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The get fit, stay fit thread

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In my opinion, weights are definitely better than running/cycling (that sort of cardio stuff) for fat loss [unless of course you need the fitness for other activities]. Get on a solid routine involving the big compound exercise and try to make sure you keep increasing the weight each workout.

Up the protein and good fats and reduce the amount of carbs.

If anyone is really interested, you could also try intermittent fasting. I've been doing it for a few months and it's made life easier for me. You essentially try to get all your calories in a shortened feeding window. The guy who owns the site has quite a few solid research studies which back up his claims.

I need to work on both.

Planning to run in a couple of halfs and 10Ks this year, and it'll also help the football.

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Apologies for being about the 87th person to use mhak as a sounding board. But i'm trying to lose roughly 1.5 stone (I'm 14-4 at the moment and 5'11). I'm also trying to build up a bit of strength and generally get as fit as i can. I'm doing the following:

Monday: Badminton then RPM (45 minute bike class thing)

Tuesday: 2.5mile run at lunchtime, Weights after work (2 circuits of 3x8 of about as much as i can lift/manage), 30 mins intervals on X Trainer (30 secs on high resistance at 200+ steps/min and 30secs on medium resistance at 160 steps/min)

Wednesday: RPM

Thursday: Same as Tuesday

Friday: Fives then RPM

Saturday: REST

Sunday: Same as Tuesday & Thursday

In terms of eating, my diet isn't dreadful. Although i could do with cutting out the bread a bit. Eat a lot of chicken breast based meals, using Quorn instead of mince and go through a fair bit of soup.

I've been doing this for about 2 months, and although i haven't lost a lot of weight, I do definitely feel a good bit fitter. Any advice, changes you can recommend would be appreciated.

What I would say is that you seem to be cramming quite a lot into certain days (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday stick out), to the extent that it'll maybe be counterproductive.

Generally speaking, if you train for longer than around an hour at a time your muscles will run out of the glycogen that they use as fuel, with the end result that you'll burn lean tissue instead of fat (meaning that even if you lose weight, you won't actually be in better shape). This can be offset by taking on some quick release carbohydrates during training, ie a sports drink. This will boost your blood sugar levels and be used by your body as an immediate source of fuel, meaning that your body'll burn this along with its fat stores rather than having to burn excessive amounts of lean tissue. Alternatively, you could split some of the workouts onto separate days. If you're training more than once in the same day, I'd also definitely recommend some quick release carbs along with a bit of the protein after the first workout in order to allow your body to refuel in time for the second.

Generally speaking, I think that a lot of people who do a lot of cardio underestimate their body's carbohydrate requirements. You'll have an increased protein requirement too, but going 'low carb' isn't at all beneficial if you're doing a lot of cardio training. That's not to say that you should be eating pasta filled baguettes all day, obviously, but try to get a decent serving of high quality carbs in 2-4 hours before your workout as well as immediately after. Other than that, how much you require throughout the day will be determined by your specific goals and how much you're eating more generally.

The programme that you've posted will help you to lose weight and get fitter if your nutrition's right, but I would still maybe consider replacing quantity with quality.

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That Harris Benedict equation is very interesting. A lot of good work on the diet and exercise front could be worthless if you have a binge drinking sesh at the weekends. I was 12 st 4 for about two years even though i was going to the gym etc. but still had a bev on a saturday night. I stopped drinking for about 2 months last year and lost a stone. I now would like to get to about 10 10 so i think i need to can the cans for a while!

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I went to the gym last night and followed MakGuru's advice and lifted heavier weights for fewer reps. I didn't have much time but I'll stick at that a couple of weeks and see how I do. I've been trying to avoid doing too much cardio in the gym since going back to Jiu Jitsu, mainly to stop myself getting tired out. I'm going to go in tomorrow and do some HIIT and more weights.

In terms of length of traiing, I usually spend maximum 90 minutes at the gym, usually just over an hour. For food, I always have pasta or something like that for lunch if I'm going to BJJ or the gym after work and when I get in I usually have a baked potato and tuna, or something like that. I do eat a fair load of shite though, it's something I need to stop.

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I've just got a gym membership through my work, got a routine made up which consists of:

- squats

- deadlifts

- chest press machine with plate lifts between

- overhand/underhand lat pull downs

- bicep extensions

- 10-15 mins on the cross trainer, 8 secs on/12 secs off

- 10-15 minutes on the rower

- Reverse sit ups

- Seated wood chops

- Russian twists

Doing that lot takes me about an hour and a half (and I am disciplined re rest periods... I'm guessing that's ok given that I asked for a routine that would improve fitness for football?

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What I would say is that you seem to be cramming quite a lot into certain days (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday stick out), to the extent that it'll maybe be counterproductive.

Generally speaking, if you train for longer than around an hour at a time your muscles will run out of the glycogen that they use as fuel, with the end result that you'll burn lean tissue instead of fat (meaning that even if you lose weight, you won't actually be in better shape). This can be offset by taking on some quick release carbohydrates during training, ie a sports drink. This will boost your blood sugar levels and be used by your body as an immediate source of fuel, meaning that your body'll burn this along with its fat stores rather than having to burn excessive amounts of lean tissue. Alternatively, you could split some of the workouts onto separate days. If you're training more than once in the same day, I'd also definitely recommend some quick release carbs along with a bit of the protein after the first workout in order to allow your body to refuel in time for the second.

Generally speaking, I think that a lot of people who do a lot of cardio underestimate their body's carbohydrate requirements. You'll have an increased protein requirement too, but going 'low carb' isn't at all beneficial if you're doing a lot of cardio training. That's not to say that you should be eating pasta filled baguettes all day, obviously, but try to get a decent serving of high quality carbs in 2-4 hours before your workout as well as immediately after. Other than that, how much you require throughout the day will be determined by your specific goals and how much you're eating more generally.

The programme that you've posted will help you to lose weight and get fitter if your nutrition's right, but I would still maybe consider replacing quantity with quality.

That's good stuff mhak. Cheers.

I think i'll bin the RPM on Friday for a start ... I'm usually pretty wiped after fives so tanking it on a bike for another hour immediately afterwards is probably a pretty bad idea :lol:

I'll also have a look at how i schedule the other stuff, although to a large extent is arranged around my work. The Tues/Thurs lunchtime runs are pretty gentle affairs ... 2.5 miles in 22-25 mins usually, and as i have another few hours until i head to do weights and X-trainer stuff, i'll use that time to refuel properly.

Anyway, cheers again for your advice mate, much appreciated.

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I am a pretty strong swimmer and would find it hard to do HIIT while swimming, but that's just me. You could go all out front crawl for a length and then do breaststroke on the way back? Never really thought about it though, I've found HIIT has helped me lose weight and get generally fitter though.

It'd be very tough, but I'd think probably better than more 'traditional' forms of HIIT if you were able to maintain a high enough intensity due to the constant element of resistance.

The bolded line is what i attempted - wasn't as intense as "traditonal" HIIT but it was enjoyable - and lets face it,you're more likely to stick with something as enjoyable.

I had a horrid time squatting on friday nioght - i just find it really awkward in terms of racking the bar again, so have moved to the Smith machine for the time being. I'll drop weight whenever i graduate back to the rack.

I'm oretty time poor just now though and thus, to completely contradict my previosu post, I am considering doing all my coumpund lifts in one session , 2-3 times a week, something like


Pull up



I normally do 15-20 minutes on the crosstrainer, and 20-30 min in the pool afterwards

Will that work most of my major muscle groups to be worthwhile and effective?

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That looks good Banterman. Back for me today so it will be pull ups, chin ups and lat pull downs. Probably do stomach as well. Then an hour and a half of football tonight.

You probably won't need to. I found my abs get a good workout just from doing chins and pull ups. Hanging leg raises will work the lower abs really well too if you are up on the monkey bar anyway :P

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Got a slight shoulder injury and the position it's in for leg raises is painful. Also most tricep exercises. I will probably use a decline bench and 6kg med ball for sit ups and twists. Also use 30kg dumbell for obliques.

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Got a slight shoulder injury and the position it's in for leg raises is painful. Also most tricep exercises. I will probably use a decline bench and 6kg med ball for sit ups and twists. Also use 30kg dumbell for obliques.

I wouldn't be doing any chins or pulls up til it heals then. I had a bit of tennis elbow through the summer and I had to quite doing anything like that until it healed I just kept aggravating it.

My fitness routine yesterday consisted of walking about nine miles up a mountain knee deep in mud, then snow and ice before sinking a few pints in the pub.:D

My legs are feeling wrecked this morning.

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The wife bought a Scottish Slimmers book on Sunday and is following it quite closely. I asked her to make me things from it, and I've lost 5lbs since Monday night.

Not bad I'd say.

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The bolded line is what i attempted - wasn't as intense as "traditonal" HIIT but it was enjoyable - and lets face it,you're more likely to stick with something as enjoyable.

I usually do this, but I find that if try to break into doing the front crawl as in maybe this time do 2 lengths of front crawl between every 8 lengths, instead of your continuious front crawl there and breaststroke back. The main technique I found was the difference in my breathing for both strokes. I found that in my front crawl, I'd exhale through my mouth and in breaststroke through my nose. When I started to apply it my front crawl, I slowly but surely started to get a better rhythm. Also counting helps as well, depending on if your breath every 3, 5, or 7 strokes. Doing it to even numbered strokes would not be recommended however, as it would likely give you a RSI in the shoulder that you are continuiously breathing from.

I do it more right now to improve my lung capacity and lower my rested heart rate for the time being, plus I also sweat like out of date cheddar in the gym <_<

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I usually do this, but I find that if try to break into doing the front crawl as in maybe this time do 2 lengths of front crawl between every 8 lengths, instead of your continuious front crawl there and breaststroke back. The main technique I found was the difference in my breathing for both strokes. I found that in my front crawl, I'd exhale through my mouth and in breaststroke through my nose. When I started to apply it my front crawl, I slowly but surely started to get a better rhythm. Also counting helps as well, depending on if your breath every 3, 5, or 7 strokes. Doing it to even numbered strokes would not be recommended however, as it would likely give you a RSI in the shoulder that you are continuiously breathing from.

I do it more right now to improve my lung capacity and lower my rested heart rate for the time being, plus I also sweat like out of date cheddar in the gym dry.gif

Let me see if I'm understanding this right you;re suggesting soemthing long the line of

4 Lengths = Breast Stroke

2 Lengths = Front crawl

4 Lengths = Breast stroke and so on?

I like it, but i think i may lose count of what lengths I'm on

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Let me see if I'm understanding this right you;re suggesting soemthing long the line of

4 Lengths = Breast Stroke

2 Lengths = Front crawl

4 Lengths = Breast stroke and so on?

I like it, but i think i may lose count of what lengths I'm on

Mainly I'm just increasing the amount of as I go on, but I do it.

1 length = Breast Stroke

1 length = Front Crawl

Is the main. Then at the end of every 6, I do 2 front crawl to make my 8 lengths. I then repeat until I've done my mile, so 8 x 8 of that routine.

It was originally every 14, to make my 16 towards a mile, but I felt I could do better.

I'm going to try one 2 front crawl in a row and then 1 breast stroke for every 3 today and see how that goes.

My main hope to become able to flawlessly do front crawl all the way for two miles. I managed 80 on friday in just outside an hour so it can be done(so long as the fat, slow c***s stay in the slow lane). It's just a shame I can't do the backstroke worth a f**k! :lol:

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