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2 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

There will be no movement budget wise or on signings until ownership is sorted out. The seller will want as clean a balance sheet as possible with no funds allocated tying the hands of the new owners. Fear it could be Deja Vu with a flurry of last minute dross signing nobody else wanted. Hope I am wrong.

You can hardly say last season was last minute all our signings were pretty much done as soon or as close to the window opening and we still ended up with dross.

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There will be no movement budget wise or on signings until ownership is sorted out. The seller will want as clean a balance sheet as possible with no funds allocated tying the hands of the new owners. Fear it could be Deja Vu with a flurry of last minute dross signing nobody else wanted. Hope I am wrong.

There’s no doubt that for something to happen (i.e. competent board in place), a few bad things will need to be accepted such as, turmoil behind the scenes, not buying season tickets, not attending home games, the clubs lack of freedom to sign capable players in the early part of the window meaning that we might lose them to other clubs etc.

However our primary focus just now should be about the long term future of the club and not just promotion next season. If we HAVE to forego promotion for things to happen, embarrassing as it might be, so be it, imo....

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The club currently have about 2700 ST’s I think. How many will renew? Most? 2000? Under 1500? 1000?

If the current situation continues, my guess would be 1200-1500.

If positive change happens, I could see us selling as many as last year as the fans will back the new ownership.
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It really boils my pish that I am being forced by the grasping b*****ds and tired old men currently polluting the positions of power at our club to refuse to renew our three season tickets .

I want to give my money to the club but I cannot stomach the contempt shown towards the fans by the MSG and Board.


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If the current situation continues, my guess would be 1200-1500.

If positive change happens, I could see us selling as many as last year as the fans will back the new ownership.

This estimate is pure speculation. No one knows how many ST we will sell if no major changes are made.

As unhappy as I feel just now I will still buy mine. I know the thoughts of many on here and that is their prerogative but I'll still follow my team through thick and thin and hope next season us back in on track irrespective of who is running the club.

I see little point of hurting the club any more than it is right now at this lowest point.

Onwards and Upwards

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I am struggling to understand why the MSG wouldn’t want to go. They are clearly incompetent as a collective, and are now pretty much vilified by the majority of the paying public, so what’s the big attraction for them now? I presume all the soft loans have been paid back, and siphoning cash out of the club isn’t happening, so why would they want to stay? Is it simply ego?

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59 minutes ago, bejazz1 said:

I see little point of hurting the club any more than it is right now at this lowest point.

Incredible that this complete and utter fallacy is still being spouted. The only ones "hurting the club" are the board/MSG. Supporters refusing to provide any more financial support to a regime who have been taking the piss out of them for years and years and years have absolutely nothing to reproach themselves for. If this is not the time when supporters should be unified in saying Enough is Enough I don't know when will be.

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Incredible that this complete and utter fallacy is still being spouted. The only ones "hurting the club" are the board/MSG. Supporters refusing to provide any more financial support to a regime who have been taking the piss out of them for years and years and years have absolutely nothing to reproach themselves for. If this is not the time when supporters should be unified in saying Enough is Enough I don't know when will be.

Agreed, this nonsense as well about turning up in protest, the board couldn’t give a f**k what you do in the stadium, as long as you pay to get in, whether that be through a ST or PATG.

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Incredible that this complete and utter fallacy is still being spouted. The only ones "hurting the club" are the board/MSG. Supporters refusing to provide any more financial support to a regime who have been taking the piss out of them for years and years and years have absolutely nothing to reproach themselves for. If this is not the time when supporters should be unified in saying Enough is Enough I don't know when will be.
When will folk realise that people, going through turnstiles/buying merchandise etc, are nothing more than customers.
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I refuse to involve myself in anything which poses an existential threat to Falkirk Football Club.
You  may proceed as you wish.

I’d argue that based on the last 2 years (including closing the Academy) there’s more threat to our existence if we let this charade run any longer.....
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It's not the approach that I'll be taking but you can't have a pop at anyone buying tickets to go and watch Falkirk if they're Falkirk supporters. For many it's a good day out with their family or friends at something their passionate about. I dare say if I had a kid, for example, and they loved going to the football and I got to spend time with them that way, I'd not be denying them that.

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It's not the approach that I'll be taking but you can't have a pop at anyone buying tickets to go and watch Falkirk if they're Falkirk supporters. For many it's a good day out with their family or friends at something their passionate about. I dare say if I had a kid, for example, and they loved going to the football and I got to spend time with them that way, I'd not be denying them that.
Some fans also dont wish to attach themselves to the business side of the operation too, which is also understandable. Albeit in football its pretty difficult not to these days.

The problem eith that approach comes when you are just about to complain about the product on the park after a turgid 90 minutes, then realise that its all down to those that the other fans are railing against.

Its bothering me, because I was only a young teenager last time Falkirk faced a crisis like this, and the answer then was to dig deep and put my meagre funds into the tins at Brockville. Holding my money back feels wrong, but thats where we are.
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6 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I’d argue that based on the last 2 years (including closing the Academy) there’s more threat to our existence if we let this charade run any longer.....

The threat to our existence may not happen. But there is a very good chance of a repeat of the mid 1970's. 4 or 5 full timers rest part time, fewer fans turning up with fighting relegation a yearly misery. Avoiding relegation was a good season, if you did not experience it you are fortunate indeed.

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Guest Ecosse83

I'll be honest I don't know the ins and outs of the board or this MSG that everyone keeps talking about.

What I found surprising is that it was stated we still don't have any debt, how the hell is that possible after the several clear outs we have had and the whole Morton/McKinnon scenario? 

Either ditching the academy really has saved a right few bob or they are bare faced lying to the fans. Unfortunately it will probably more likely to be the latter.

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Incredible that this complete and utter fallacy is still being spouted. The only ones "hurting the club" are the board/MSG. Supporters refusing to provide any more financial support to a regime who have been taking the piss out of them for years and years and years have absolutely nothing to reproach themselves for. If this is not the time when supporters should be unified in saying Enough is Enough I don't know when will be.

Absolutely spot on. It actually kills me not to give the club money having done so for over 30 years but enough is enough.

They only understand one thing and it’s money. As can be seen from this “due diligence” they are currently undertaking. They are lining their pockets AGAIN. Who puts money into Scottish football & gets 6% interest aswell as their money back? Unreal. Who needs an ISA, I’ll just give FFC a soft loan.

The club won’t suffer as they’ll fold quicker than we will. We want our club back.
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I refuse to involve myself in anything which poses an existential threat to Falkirk Football Club.
You  may proceed as you wish.

That threat has been alive & kicking in the boardroom for the last few years. We are doing our best to resuscitate and those gits are trying to kick the plug out. If we always do, what we’ve always done then hell mend us.
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