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21 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Complete and utter revisionist nonsense. He contributed absolutely nothing when he played and his effort level was poor. The hero workshop from some fans was beyond bizarre.

The difference when Dowds and Kabia came in was night and day- they still had no service but both tried to make things happen and gave 100%.

You're talking pish mate and seem to know little about football!

Each player in a team has a job to do and, whilst effort is obviously required, so are other qualities that individual players possess. Jaime Wilson gives 100%, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't want him starting for Falkirk. Dowds gave 100% which I would say masked some deficiencies, but Kabia pretty much downed tools by the end of the season. I'd have both back though because they each offer the team something different. Keena wasn't as lazy as some seem to think IMO although, yes, his style did suggest that at times. His biggest asset was his ability to put the ball in the net and I'm convinced that he would have done exactly that on a consistent basis if he'd have been given the service. If reports are to be believed then it appears that John McGlynn agrees as he enquired about him last season apparently?

I'm a bit confused by the 'hero worship' comment too. (I assume that's what you meant?) I know some fans (like me) thought he was good, but I don't remember anyone taking it to those levels.

Here's a question for you: who would you have preferred to have as a striker, Kris Boyd (who certainly was lazy), or someone like the aforementioned Wilson who isn't?

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47 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

FSS and BfL.

talking about bfL -I see they get mentioned the the latest FSS update, below


Several BAIRNforLife contributors have approached us asking if they can participate in the forthcoming election. As we mentioned prior to elections in March,  BAIRNforLife’s AGM in November 2021 confirmed an agreement that would see its contributors gain concurrent membership of the Falkirk Supporters’ Society, unless any individual chose to opt-out. 

Unfortunately since then, BAIRNforLife has still not been able to conclude this element by asking its contributors if they agreed to their data being passed to FSS. 


Can you shed any more light on this? I am currently a member of both but TBH I am thinking about switching all monies to FFS.


Edited by falkirkzombie
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3 minutes ago, bairn88 said:


Statement from the club R.E Clarke EPOS - hope we take "them" to the cleaners. 

What an utter shambles our club were.

Repeatedly dropping their drawers and bending over any time a fantasist or con man spun them a line.

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Guest Brockvillenomore
52 minutes ago, falkirkzombie said:

talking about bfL -I see they get mentioned the the latest FFS update, below


Several BAIRNforLife contributors have approached us asking if they can participate in the forthcoming election. As we mentioned prior to elections in March,  BAIRNforLife’s AGM in November 2021 confirmed an agreement that would see its contributors gain concurrent membership of the Falkirk Supporters’ Society, unless any individual chose to opt-out. 

Unfortunately since then, BAIRNforLife has still not been able to conclude this element by asking its contributors if they agreed to their data being passed to FSS. 


Can you shed any more light on this? I am currently a member of both but TBH I am thinking about switching all monies to FFS.


It’s obvious, BFL didn’t keep their end of the bargain. I’d ditch BFL and focus on FSS, which is a properly formed organisation with structure and democracy. 

BFL is an individuals plaything / ego trip and the embarrassing contributions at the AGM and the last fans meeting prove. 

And giving cash prizes doesn’t help the club. 

Edited by Brockvillenomore
Cos I’m an edjit.
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2 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

It’s obvious, FSS didn’t keep their end of the bargain. I’d ditch BFL and focus on FSS, which is a properly formed organisation with structure and democracy. 

BFL is an individuals plaything / ego trip and the embarrassing contributions at the AGM and the last fans meeting prove. 

And giving cash prizes doesn’t help the club. 


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3 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

It’s obvious, FSS didn’t keep their end of the bargain. I’d ditch BFL and focus on FSS, which is a properly formed organisation with structure and democracy. 

BFL is an individuals plaything / ego trip and the embarrassing contributions at the AGM and the last fans meeting prove. 

And giving cash prizes doesn’t help the club. 

I wasn't at the last fans meeting but I have to say the guy that runs its, while I applaud his effort and drive to set the thing up does come across a bit like how you describe, he made a couple of comments at the last AGM I found pretty cringe worthy.

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10 minutes ago, Jackie Myles said:

They'll go bust and we'll never see the cash is my feelings on this.  He'll not be long in setting up something else to shaft people with though.

He owns Ardeer now.  

Crazy anyone in football went near him after he tried to buy us and was laughed out for being a grifter. 

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3 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

Whilst we're on about ex players Aidan Keena's on 11 goals in 19 games, current top scorer in the league. Seems to have found his hunger for the game again.

David McMillan was also a standout in the LOI. Its more tinpot than our lower leagues.

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Member of both B4L and Fss but that could be just Fss shortly, have had nothing from b4l in terms of AGM notes, updates on where the cash has/is going. Couldn’t make the fans meeting where the recent comments were made doesn’t come across well but will continue for now. 

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1 minute ago, gav-ffc said:

Member of both B4L and Fss but that could be just Fss shortly, have had nothing from b4l in terms of AGM notes, updates on where the cash has/is going. Couldn’t make the fans meeting where the recent comments were made doesn’t come across well but will continue for now. 

Seems to have turned into more of a grass pitch for life organisation unfortunately.

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3 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

Given McGlynn seems to clearly favour a 4-2-3-1 and we're rumoured to be after Kai Kennedy I doubt we'll see a 3 at the back this season. That being said we definitely need someone better at defending than Williamson if we're sticking with the 4.

Raith fans commented he reverts to 3 at back randomly, did against us in one game in which we dominated them and he didn't change it at half time till I think when one of there players git sent off.

I'm sure I've seen more 4-4-2 from him playing Raith, end of the day opposition, players available and what worked week afore will determine our formation, it's not the 80s or 90s anymore.

2 hours ago, Mon_Eh_Bairns2018 said:

Keena actually was a good striker. Shame he had to play in such a diddy team

And a manager who thought Ruth was better 😂

That decision cost his job 

1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Complete and utter revisionist nonsense. He contributed absolutely nothing when he played and his effort level was poor. The hero workshop from some fans was beyond bizarre.

The difference when Dowds and Kabia came in was night and day- they still had no service but both tried to make things happen and gave 100%.

How were our results better with Keena than Dowds and Kabia ?

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35 minutes ago, Reggie Perrin said:

What an utter shambles our club were.

Repeatedly dropping their drawers and bending over any time a fantasist or con man spun them a line.

T'is a wee bit harsh. We're not the only one's to have fallen for this shyster.


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