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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Hello there.

I've looked through the first 10 pages of threads for one like this but can't dind one.

I'm looking to lose some weight, currently just over 11 stone and want to get back down under 10. I need to change my diet an start exercising to do this. I'm sure there are others on here in the same boat, and we can share the most effective exercises and diets.

Mods feel free to merge with another thread if there is one.

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You want to get under 10 stone?? Why? Unless you're a midget that's not healthy.


I'm 6'4 and around 17 stone. I smoke and drink. I've been quite stocky for my whole life though, so I'm not really sure how much I'd be looking to lose if I made an effort as I've always known myself as pretty fat.

I do need to start exercising a lot more than one game of the most low tech 5 aside football ever per week though. Perhaps playing more football or going light jogs will make me feel a bit better about myself.

It would be a completely different story if I was 5'4 though, as my excess weight would be more blatant than a Didier Drogba dive, but I reckon I sort of get away with the weight more cause of my height.

Edited by Givet
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I used to be about 14 stone, but managed to get it down to around 13 and a half since new year through lots of jogging, cycling, and eating more healthy food while cutting down the booze.

My target is between 12 and 12 and a half stone by June.

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You want to get under 10 stone?? Why? Unless you're a midget that's not healthy.

What a crock of shit.

I'm 5'8, weigh 9 and a half stone and probably have a healthier diet and exercise regime than anyone else on this site.

Edit: For the OP, I posted something on the weight gain thread about a healthy diet. The exact same rules will work for weight loss, with the only difference being that you need to take on less calories than you're burning.

Edited by Mak
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I desperately need to lose weight, especially after the Christmas/New Year excesses. I shall be going to the gym tomorrow night in an effort to kick-start some weight loss, and from now on I shall be eating less crap (except for the remainder of my bag of Percy Pigs which I shall finish off today).

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Getting fit has never been the problem for me. It's the staying fit part that I struggle with. There are times when I can get myself into brilliant shape and stay that way for a couple of months.

Then the turning point will come, I end up giving one gym, running, swimming session a miss, then another, and another and before you know it I'm right back where I started. I ended up going 7 weeks without any type of exercise over the festive period which is probably the longest its ever been. If I didnt have my football to keep me ticking over I'd be one fat motherfucker.

I guess my problem is that I don't see the point in going through it will again if know I'm probably going to give it up just as quickly, and I dont have the discipline to want, to want to do it.

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Getting fit has never been the problem for me. It's the staying fit part that I struggle with. There are times when I can get myself into brilliant shape and stay that way for a couple of months.

Then the turning point will come, I end up giving one gym, running, swimming session a miss, then another, and another and before you know it I'm right back where I started. I ended up going 7 weeks without any type of exercise over the festive period which is probably the longest its ever been. If I didnt have my football to keep me ticking over I'd be one fat motherfucker.

I guess my problem is that I don't see the point in going through it will again if know I'm probably going to give it up just as quickly, and I dont have the discipline to want, to want to do it.

Isn't there a sport you can enjoy playing? Surely if you get yourself playing something then it kinda forces you to keep going back even when you feel like a night by the fire eating crisps?

Maybe the problem you have is that your keeping fit by doing stuff you just dont like doing? A lot of people equate "getting fit" to going out running. I obviously have no idea what you do but a lot of people just dont enjoy running to get fit. There are other ways though. Walking, swimming, tennis, badminton, football, whatever. Finding something you actually enjoy doing will maybe help?

I play squash but while it does keep me fit I also train for playing. So the weight stuff I do and the leg work I do is specifically for that. I probably wouldnt be motivated to exercise otherwise. But I actually enjoy it and I feel like I am cheating if I miss it out for a few days.

Edited by Reynard
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Isn't there a sport you can enjoy playing? Surely if you get yourself playing something then it kinda forces you to keep going back even when you feel like a night by the fire eating crisps?

Maybe the problem you have is that your keeping fit by doing stuff you just dont like doing? A lot of people equate "getting fit" to going out running. I obviously have no idea what you do but a lot of people just dont enjoy running to get fit. There are other ways though. Walking, swimming, tennis, badminton, football, whatever. Finding something you actually enjoy doing will maybe help?

I play squash but while it does keep me fit I also train for playing. So the weight stuff I do and the leg work I do is specifically for that. I probably wouldnt be motivated to exercise otherwise. But I actually enjoy it and I feel like I am cheating if I miss it out for a few days.

I do play football a minimum of twice a week, however because it is rather difficult to get any more football in during the winter period. Usually around the spring time, I'll probably be playing football 5 times a week when we get our extra training session back and the work football restarts. I go through phases with things like running, swimming and cycling. The problem is that I feel that after a while they become more like a chore after a while rather than something to enjoy doing even when I do try to vary it, and this is with most kinds of exercise I do.

I do need to try other things and it's something I'll probably find myself doing when I move uptown into the city in a few months. By then, I shouldnt have the worry of having to go into work so early to beat the traffic. I just find myself so tried at the end of most day after work because I'm up so early in the mornings, and the motivation to do anything completely deserts me when I really just want to go home.

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I do play football a minimum of twice a week, however because it is rather difficult to get any more football in during the winter period. Usually around the spring time, I'll probably be playing football 5 times a week when we get our extra training session back and the work football restarts. I go through phases with things like running, swimming and cycling. The problem is that I feel that after a while they become more like a chore after a while rather than something to enjoy doing even when I do try to vary it, and this is with most kinds of exercise I do.

I do need to try other things and it's something I'll probably find myself doing when I move uptown into the city in a few months. By then, I shouldnt have the worry of having to go into work so early to beat the traffic. I just find myself so tried at the end of most day after work because I'm up so early in the mornings, and the motivation to do anything completely deserts me when I really just want to go home.

It's not as if you are inactive though. You probably just need to find something else you enjoy doing a couple of times a week and that will do you.

I know what you mean though, there are some times when I really have to force myself to get off my arse to do anything. Once I have done it though, I do tend to feel good afterwards.

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What a crock of shit.

I'm 5'8, weigh 9 and a half stone and probably have a healthier diet and exercise regime than anyone else on this site.

Edit: For the OP, I posted something on the weight gain thread about a healthy diet. The exact same rules will work for weight loss, with the only difference being that you need to take on less calories than you're burning.

5'8? You're tiny.

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I'm 6'4 and around 17 stone.

That's pretty fucking obese in my book.

I plan to do more exercise over the next year and go back to the uni gym, but I like eating well and drinking. I'm not going to set myself an arbitrary target, but there should be some improvement anyway.

I'm 6'3 ish and probably 13 stone. I get more and more conflicting figures.

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That's pretty fucking obese in my book.

I plan to do more exercise over the next year and go back to the uni gym, but I like eating well and drinking. I'm not going to set myself an arbitrary target, but there should be some improvement anyway.

I'm 6'3 ish and probably 13 stone. I get more and more conflicting figures.

Thats about fine I would have thought. I dont think you would need to go on a stupid diet at your age. This will change as you get auld! Especially if your penchant for fine dining continues. :lol:

I'm taller than you. GIRFUY :P

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Small weight loss only needs combinations of good diets, some excersise and stopping the lazy attitude.

Instead of beer, vodka and diet coke. You can drink something radiculous like over 100 cans of diet coke before you reach the calorie content of a can of normal coke!!

If your seerious about shifting weight I would recommend Scottish Slimmers recipes. Great food and you can still have good portions.

And yes physical exercise is good and keeps your body in shape. But instead of forking out for a gym membership, where you might only use the treadmill and bike machine, just go for a walk or a jog. Even walking or cycling to work when you normally get a lift or take the bus can make a big difference.

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Thats about fine I would have thought. I dont think you would need to go on a stupid diet at your age. This will change as you get auld! Especially if your penchant for fine dining continues. :lol:

Yeah i could probably do with just improving a bit of fitness by doing some exercise, maybe a bit less fat but on the whole there's not much to change. I'm certainly not going out my way to restricting what I enjoy while I get away with it.

I'm taller than you. GIRFUY :P

Just as well I'm smarter and more youthful. ;)

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Instead of beer, vodka and diet coke. You can drink something radiculous like over 100 cans of diet coke before you reach the calorie content of a can of normal coke!!

This is a very good point. The amount of calories in beer is atrocious, and it should be highlighted more by people seeking to lose weight. It's about 120 calories a bottle from the last one I looked at.

And yes physical exercise is good and keeps your body in shape. But instead of forking out for a gym membership, where you might only use the treadmill and bike machine, just go for a walk or a jog. Even walking or cycling to work when you normally get a lift or take the bus can make a big difference.

I walk a lot, most places but it doesn't cut the mustard if you're looking for proper fitness. It's not intense enough (and I'm walking quickly, up hills a lot) and even if it did would take too long or too far each time to acheive much. As soon as you have to step up the pace to a jog you'll be breathing out your arse again.

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Small weight loss only needs combinations of good diets, some excersise and stopping the lazy attitude.

Instead of beer, vodka and diet coke. You can drink something radiculous like over 100 cans of diet coke before you reach the calorie content of a can of normal coke!!

If your seerious about shifting weight I would recommend Scottish Slimmers recipes. Great food and you can still have good portions.

And yes physical exercise is good and keeps your body in shape. But instead of forking out for a gym membership, where you might only use the treadmill and bike machine, just go for a walk or a jog. Even walking or cycling to work when you normally get a lift or take the bus can make a big difference.

Thats right. You dont need to go berserk to get yourself fitter. The trouble is that people get discouraged once they decided to do something about their diet and fitness levels. They expect to see results right away and for most people that just doesn't happen. It takes a while and folk need to be aware of it and just try not to chuck it when they dont have a six pack within a fortnight. It takes a long time to turn yourself into a fat mess and it will take a while to shift fat off again. Eating sensibly and walking the length of yourself as often as possible will do the trick. You dont need to be sweating like a rapist to shift weight. My mate lost about three stones just by walking to his work every day instead of driving. He's probably walking about four or five miles a day which will be burning three or four hundred calories at least. He eats the same stuff he always did and still does his Norm out Cheers impersonation every night. But he looks like he did when he was twenty. A bald ugly b*****d. <_<

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