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Thought mcgrandles was phenominal on wednesday. Phil roberts reaction to the fans was unacceptable and I don't we will see an apology anytime soon. The sooner mcrackens fit the better flynns a bombscare but what has happend to kieran duffie, defending was never his strong point but f**k me he was horrid. Big improvement needed tomorrow

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Thought mcgrandles was phenominal on wednesday. Phil roberts reaction to the fans was unacceptable and I don't we will see an apology anytime soon. The sooner mcrackens fit the better flynns a bombscare but what has happend to kieran duffie, defending was never his strong point but f**k me he was horrid. Big improvement needed tomorrow

I thought Flynn was alright, he does make the odd stupid mistake per game but I cannot fault him at all on Wednesday

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Im guessing holt doesn't think much off alston as he's subbed him in just about every game. I wasnt there today so cant comment on how he played but in my opinon he's one of our best midfielders. Although I did notice on the twitter feed from the game "alston subbed -falkirk fans not happy"

Its not going to do his confidence any good if he's the first off every time when there's other players in midfield playing worse than him.

Rakish Bingham for me has been rank, I fail to see what he brings to the team. I haven't seen anything from him that makes me think he has the potential to do something in this league.

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On Alston, i agree with you that he is by far and away our best midfielder. He does a power of running during the game, when you consider him covering up Sibbald and Fultons lazyitis, its no surprise if he gets subbed.

Bingham has had a total of 2 games if you add up all the minutes he has had and is slowly but surely getting up to speed.

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Bingham has looked slightly better the last 2 games he has come on.

He showed one piece of great skill v Hamilton.... Since then its been poor touch, poor vision, wrong choices an a sclaff when put thro yesterday. Still early days and it can be hard coming on as a sub ,but he has done nothing to justify me wanting him on from the bench or a starting place. He also is perhaps holding back Botti,who is actually ours
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Blair Alston is our most effective midfielder by some distance.

I find it amazing that Holt does not seem to recognise this.

I have liked a lot of things Holt has said and done but I would struggle to accept Alston being marginalised by him.

Hmm, I think Jay is our most naturally talented midfielder and is probably the first midfielder on the teamsheet, but gets crowded out too easily. When Jay plays well, we win - much the same as Murdoch last year. McGrandles will be better than both in time once he fills out properly. Alston is being played badly out of position this year - he's not a wide man by any stretch, and is probably best suited to the Higgenbotham role just behind the striker.

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