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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I have managed to get myself down to 11 stone 10 after joining the gym and playing 5s regularly again. I'm pretty certain that's about my ideal weight and I feel alot healther for it. Only drinking one night a week and going to the gym to do cardio one night a week and one night a week in the weight room, maintaining it should be ok.

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I've been getting in about the fitness recently and am trying to drop some weight as well, my scales are telling me that I am losing weight but I don't really notice the difference, i'm wouldn't say i'm a fat b*****d but could use losing an inch or two off the waist, i'm 5'10 and weigh (recently 12st down from 13st). I'm trying to stick to:

Monday: Gym (cycling HIIT for 20mins) then sort of mini circuit of weights & planks and the like.

Tuesday: Street run for half an hour (level pace but thinking of dropping it to 20mins and doing HIIT)

Wednesday: Gym same as Monday

Thursday: 90mins of 5's

Friday & Saturday: Ruin all my hard work.

Sunday: Nothing

I'm also cutting right down on chocolate and sweets, drinking diet fizzy and increasing the fruit and veg (though I always have eaten a decent amount of those).

Can someone who is in the know, that seems to be mhak or someone take a look at that week and see if I should be doing anything differently for weight loss?

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I've been getting in about the fitness recently and am trying to drop some weight as well, my scales are telling me that I am losing weight but I don't really notice the difference, i'm wouldn't say i'm a fat b*****d but could use losing an inch or two off the waist, i'm 5'10 and weigh (recently 12st down from 13st). I'm trying to stick to:

Monday: Gym (cycling HIIT for 20mins) then sort of mini circuit of weights & planks and the like.

Tuesday: Street run for half an hour (level pace but thinking of dropping it to 20mins and doing HIIT)

Wednesday: Gym same as Monday

Thursday: 90mins of 5's

Friday & Saturday: Ruin all my hard work.

Sunday: Nothing

I'm also cutting right down on chocolate and sweets, drinking diet fizzy and increasing the fruit and veg (though I always have eaten a decent amount of those).

Can someone who is in the know, that seems to be mhak or someone take a look at that week and see if I should be doing anything differently for weight loss?

I wouldn't obsess about it by weighing yourself. Just keep doing what you are doing and judge yourself visually. You will know by looking that things are getting better.

If you are eating normally and taking some exercise you will lose weight. You can't fail. It's gradual though, don't expect to go for a run and wake up the next morning looking like a hunger striker.

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16, about 5 and a half foot I think.

Yeah, that's "light". I would imagine you're like me. I'm about 175ish cm, which is roughly 5 foot 8(I think). Last time I weighed myself I was about 9 and a half stone, don't think I've gained any fat since then, or muscle for that matter. I don't think that eating loads of junk foods is gonna help you, personally I believe it's my high metabolism that prevents me from gaining weight, the reason I believe it's high is because I don't have a massive appetite but I get hungry within an hour after eating one the the three main meals. I think you're best bet would be trying to put muscle weight on instead of fat weight, I'm not gonna give any advice on gaining muscle weight but following Mahk's advice on both this and the "Bulking Up" thread you'd be doing the right thing.

As for me, I stated on the other thread that I wanted to try and get fit, mostly for fives, by going on a cycling machine. I did a ten minute burst just there, thighs are a bit tight, I'm not gonna say which setting or how far I got for fear of ridicule and embarrassment but I'll be writing them down for personal note and review. It was alright. Might do another session after MOTD if I feel like it, but I've got a Maths assignment for friday so it might hinder me.

Glad to see there's a thread for this kind of thing, hopefully it'll increase my enthusiasm for getting fit.

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All the 'naturally' skinny people I know that have claimed they're skinny because they have a fast metabolism all eat like piegons.

If I don't have 4 large meals a day plus a couple of snacks I'm starving!

Back when I was in high school(second year at uni but didn't do sixth year so about 2 years) I would eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and would have something reasonably substantial (usually sandwich and some soup or something). I wouldn't do that much exercise, about five/six hours a week, depending on if I was involved in sport's matches on a Saturday. Since I'm not at uni and the start is very irregular then I have been missing breakfast, pretty much every day, but I'll still have the other three. But do a shite-load less exercise than then. I walk between the train station and my house/uni which is about ten minutes, so I get forty minutes quick walking each day, sometimes it's a light jog thrown in depending on how late I'm running

Certainly it's my opinion that I have a high metabolism as I know a few people who eat less, exercise more but weigh more, considerably in a couple cases. Maybe they just have a much lower metabolism and mine's is normal but considering I've never been over ten stone and I'm 18 I thinks the metabolism's fault. Although I don't really like beer and tend to drink vodka (or Jager if I've got some extra dough).

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I think metabolism is a lot of shite for the vast majority of people who cite it, one way or another. I can stay thinnish just because I don't eat a massive amount of shite all the time.

I think you are right to an extent, but I remember vividly putting on a couple of stone between the ages of 34 and 35 with changing a damn thing. :(

I really need to sort myself out. I'm over 17 stone, 6'3" and I smoke. Heart attack waiting to happen. So, diet changes-cutting out bread and replacing with wraps, loads of fruit and veg (I'm lucky in that this just isn't a sacrifice) and cutting out most processed meat, replacing with tuna and chicken. Also tinned sardines and rollmop.

Exercise wise is a real problem. I'm up at 5.30 and don't get home till 8 at the earliest, but I'm making the effort to go for a walk at lunchtime. No where near enough, but a start, and I want to lose at least half a stone before I stop smoking, which will allow me to substitute smoking with exercise. Wish me luck you lean young things.

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I think metabolism is a lot of shite for the vast majority of people who cite it, one way or another. I can stay thinnish just because I don't eat a massive amount of shite all the time.

You are probably right. I do think when you are younger you tend to be more active than you realise too. I definitely put on a few pounds when I was in my mid thirties too, but that was mostly down to the fact I did f**k all. I stopped playing football and stuff like that.

When I was your age I had a 32" waist. I still do at 41. :D

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I've been getting in about the fitness recently and am trying to drop some weight as well, my scales are telling me that I am losing weight but I don't really notice the difference, i'm wouldn't say i'm a fat b*****d but could use losing an inch or two off the waist, i'm 5'10 and weigh (recently 12st down from 13st). I'm trying to stick to:

Monday: Gym (cycling HIIT for 20mins) then sort of mini circuit of weights & planks and the like.

Tuesday: Street run for half an hour (level pace but thinking of dropping it to 20mins and doing HIIT)

Wednesday: Gym same as Monday

Thursday: 90mins of 5's

Friday & Saturday: Ruin all my hard work.

Sunday: Nothing

I'm also cutting right down on chocolate and sweets, drinking diet fizzy and increasing the fruit and veg (though I always have eaten a decent amount of those).

Can someone who is in the know, that seems to be mhak or someone take a look at that week and see if I should be doing anything differently for weight loss?

As Reynard says, it's more about how you look in the mirror than the weight per se. If you had a lot of fat to start with, weight's a decent way of measuring things, but if you aren't eating right then after a while you'll start burning significant amounts of fat as well as muscle whilst still losing weight, so the mirror's a better guide really. By the looks of your post, though, you've started to make positive steps towards improving your diet, so this probably won't apply to you.

Your regime actually looks pretty good for weight loss and general fitness. What I would say about 'ruining all of your hard work' on a Friday and Saturday, though, is that it actually speeds up your metabolism to have a blowout 'cheat day' every 7-10 days where, within reason, you just eat whatever the f**k you feel like. Two a week's a bit excessive, though: if you're really serious about it, try cutting your 'days off' from two a week to one every 7-10 and you'll see better results whilst not having to feel guilty about it or like you're 'ruining' anything.

Obviously, a lot of people think that their weekends are too important to them to cut back on and that they'd rather keep that part of their social life than get the extra benefits diet-wise. That's fair enough too.

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That's just fucking stupid.

How many times do people need to be told that crash diets don't fucking work? The only way to get into and stay in shape is by eating sensibly (ie, not following some stupid short term plan) and getting plenty of exercise.

The exact same things that I said on the other thread apply here, they just need to be applied to a calorie deficit (ie, if mixed with a moderate amount of exercise, around 2,000 calories a day).

The rules of nutrition are very simple. People just like to kid themselves on that there's some magic shortcut around eating well and getting plenty of exercise, which I personally think shows an enormous lack of self respect.

That's fair enough, but you'd still be better off making gradual and sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle: things like cutting out or cutting down on sweets, crisps and fizzy juice, eating more fruit and veg, etc. I posted a lot of maths in the other thread, which I'm aware that the majority of people aren't going to pay huge amounts of attention to, but you really don't need to. What I will say is that, if you don't take on enough carbs, you won't train as well anyway and you'll take ages to recover after training. It certainly won't do your achilles any good either.

At the moment, I'm doing two sessions of Muay Thai a week plus either two at the gym and one run or three at the gym. I break my gym days up between high intensity resistance work (basically, weight training done as a circuit: it doesn't build muscle like other forms of resistance training, but is great for endurance and functional strength) and high intensity interval training (cardio work consisting of short 'sprints' broken up by longer periods at an easier pace).

No it isn't. Especially not if you're getting plenty of exercise. Your body needs carbs to function properly.

What people should be doing is getting the right amount of carbs and getting them from good sources.

The boy speak sense. I crack up at the amount of people that are posting on my facebook that they have cut out carbs.

I've been told that, but I eat loads of food! I had two sausage rolls and three dohnuts today for lunch.

I think metabolism is a lot of shite for the vast majority of people who cite it, one way or another. I can stay thinnish just because I don't eat a massive amount of shite all the time.

I think metabolism is a fine excuse when you are younger. But it wont last all your life (lichtieforlife) and you will eventually become a chubby little b*****d and get even less birds.

The rule i live by is....everything in moderation. Simple but effective.

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If anyone wants to lose weight the key is dairy foods - bin them completely. As Humans we're not supposed to be drinking the milk of another animal. In fact, we're probably the only animal on the planet who drinks milk after we have moved onto solid foods.

I'm 5 ft 9" and was 11st 10lbs when I quit dairy foods and I'm now 11st 2 in just over 4 months - without changing the amount of exercise I do. I quit because dairy disagreed with me - not because I wanted to lose weight. I was actually happy with my weight.

It's not an easy thing to give up but it forces you to improve your diet. For example, you can no longer eat:

Milk in cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc.


Ice Cream.



Most crisps apart from more natural ones like Kettle etc.


Anything with cream e.g. Kormas etc.

This leaves you pretty much eating fruit/veg/meat/pasta/rice. You can still have treats but they are sugar based e.g. most non chocolate sweets.

You will be amazed what percentage of food that contains dairy is terrible for you.

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If anyone wants to lose weight the key is dairy foods - bin them completely. As Humans we're not supposed to be drinking the milk of another animal. In fact, we're probably the only animal on the planet who drinks milk after we have moved onto solid foods.

I'm 5 ft 9" and was 11st 10lbs when I quit dairy foods and I'm now 11st 2 in just over 4 months - without changing the amount of exercise I do. I quit because dairy disagreed with me - not because I wanted to lose weight. I was actually happy with my weight.

It's not an easy thing to give up but it forces you to improve your diet. For example, you can no longer eat:

Milk in cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc.


Ice Cream.



Most crisps apart from more natural ones like Kettle etc.


Anything with cream e.g. Kormas etc.

This leaves you pretty much eating fruit/veg/meat/pasta/rice. You can still have treats but they are sugar based e.g. most non chocolate sweets.

You will be amazed what percentage of food that contains dairy is terrible for you.

This is up there as one of the worst posts ever.

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If anyone wants to lose weight the key is dairy foods - bin them completely. As Humans we're not supposed to be drinking the milk of another animal. In fact, we're probably the only animal on the planet who drinks milk after we have moved onto solid foods.

I'm 5 ft 9" and was 11st 10lbs when I quit dairy foods and I'm now 11st 2 in just over 4 months - without changing the amount of exercise I do. I quit because dairy disagreed with me - not because I wanted to lose weight. I was actually happy with my weight.

It's not an easy thing to give up but it forces you to improve your diet. For example, you can no longer eat:

Milk in cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc.


Ice Cream.



Most crisps apart from more natural ones like Kettle etc.


Anything with cream e.g. Kormas etc.

This leaves you pretty much eating fruit/veg/meat/pasta/rice. You can still have treats but they are sugar based e.g. most non chocolate sweets.

You will be amazed what percentage of food that contains dairy is terrible for you.

That is fucking bollocks.

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It should probably also be noted that the vast majority of the world (~75%) cannot digest lactose in cows milk. I wonder why that is?

Three choices: 1) God fucked up in his design. 2) Evolutions a little slow in realising we want to eat cows milk or 3) The body simply isnt designed for eating milk from another animal.

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Good balanced opinion from P&B's finest. Care to enlighten me on reasons why it is bollocks? Because you like your chocolate too much?

Not really, no reasons are needed. It is bollocks. And I very rarely eat any chocolate, but I do get through eight pints of milk every three days :)

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If anyone wants to lose weight the key is dairy foods - bin them completely. As Humans we're not supposed to be drinking the milk of another animal. In fact, we're probably the only animal on the planet who drinks milk after we have moved onto solid foods.

I'm 5 ft 9" and was 11st 10lbs when I quit dairy foods and I'm now 11st 2 in just over 4 months - without changing the amount of exercise I do. I quit because dairy disagreed with me - not because I wanted to lose weight. I was actually happy with my weight.

It's not an easy thing to give up but it forces you to improve your diet. For example, you can no longer eat:

Milk in cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc.


Ice Cream.



Most crisps apart from more natural ones like Kettle etc.


Anything with cream e.g. Kormas etc.

This leaves you pretty much eating fruit/veg/meat/pasta/rice. You can still have treats but they are sugar based e.g. most non chocolate sweets.

You will be amazed what percentage of food that contains dairy is terrible for you.


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