the encampment, ate or turned everybody there, made a shitload of noise which in turn attracted more zombies, who all preceded to fall in until we saw the numbers that were there at the same time as Rick!!!

Don’t know why they didn’t just set fire to them all while they were in the quarry, I’m sure there was a better way than just letting them all out and trying to lead thousands of them away, like maybe parking another truck behind the ones they squeezed between, I mean you’re not talking about criminal masterminds when you’re dealing with the main protagonists of this show!!!

“Look Tam, I’m through, aaawwwwfuck, there’s another of those things with wheels here, lets all walk into it for months”

I had thought of something similar, why didnt they just build another barricade around where the trucks were positioned? The one where two are pointing at each other and the one which was about to collapse into the quarry? Just still keep them all hemmed in. I had also thought about setting them on fire too! They still kick about when they're on fire though so dunno if that would be the best bet. I had also thought about why they dont just have someone at the gap between the two trucks killing any of them that try/manage to squeeze through. Just a daily chore like everything else.

"what you doing today"

"Thinning out the herd at the quarry, catch ye for poker later ya deeeeeeeeck"

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Wonder if its the Wolves folk attacking the town, and someone theres setting an alarm off to get rick and that back? Sure they mentioned they werent actually meant to be moving the zombies when they were? So maybe someone in the town didnt realise what theyd done

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