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He obviously feels we are now beneath him otherwise he wouldn't be going to training camps with no guarantee...works both ways of course... someone offered 150k he would be gone.

Very harsh
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57 minutes ago, Believe The Hype said:

Results are meaningless yes, but how are performances meaningless ? You are wanting the team and Harris to be prepared for the start of the league, if no one gave a shit and didn't bother putting in any effort then to me that is bad preperation. If players are putting in good performances and trying hard before the league starts then it shows they have commitment and are doing their best to be ready for the 5th and should deserve some credit, regardless of the opposition. This is what Harris seems to be doing so far. So instead of rebuking any positive comments that have been made for him, why not quietly wait and see if any of them are merited come the 5th of August ? It's not rocket science. I honestly hope you can understand this because its becoming extremely monotonous.

Roll on Saturday for pints and football.

Right for a start I was quite happy to keep my mouth shut until the season started in earnest. It was others posting that I must be seething because he had played well against Edinburgh United that I was replying to by saying performing in pre season will mean nothing if he cant do it when the league season starts. That goes for every other member of the side too. The league cup and preseason games will be used to experiment on formations and to get the players match fit for the league campaign which is what its all about this season. Its therefor very difficult to take anything from those games. Players will hopefully do well and impress but again we could win 10-0 on Saturday but if we start the league campaign badly that will mean absolutely nothing. On the other hand I'd rather we lost every league cup game and pre season game and then started the league with win after win. 

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No being funny but the look on the first leaked picture from the training camp said it all, he just didnt look happy but the end of the day the only way he is going to know is if he tried, if anyone of us had the same opportunities of increasing our salary for same job anywhere else we would jump at it but end of the day its what your leaving behind friends, family, etc but your starting again from scratch in new/strange surroundings not one of us should begrudge him the chance of proving himself at a different level.

Also if he has been asking Houston for advice then i think it just shows he has doubts on the move himself, he'll get his move, just now just might not be the right time for him.

Edited by Jackie Moon
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24 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:


I don't think that's the case at all. He's gave us 6 years of great service & deserves a chance to see what's out there, he's out of contract remember.

If he signs the 2 year deal on the table, great. If he doesn't and moves on, best wishes to him but he'll never think FFC is beneath him.


I just wish he'd get his finger out and either find another club willing to sign him or sign the deal on the table. The longer it goes on the worse it gets for us as we're a player down and he's not going to be match fit if he does signs. If he doesn't sign  then all the best replacements are going to already have clubs. We really need him playing in some of these league cup games too  so he can get up to speed. He needs to tell his agent to sort things out pronto.

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14 hours ago, RC55 FFC said:

It's getting silly now. The season won't be lost after game 1 regardless of whether Harris or anyone else has a shite game.

Remember the last time we won this league?

Started at Paisley and I don't remember any decent performances in a 2-0 defeat.

Went on to piss the league.

Will happily have a repeat

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I just wish he'd get his finger out and either find another club willing to sign him or sign the deal on the table. The longer it goes on the worse it gets for us as we're a player down and he's not going to be match fit if he does signs. If he doesn't sign  then all the best replacements are going to already have clubs. We really need him playing in some of these league cup games too  so he can get up to speed. He needs to tell his agent to sort things out pronto.

He is not Falkirk's player any more. Is that difficult for your 3 brain cells to fathom? We have no say in what the lad want to do or influence on his agent.

I agree with you on some of the stuff you bitch about but the more and more you do the less and less people are listening.

Change to vinyl.
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2 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:


He is not Falkirk's player any more. Is that difficult for your 3 brain cells to fathom? We have no say in what the lad want to do or influence on his agent.

I agree with you on some of the stuff you bitch about but the more and more you do the less and less people are listening.

Change to vinyl.


I realise he's not our player and we have no say  thats why I said 'I just wish'. Would you not prefer things were sorted out now than in a few weeks down the line? Quite frankly the club in my mind is far more important than Craig Sibbald and its in the clubs interest that something happens sooner rather than later so I would prefer that happened than we were left hanging on but unfortunately that looks more and more like what is going to happen.

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Nope just factual..I'd like to think he won't do an Alston & leave for a smaller club but like all of us money talks


Can you post the quote where Craig Sibbald says "Falkirk is beneath me now".

When I see that I agree your statement is factual. Failing that you are talking pish
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1 hour ago, RC55 FFC said:


I don't think that's the case at all. He's gave us 6 years of great service & deserves a chance to see what's out there, he's out of contract remember.

If he signs the 2 year deal on the table, great. If he doesn't and moves on, best wishes to him but he'll never think FFC is beneath him.


Agree with the above. Also think it might work in our favour if he does actually sign the deal with us having been on the training camp with Luton. If he comes back it's because he didn't like what was on offer and it might actually refocus him a bit on where he is, having seen that it's not perfect elsewhere. Personally I think Sibbald is a case where the club should be looking at what kind of a career could be offered to the lad once he's done playing, rather than just a pay packet. Ability wise he can play at a higher level than us for sure but as many have already suggested, he seems to be quite introverted and it wouldn't surprise me if it's the idea of moving down south that is causing him to at least question it. For many of the others who have moved on it has clearly been the obvious right choice but with Sibbald i'm genuinely not so sure. If you are miserable and unhappy somewhere that extra cash in your pocket finds many, not always good, ways of quickly evaporating.  

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It's a tough one for FFC. If we take the deal off the table to give to someone else then we'll get hee haw from another club for Sibbs.

But if we keep it on the table & Sibbs signs for someone else say mid August. Then it's likely anyone we do want is probably gone.

Re him not being match fit, he's only missed 2 bounce games & he's been training with us & then Luton for the last fortnight. I'd doubt he's well off the pace of the others.

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14 minutes ago, RC55 FFC said:

It's a tough one for FFC. If we take the deal off the table to give to someone else then we'll get hee haw from another club for Sibbs.

But if we keep it on the table & Sibbs signs for someone else say mid August. Then it's likely anyone we do want is probably gone.

Re him not being match fit, he's only missed 2 bounce games & he's been training with us & then Luton for the last fortnight. I'd doubt he's well off the pace of the others.

I agree. At the moment he's probably in line with the rest but their now going to have 4 league cup games under their belts before the league season starts. He won't be able to play in any of them unless he signs so to me come August the 5th he will be well off the pace of the others.

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57 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:



Can you post the quote where Craig Sibbald says "Falkirk is beneath me now".

When I see that I agree your statement is factual. Failing that you are talking pish


Player doesn't accept contract offered to him from smallish club that he has spent his entire career at...player then goes on trial at bigger club in bigger pond equals he thinks he can do better vis a vis smaller club now beneath him...if you can't see that you are fucking deluded

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I think it's fair though, board wait until we see if we're getting £100k-250k for Sibbs then release the budget for either him or his replacement. The gamble with signing someone now is that nobody signs Sibbs and we end up spending his wage elsewhere. 

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I agree. At the moment he's probably in line with the rest but their now going to have 4 league cup games under their belts before the league season starts. He won't be able to play in any of them unless he signs so to me come August the 5th he will be well off the pace of the others.

Being honest, I think he'll sign back on when he comes back. Just a feeling.
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13 hours ago, distresseduke said:

Harris if nothing else adds pace to the team.. something we are lacking in the wide positions but obvs not up front Austin is lethal & Rory ain't slow ..hippo & Harris on both wings offer stunning pace ..does Houstie have the balls to do it?

Harris also offers adaptability to the team also, being able to fill in on the left. The thing with wingers is they can be up and down regarding form and how a defender deals with him. Ive always fancied having two wide players who can swap during a game and in Hippo and Harris we have that

2 hours ago, Shadwell Dog said:

Players will hopefully do well and impress but again we could win 10-0 on Saturday but if we start the league campaign badly that will mean absolutely nothing. On the other hand I'd rather we lost every league cup game and pre season game and then started the league with win after win. 

A rather strange theory, a good cup run = £s and in this league where more £s could mean an extra player in before the window shuts or January....

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19 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:


Sibbs to sign back on and seal his big move by putting in a POTY maestro performance en route to the flag.


All joking aside, I think there's a real opportunity for him with this. He would still be our best player and, thinking about other players in the championship now, nobody really stands out elsewhere. I think he would have a big chance of proving himself as the best in the league, a standout that would have bigger clubs than Luton looking at him. 

I was though speaking to a pal of his this morning who reckons that he's all but ready to sign for Luton! :(

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