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21 minutes ago, CallumPar said:




I could be wrong, but I think strict liability is in relation to clubs being responsible for the behaviour of their fans. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dunfermline do receive some sort of fine for not taking appropriate measures to prevent these items being taken into the ground. Guys clearly got in with bags/pockets full of them, which suggests real negligence of duties by police/stewards.

Certainly, when we travel to Falkirk, a lot of fans are searched before entering the stadium. I don’t know if that was the case yesterday, for Falkirk fans or not.



I'm not au fait with match safety regulations, but from a health and safety perspective (which will be similar) you have to prove that you acted in accordance with any guidelines and did everything that could reasonably be expected on you.

To answer RBs post before you, I suspect the majority of the liability would lie with Dunfermline but not all of it.

FFC would need to advise DAFC in advance of any groups or individuals whose behaviour was already a  concern, probably give details (pictures?) of anyone who had banning orders or court action pending, and basically do anything they could to help Dunfermline identify those most likely to misbehave.

It's then up to the home team to decide what action to take, such as body searches or increased scrutiny of specific fans once they get inside the ground.

I know there are meetings between opposing Match Safety Officers every midweek before their respective teams play each other, but unless you have time to do a full body search of everyone who comes in, it would be very difficult to stop this sort of thing. And even then, the "eyeballs" thrown yesterday were small enough that you could carry a couple down the insides of your boots.

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6 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:

I'm not au fait with match safety regulations, but from a health and safety perspective (which will be similar) you have to prove that you acted in accordance with any guidelines and did everything that could reasonably be expected on you.

To answer RBs post before you, I suspect the majority of the liability would lie with Dunfermline but not all of it.

FFC would need to advise DAFC in advance of any groups or individuals whose behaviour was already a  concern, probably give details (pictures?) of anyone who had banning orders or court action pending, and basically do anything they could to help Dunfermline identify those most likely to misbehave.

It's then up to the home team to decide what action to take, such as body searches or increased scrutiny of specific fans once they get inside the ground.

I know there are meetings between opposing Match Safety Officers every midweek before their respective teams play each other, but unless you have time to do a full body search of everyone who comes in, it would be very difficult to stop this sort of thing. And even then, the "eyeballs" thrown yesterday were small enough that you could carry a couple down the insides of your boots.

Let's get back to a healthy rivalry with the pars and focus on what's happening on the football side of things.

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I’m not quite sure that is accurate tbh. I wasn’t at the game yesterday but I’d be pretty confident of recognising a good few of the fans responsible. I’m assuming it’s the JG shuttle boys and it was around 15 or so of them up at Inverness in November singing about Shiels and Norrie.

FWIW I really hope all those involved in this are caught and punished for their actions.

Good statement from the club as well. I agree it probably should’ve came out after that Inverness game but still it’s good to see them finally taking a stand against it and hopefully we can get all this and the Norrie shite to f**k. Banter and having a rivalry is one thing but there’s no need for shite like that.

The thing is these Wee dicks are about 14 year old, none of them are even old enough to remember who Norrie Mccathie was. They’ve not got a fucking clue. It’s embarrassing as f**k, they are just trying to go one better than their pals by doing something even more close to the bone. People like this thrive on attention, one on one they would be soft as shite.

When we played Dundee United in Dundee in last seasons playoffs I was unfortunate to be in amongst these Wee fannies with the allocated seating. Stuart Murdoch went to take a throw in, there was all sorts of shouts, ‘ya Judas b*****d’ ‘Judas p***k’. Murdoch clearly heard him as he was shaking his head. Totally uncalled for an embarrassing, I challenged the boy who shouted it, he instantly shut up and was quiet for a while.

I later moved as I could not be doing with all the pish inane shite that was getting shouted. No banter in there at all, no funny shouts, just brainless nothingness. My fucking maw has got better banter than these brain dead b*****ds.
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1 hour ago, CallumPar said:


I do feel like Falkirk could have done more to prevent this. They haven’t even released a statement condoning their players’ actions. 


Erm, is that not a good thing?

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I could be wrong, but I think strict liability is in relation to clubs being responsible for the behaviour of their fans. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dunfermline do receive some sort of fine for not taking appropriate measures to prevent these items being taken into the ground. Guys clearly got in with bags/pockets full of them, which suggests real negligence of duties by police/stewards.

Certainly, when we travel to Falkirk, a lot of fans are searched before entering the stadium. I don’t know if that was the case yesterday, for Falkirk fans or not.

Been searched a few times going to east end. Just a pat down on the jacket normally though. The strictest place I’ve been for that is Stirling Albions forthbank. I thought the boy was going to go all out and stick his finger up my arse. Jacket off, all the stuff out my pockets, jumper off. If everyone got that treatment no one would go back to the football, so how far do you go with a search?
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Been searched a few times going to east end. Just a pat down on the jacket normally though. The strictest place I’ve been for that is Stirling Albions forthbank. I thought the boy was going to go all out and stick his finger up my arse. Jacket off, all the stuff out my pockets, jumper off. If everyone got that treatment no one would go back to the football, so how far do you go with a search?
The time it takes to search 2000 fans has to be taken into account also.

If they wanted to give us all a really good search we would need to start arriving in stages from about 11am or they would need to employ loads more stewards which would be costly for the clubs.
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Each time I log in here there is just more and more shite.... It's getting fucking tedious. Can we not just accept that the appropriate actions are being taken by the clubs and the Police and that, laong with Falkirks apology to Shiels is the absolute correct course of action here. 
There are examples of whataboutery/counter-whataboutery kicking about as that what fans do. Some of them are completely irrelevant, some are not. Some of the cases raised point to the widely known fact that most if not all supports have elements of arseholes in it, and on that basis, you would expect maybe a little more understanding for the club and the many (vast majority) of decent Falkirk fans. 
People have raised the case of racism from the Dunfermline fans, and I mention this not because of yesterday or because of the rivalry, but because the good Dunfermline fans find themselves in the same position as us, with their chairman having put out a positive message more than once on what he would like to do to stamp this out in his club.
Using whataboutery to defend the actions of our fans is pointless and stupid as you cannot defend their actions, only condemn them, but I suspect some of the stuff being posted here is done in reaction to the equally stupid blanket tarring of our fans and club by some posters who are pretty clearly delighted that this happened. Like I said before, the correct action here is to starve this of oxygen whilst the club and police deal with the culprits, but that requires actual genuine concern at the actions of these people, rather than an opportunity to rip the pish.
A word on the frequent mentions of the Old Firm too since it has been popular on here.... Both Falkirk and Dunfermline (there will be others) can be proud to have issued sincere apologies for the behaviour of their fans when it crosses the line into unacceptable. In that regard both clubs have probably done more to condemn (with any credibility) the actions of their fans this season than the Old Firm have in the last 20 years. That should never be forgotten. Falkirks apology to Dean Shiels was something neither of those two clubs could or would even comprehend never mind consider releasing. So whilst I am disappointed to have this element in our fan base, I am happy and proud that we still have (unlike the Old Firm) the gift of enough self-awareness and shame to take action, so a whole hearted well done to Falkirk Football Club for that.

Excellent summary. I’d love it if this was the last word on the issue but I’m sure it won’t be.
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3 hours ago, Buddie Holly said:

go on then,how did we "welcome" him?

He was racially abused. It was widely known at the time.

3 hours ago, FTOF said:


Look at those fans who were in the wrong over 20 years ago.

Nice try to draw attention from your moronic supporters.

Not at all. I have no time at all for the eyeball throwers.

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I can't believe it may come down to fines because people were not frisked appropriately to locate potentially dangerous items or plastic eyeballs. At the end of the day we are not scum Old Firm fans and we mostly all know the line and not to cross it so for f**k sake lets all just get back to proper football and patter. Between two real, decent football clubs we shouldn't need the anti terrorism pish just to get a bridie and a sing song at a game. 

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5 minutes ago, All-Star-Par said:

I can't believe it may come down to fines because people were not frisked appropriately to locate potentially dangerous items or plastic eyeballs. At the end of the day we are not scum Old Firm fans and we mostly all know the line and not to cross it so for f**k sake lets all just get back to proper football and patter. Between two real, decent football clubs we shouldn't need the anti terrorism pish just to get a bridie and a sing song at a game. 

You're absolutely right.

I completely respect DA fans for sticking by their team when the alternatives are all too clear to everyone.

I'm ashamed of those wee bellends yesterday. I wish it could get back to just ripping the pish about how we've had you on our shelf for 20 years/no Bairns turned up for your title party. But it sadly seems a forlorn hope. Get naming and shaming, that seems to be the only short term hope.

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Back to football please

I cannot believe the reaction from some of our fans regarding our 3 new players

FFS, it was their first game. Do you not think we should be giving new players some time before slaughtering them.

Maybe we’ve been watching poor fayre this year but I don’t think we played as bad as our support were suggesting? I thought in patches we played some really nice football and were up against a goalkeeper in inspired form
I for one took great heart from that performance, on another day we would have got a result. It was unfortunate that our young keeper had his worst game for us.
I’m still remain positive and have confidence in Hartley
The only negative for me was his choice of subs although Loy looked more lively of late.
I thought Sibbald was immense.

The only way is up!!

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28 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

You're absolutely right.

I completely respect DA fans for sticking by their team when the alternatives are all too clear to everyone.

I'm ashamed of those wee bellends yesterday. I wish it could get back to just ripping the pish about how we've had you on our shelf for 20 years/no Bairns turned up for your title party. But it sadly seems a forlorn hope. Get naming and shaming, that seems to be the only short term hope.

Absolutely. I'm not really one for grassing folk up, yes you did hear that from a Par, but these little c***s needs dealt with one way or another before they damage finances/reputations/toys are us sales. And most importantly the boy Shiels deserves to live his life without putting up with such shite. Happy New Year one and all! 

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I’m not quite sure that is accurate tbh. I wasn’t at the game yesterday but I’d be pretty confident of recognising a good few of the fans responsible. I’m assuming it’s the JG shuttle boys and it was around 15 or so of them up at Inverness in November singing about Shiels and Norrie.

FWIW I really hope all those involved in this are caught and punished for their actions.

Good statement from the club as well. I agree it probably should’ve came out after that Inverness game but still it’s good to see them finally taking a stand against it and hopefully we can get all this and the Norrie shite to f**k. Banter and having a rivalry is one thing but there’s no need for shite like that.
Making a public proclamation about "the fans responsible" when you weren't there is quite bold, particularly putting a number on it.
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Absolutely. I'm not really one for grassing folk up, yes you did hear that from a Par, but these little c***s needs dealt with one way or another before they damage finances/reputations/toys are us sales. And most importantly the boy Shiels deserves to live his life without putting up with such shite. Happy New Year one and all! 

Just glad your AJ must go chat has fallen by the wayside.

I don’t think plastic eyeballs could have been considered contraband, it’s the “act” of throwing them onto the field of play that is the crime. Same with pound coins if the stewards were to start confiscating them, I could see a problem.

Whereas, smoke bombs, knives, and other weaponry are something that no one should have in their pocket going to a game.
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Sorry for bring this back up guys  

I don't use twitter but, apparently there's a falkirk fan posting pictures and naming some of the guys throwing things? 

This guy is clearly painting a target on himself if true and,  should be applauded for trying to root out these morons that are blackening his clubs good name in this manner.  

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9 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

I wish it could get back to just ripping the pish about how we've had you on our shelf for 20 years/no Bairns turned up for your title party. But it sadly seems a forlorn hope. Get naming and shaming, that seems to be the only short term hope.

Good point.

I think we get to keep you if we win in Grangemouth in April?

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