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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Problem is with a young baby in the house and a job where I'm stuck at a desk for 8 hours a day its difficult fitting in everything I'd like to do.

Same here mate. Prior to the wee man coming along I was at the gym 3 or 4 times a week, also excercised at home and had a good diet. Since the wee man came along it has all went out the window. The gym membership is gone nad my diet consists of quick and easy food such as pizza. Whenever I am lucky enough to have an hour to myself I am far too exhausted due to lack of sleep that excercise is out of the question. I never used to eat chocolate but have turned to bars here and there as a quick fix and quick boost when I feel I am dropping off! BUT, I kmow it won't always be like this and once the wee man can walk and run I will get all the excercise I need down the park. Also, once he doesn't need constant attention I can probably find time to prepare better food or excercise in the house. I am only a stone over what I was when I was fit, I just have to make sure it doesn't get any worse.

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I have been getting fit and staying fit.

I've recommended this before but if you have an XBOX then the kinect is one of the best fitness tools you will ever find.

ETA- my only downfall, and I'm trying to watch it more than ever is my diet. I just like to eat too much stuff that's bad for you. I'm going to list a few things that I love and if anyone could advise me better as to better options I would appreciate it:

Coffee, white no sugar

Bread, I fucking love bread

Chicken and rice (good for you I suppose)



Custard creams and biscuits in general.

Chinese food, this is my weekend treat and I usually have chicken satay.

The rest of my diet is really not too bad and I weigh a healthy 12 and a half stone, I'm 6"2. Probably the right weight but I put in a half decent amount of gym time and I'm looking to maximise this, especially around my lower abs which I just cannot get to the shape I want.

Edited by Dindeleux
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I've lost half a pound in a week. Yes, half a fuckin pound. I'm eating 6 or more bits of fruit a day, drinking lots of flavoured water, and eating plenty of meat, pasta, and rice, along with yoghurts. I'm getting plenty of exercise (I'm in quite a physical job) and doing plenty of walking. Where the hell am I going wrong?

I'm in no way an expert buddy but I wouldn't even focus on your weight for at least a month, you might get to a point where you give up as its not coming off. Eating better and getting more exercise will make you feel better and that "better" feeling becomes addictive.

Keep at it and then weigh yourself in March.

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I've lost half a pound in a week. Yes, half a fuckin pound. I'm eating 6 or more bits of fruit a day, drinking lots of flavoured water, and eating plenty of meat, pasta, and rice, along with yoghurts. I'm getting plenty of exercise (I'm in quite a physical job) and doing plenty of walking. Where the hell am I going wrong?

It depends.

I would go here; http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

Enter in all your details, because your caloric needs to maintain your current bodyweight will differ depending on age, gender, height etc.

Then count calories. Thermodynamics mean it really is "calories in, calories out", so if you're eating more calories in a day than your body needs, you'll put weight on. Consume fewer calories and you'll lose weight.

Exercise determines whether what you're putting on is more muscle or fat during a surplus, and it determines how much muscle you're retaining in a caloric deficit.

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Also, that's me back into my healthy living routine! Been to the gym every day this week, aiming for 3 days of weights and 2 days of cardio. Haven't had a ciggy in 2 days, thanks largely to that Niquitin stuff which is fucking fantastic so far. Diets also a million times better.

Had my first proper cardio session in years on Tuesday and managed a 50 minute run on the treadmill at 5.0, burning about 430 calories or so. Really chuffed with that for a start to my cardio routine, bodies still a bit stiff and I was blowing out my arse for the final 10 minutes or so, but yeah, much better than I expected to manage having not been for so long and living off of shite for the past 2 months. Cardio again today, aiming to complete a full hour this time.

Just got to keep it up, make sure I'm lifting heavier/running faster/longer each time and keep track of it in my notepad. Mistake I made last time was not sticking to the routine or getting back into it after I was ill for a week or so, just fell right back into bad habits. :(

Edit: I'm also eating vegetable medleys with each meal, had one the past 3 dinners in a row. They've really grown on me, wasn't too keen for the first one but I'm starting to enjoy eating them now. Which is weird, because I thought it would be the other way around and I'd get sick of them, but there you are.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Started doing at least 200 sit ups a day last week in a bid to get something that resembles a six pack. Hilarious I know but f**k it why not, but I forgot just how much I bloody despise doing sit ups :lol:

I may be wrong, and if I had a Horn of Gondor type thing that could summon Mhak then I'd be blowing it furiously just now, but I *THINK* that when it comes to sit-ups/push-ups, to get the same sort of results you'd see from lifting free-weights (squats and deadlifts in particular) you need to:

a) Figure out how many you can do to the point of failure i.e literally aren't able to physically do another sit up or push up due to exhaustion

b) Divide that number by 2

c) Do the number you get in b) 7 times each session, with about a minutes rest in between

So say your body can do 100 sit-ups before you are utterly exhausted and you can't do any more; to get results you need to do 50 sit-ups, have a minutes rest, then another 50, then rest and so on, until you've done 7 sets of 50. Which is 350 sit-ups in total.

For a six pack you also need to have something like 7% - 11% body fat for the muscles around the abdomen to be clearly visible.

Edit: but yeah, freeweights and making sure your diet is in order is better if you want a six pack than doing hundreds of sit-ups each day. It's just way more efficient.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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I may be wrong, and if I had a Horn of Gondor type thing that could summon Mhak then I'd be blowing it furiously just now, but I *THINK* that when it comes to sit-ups/push-ups, to get the same sort of results you'd see from lifting free-weights (squats and deadlifts in particular) you need to:

a) Figure out how many you can do to the point of failure i.e literally aren't able to physically do another sit up or push up due to exhaustion

b) Divide that number by 2

c) Do the number you get in b) 7 times each session, with about a minutes rest in between

So say you can do 100 sit-ups before your body is utterly exhausted and you can't do any more; you then need to do 50 sit-ups, have a minutes rest, then another 50, then rest and so on, until you've done 7 sets of 50. Which is about 350 sit-ups in total.

For a six pack you also need to have something like 7% - 11% body fat for the muscles around the abdomen to be clearly visible.

You do, and it's a fucking tremendous hassle to keep yourself at that.

Hanging leg raises and planks are also quite good for strengthening the abs in places that sit ups dont touch. All youll really do if you do that many sit ups is give yourself a sore back.

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Should be looking to get back to the gym after developing a bit of a belly since starting work. I'm currently sitting about 13st (I'm 5'8) which isn't as high as I have been before, but nowhere near the 11st or so I was three or four years ago. I've made a few changes in my diet to help me on the way. Namely, I've stopped taking the easy option and going to Greggs for lunch, eating fruit in the mornings and having smaller portions for tea. Ultimately, I'll need to try and stamp out drinking fizzy juice if I want to make decent progress.

In terms of exercise, I only just found out a few months ago that my town has a decent wee gym. It isn't too busy during week nights and so its relatively easy to get round on circuits. If I get my fitness back I'll quite easily be able to turn out the distances on the treadmill, bikes and do some weights on top of that. I'm really only interested in toning myself down and trying to get my cardio up to a suitable level. When it gets lighter in the evenings, I'll take my running outside, especially given that Fife's coastal path is excellent for running along.

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Started doing at least 200 sit ups a day last week in a bid to get something that resembles a six pack. Hilarious I know but f**k it why not, but I forgot just how much I bloody despise doing sit ups :lol:

You need to do more than sit ups to get a 6pack dude.

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Started back going to the gym before Christmas. Then the gym shut for two weeks, when I weighed myself before Christmas I was 17"12, got back and I was 17"7 to my amazement, sitting at 17"3 just now.

Have been going to the gym around 4-5 times a week. Gave up fizzy juice completely for the next couple of months, been drinking plenty of water and having small meals every few hours with plenty of fruit and water. When I started back I could barely run a mile without being knackered and wanting to stop, yesterday I did 4 miles non stop in about 36 minutes. Starting to feel fitter although I see no difference in my weight despite me dropping almost a stone.

Hopefully continue the good work and be a couple stone lighter come summer.

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I'm going to list a few things that I love and if anyone could advise me better as to better options I would appreciate it:

Coffee, white no sugar

Bread, I fucking love bread

Chicken and rice (good for you I suppose)



Custard creams and biscuits in general.

Chinese food, this is my weekend treat and I usually have chicken satay.

I'm looking to maximise this, especially around my lower abs which I just cannot get to the shape I want.

If you want to shift the weight from your abdomen you need to keep away from the stuff listed in bold. Be careful with your sugar intake and read food labelling religiously.

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I'm just wondering, is there a quick or easy way to measure your body fat percentage?

Buy a pair of callipers. No method of measurement will be 100% accurate, but callipers will give you a decent ballpark figure and, as long as your measurements are consistent, you'll still be able to monitor changes.

I've lost half a pound in a week. Yes, half a fuckin pound. I'm eating 6 or more bits of fruit a day, drinking lots of flavoured water, and eating plenty of meat, pasta, and rice, along with yoghurts. I'm getting plenty of exercise (I'm in quite a physical job) and doing plenty of walking. Where the hell am I going wrong?

Weight loss is about calories in vs calories out, not the names of the foods you're eating. You could get fat on nothing but chicken breast, brown rice and broccoli and could lose weight on nothing but fish suppers.

Composing a diet of mainly (although not necessarily completely) 'healthy' foods is a good start, but weight loss is solely about the energy balance equation. It also sounds like you have some misconceptions about what constitute good foods for weight loss, as quite a few of the things you've listed are actually quite calorie dense.

Make sure said protein powder does not contain aspartame or acesulfame k. Both are neurotoxins. No point having a good bod when your brain turns to mush later on in life.

Lol. Please provide proof that either of these substances cause long term health problems.

I just like to eat too much stuff that's bad for you. I'm going to list a few things that I love and if anyone could advise me better as to better options I would appreciate it:

Coffee, white no sugar

Bread, I fucking love bread

Chicken and rice (good for you I suppose)



Custard creams and biscuits in general.

Chinese food, this is my weekend treat and I usually have chicken satay.

Nothing is 'bad for you' in moderation.

Also, what kind of hippy retard told you coffee, bread, rice and potatoes were bad for you? FFS, I despair.

How do you measure your body fat %?


Edited by Mak
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Lol. Please provide proof that either of these substances cause long term health problems.

You and I both know these substances haven't been in mainstream consumption long enough fot the long term effects to manifest themselves. Plenty of Dr's and Neurosurgeons however believe it is a ticking timebomb. Personally, I have been keeping away from these subdtances for a long time now. I'm not willing to ingest something which occured in a laboratory by accident. The sweetener industry is huge and immensely powerful, especially in the U.S. Carry on ingesting it if you like, I will trust the Dr's and Surgeons who aren't on Candarel, Nutrasweet etc payroll.

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You and I both know these substances haven't been in mainstream consumption long enough fot the long term effects to manifest themselves. Plenty of Dr's and Neurosurgeons however believe it is a ticking timebomb. Personally, I have been keeping away from these subdtances for a long time now. I'm not willing to ingest something which occured in a laboratory by accident. The sweetener industry is huge and immensely powerful, especially in the U.S. Carry on ingesting it if you like, I will trust the Dr's and Surgeons who aren't on Candarel, Nutrasweet etc payroll.

Strong patronise.

What you're basically saying here is that there's no evidence, but that some doctors and surgeons are wary of it. What you're then going on to do is dismiss anyone who disagrees with that assessment as being on the payroll of companies which make a profit from artificial sweeteners. Has it struck you that there's a flipside to this? I could say that the doctors arguing against artificial sweeteners are all on the payroll of Tate & Lyle, Silver Spoon and so on. I'm not going to, though, because then I'd look as stupid as you do.

As it happens, some studies have shown these sweeteners to be linked to long term health problems. Correlation doesn't equal causation, though, and the best advice in this instance would seem to be to encourage moderation rather than abstinence. Issues arise when people like you make claims which, at this stage at least, just aren't backed up by evidence. At this point, that equates to spreading misinformation.

It's funny that you're getting so sanctimonious over this point when you've already admitted to having an unhealthy diet consisting mainly of quick, easy food and chocolate bars (presumably artificial trans fats are okay, even though there's far more evidence against them than there is against artificial sweeteners). I suspect that in your case this is a way of trying to pretend that just having the full sugar versions is somehow 'healthy'.

Oh, btw: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273230002915424

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Should be looking to get back to the gym after developing a bit of a belly since starting work. I'm currently sitting about 13st (I'm 5'8) which isn't as high as I have been before, but nowhere near the 11st or so I was three or four years ago. I've made a few changes in my diet to help me on the way. Namely, I've stopped taking the easy option and going to Greggs for lunch, eating fruit in the mornings and having smaller portions for tea. Ultimately, I'll need to try and stamp out drinking fizzy juice if I want to make decent progress.

In terms of exercise, I only just found out a few months ago that my town has a decent wee gym. It isn't too busy during week nights and so its relatively easy to get round on circuits. If I get my fitness back I'll quite easily be able to turn out the distances on the treadmill, bikes and do some weights on top of that. I'm really only interested in toning myself down and trying to get my cardio up to a suitable level. When it gets lighter in the evenings, I'll take my running outside, especially given that Fife's coastal path is excellent for running along.

I'm in a very similar boat!

13 and a half stone, and I'm about 5 foot 11. My lunches at work now consist of a solitary chicken/turkey breast sandwich with lurpak lightest butter on brown bread. Whereas before I'd nip 5 minutes along to the high street for all manner of shite. The sandwiches are actually really quite nice. Haven't had fizzy juice in about 4 days, which I'm pleased with - plenty of water and a couple of glasses of milk each day instead of 2L of Irn Bru.

My gym is the Glasgow Club in Maryhill. There's loads of machines, both for weights and all sorts of cardio, but the freeweight selection is shit and there's only 1 barbell for squats/deadlifts - and even that's on a Smith Machine Press (think thats what its called)!

It's also very busy so the only time I can get pretty much all of the machines/weights I want with little to no wait is if I go at 7.30PM, which tbh suits me perfectly, but its very conveniently located. Someone told me there's a gym near the barracks, think I'll look into joining it once my membership expires at the Glasgow Club. Can't see me renewing in all honesty. It's great for all kinds of activities - swimming, squash etc. - but I only really need gym facilities.

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My gym is the Glasgow Club in Maryhill. There's loads of machines, both for weights and all sorts of cardio, but the freeweight selection is shit and there's only 1 barbell for squats/deadlifts - and even that's on a Smith Machine Press (think thats what its called)!

Is that the North Woodside? If so i used to be a memeber (can see it from my windown :ph34r: )

I just found it too small, that's why i opted to join Pure Gym instead, much bigger and no closing time.

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I may be wrong, and if I had a Horn of Gondor type thing that could summon Mhak then I'd be blowing it furiously just now, but I *THINK* that when it comes to sit-ups/push-ups, to get the same sort of results you'd see from lifting free-weights (squats and deadlifts in particular) you need to:

a) Figure out how many you can do to the point of failure i.e literally aren't able to physically do another sit up or push up due to exhaustion

b) Divide that number by 2

c) Do the number you get in b) 7 times each session, with about a minutes rest in between

So say your body can do 100 sit-ups before you are utterly exhausted and you can't do any more; to get results you need to do 50 sit-ups, have a minutes rest, then another 50, then rest and so on, until you've done 7 sets of 50. Which is 350 sit-ups in total.

For a six pack you also need to have something like 7% - 11% body fat for the muscles around the abdomen to be clearly visible.

Edit: but yeah, freeweights and making sure your diet is in order is better if you want a six pack than doing hundreds of sit-ups each day. It's just way more efficient.

You do, and it's a fucking tremendous hassle to keep yourself at that.

Hanging leg raises and planks are also quite good for strengthening the abs in places that sit ups dont touch. All youll really do if you do that many sit ups is give yourself a sore back.

You need to do more than sit ups to get a 6pack dude.

Sorry guys should've been more clear, im not just doing 200 regular sit ups in a row and then stopping. I am alternating between doing 200 crunches one day and then various other stomach exercises another day. Planks, side planks, side crunch's, heel touches, crisscrosses etc. Along with my regular running and football. Need to get back to the gym to get some swimming going again also.

Also back on my diet that I posted on here a good while ago so along with losing weight im hoping to whale on my abs to get something that resembles a six pack. I know its probably not achievable without seriously working on it but like I said im just after something that resembles a six pack. A slightly toned, flat stomach will do.

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