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The get fit, stay fit thread

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You could add some lean mass without getting fat by eating more than 1500 cals. That's not very much at all and your training's probably suffering for it. I don't your circumstances of course so all imo.

Wouldn't think about leaning up/getting stronger as cutting/bulking that's a bit of a myth to an extent. Easy enough to lose bodyfat and gain muscle up to a certain level.

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160 grams of protein today for me as a comparison, logged on fitness pal.


Porridge with almonds


Apple and two mandarin oranges


Roast beef and potatoes



Pre gym

Three bean soup with pack of pre cooked chicken slices

After gym

Baked potato, tin of tuna, chicken and noodles

1500ish calories. Not very much but tried to eat more and just got quite fat.

Trying to lose fat until under 10%, at 12 atm. Then will try to pack on lean muscle, will inevitably put some fat back on but don't want to bulk up when I have some fat already, I don't have a big frame really so any fat shows.

Is this viable? Talking about a two year plan, not rushing anything. Any tips on losing the final few percent in fat?

See I'm fairly sure that there's not 160g of protein there unless the roast beef and chicken were huge?

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Sorry I messed up its 2000ish calories minus about 500 for exercise.

I have the screendumps from fitness pal but can't seem to be able to put them into a post. I used the actual brands so I think it's quite accurate.

The porridge and nuts worked out at about ten

Beef and yoghurt was around forty

Soup was about five

Tuna was forty

Chicken was one and a half breasts chopped up that was about forty

Chicken and noodles was low fat Asda Szechuan that was about thirty

Breakdown for groups is 60% carbs, 30% protein and the rest is fat.

I could cut down on carbs but find it hard to just eat chicken or tuna alone. Don't fancy protein shakes or bars tbh.

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I think you could change that diet quite a lot really. If you want to post up your training as well I can maybe offer a few pointers.

This is my routine, looking to lose fat - muscle gain not really important. Just want to sustain and not lose any.


30-45 mins on stationary exercise bike. High to low intensity, try to build up a sweat.

45-70 mins weights - have free weights and multigym in garage. Use reverse pyramid system light-medium-heavy and usually do front to back system. (i.e. chest press then back exercise).

x3 sets of leg extensions

x2 sets of calf raises

x3 sets of overhead dips

x3 sets of rows

x3 sets of dumbell press

x3 sets of lat pull downs

x3 sets of bench dumbbell pull ups

x3 sets of bicep bar curls

x3 sets of bicep curls - free weights

x3 sets of tricep extensions

Five min ab crunches workout.


Five min ab crunches workout

Some pressups


Hour of Five-A-Side


Similar to Monday but change some exercises and the order.


Same as Tuesday


30 mins on bike and Ab five mins again, maybe pressups.


Same as Monday - different order.

Sunday - nothing, maybe a flat walk or some stretching.

The weights I'm lifting is maximum forty kg for the bench exercises, I only weigh around 11st. Reps never go over twelve.

Any advice would be welcome.

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Routine looks a bit complicated try not to overthink things.

I'd recommend doing 1 back, 1 leg, 1 chest, 1 shoulder exercise 3 days a week and add in some minor muscle exercises like bicep, tri and some extra leg work wherever possible. It's a bit tougher when youre restricted with equipment, can you get into a gym one day a week to do some heavy compound work like squats, deadlifts?

If you're cutting calories drop the fruit and use those cals to have more meat and green veg. Try to get a bit more protein in you at breakfast time if you're only having one meal after training in the evening.

Chicken on its own is a bit shite so fry up some breast fillets with veg and coconut oil (this doesnt have to be pricey). Whey is the best bang for buck protein source there is forget the nicely packaged branded stuff though. I buy 5kg unflavoured whey for £47 from bulkpowders think it works out at something like 1p per gram protein you could add a couple of scoops of that to your porridge in the morning.

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Fat free Greek yoghurt, oatmeal and chocolate protein powder is the breakfast of kings.

Taking the oatmeal out and making it a chocolate mousse for a snack is like mouth party at the Playboy Mansion.

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I buy 5kg unflavoured whey for £47 from bulkpowders think it works out at something like 1p per gram protein you could add a couple of scoops of that to your porridge in the morning.

Myprotein is good as well. I just bought 5kg of Chocolate Orange Impact Whey from them for £50. That included a 20% discount, but it is really good quality stuff that mixes well.

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Since September i've stuck on over half a stone. For a skinny guy its a lot more noticeable. I'm not necessarily wanting to lose the weight rather tone it.

I've got an exercise bike in my room so my trick to keeping fit is to play my PS4 whilst on the bike. 5-10k at a mid-high resistance goes by pretty quick. 2 to 3 times a week should help.

Really need to get a proper workout schedule made up though. Wanting to get in shape for the golf and a possible football comeback next year.

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Fat free Greek yoghurt, oatmeal and chocolate protein powder is the breakfast of kings.

Taking the oatmeal out and making it a chocolate mousse for a snack is like mouth party at the Playboy Mansion.

Works pretty well with Quark or cottage cheese, if you can't stand the sourness of Greek yoghurt.

Not used protein powder in a while, but I remember True Whey from MP (chocolate orange) was really lush. Agree about their dodgy delivery service.

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I have signed up for the Football Fans In Training course at ICTFC. :ph34r:

The first session was on Monday, I had my measurements taken for the first time in about 15 years. I was measured at 6'4, which was a bit of a surprise. I thought I was 6'1 or 6'2 at most. Finding out my weight was the real shock though. I'm only a bawhair off 20 stone. Fucking hell. :thumbsdown

We've been given pedometers to calculate our baseline step count and then we will given targets to increase our step count each week. I've made a bit of an effort to cut the shite out of my diet this week, especially the junk I eat at my desk and I'm already feeling better for it. The target for the course is to lose 5% of my current weight in 13 weeks, that seems a tough ask for an idle fat b*****d like myself, but I'm determined to see it through.

The ICT coaches running the course all seem like top lads and they are determined to get me to wear an ICT shirt before the end of the course. That ain't happening.

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I have signed up for the Football Fans In Training course at ICTFC. :ph34r:

The first session was on Monday, I had my measurements taken for the first time in about 15 years. I was measured at 6'4, which was a bit of a surprise. I thought I was 6'1 or 6'2 at most. Finding out my weight was the real shock though. I'm only a bawhair off 20 stone. Fucking hell. :thumbsdown

We've been given pedometers to calculate our baseline step count and then we will given targets to increase our step count each week. I've made a bit of an effort to cut the shite out of my diet this week, especially the junk I eat at my desk and I'm already feeling better for it. The target for the course is to lose 5% of my current weight in 13 weeks, that seems a tough ask for an idle fat b*****d like myself, but I'm determined to see it through.

The ICT coaches running the course all seem like top lads and they are determined to get me to wear an ICT shirt before the end of the course. That ain't happening.

Youll shift a stone in 13 weeks no problem.

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People saying they want to add mass need to bashing a serieAs amount pf calories.

Anyways my tips for quick and healthy breakfast and lunch are:

Breakfast >> veggie frittata. I use leeks, onion, peppers and a courgette. Whack it in the pan with olive oil. Sweat those babies off. Meanwhile whisk some eggs (i use 7) and then stick them in the pan with the veg. Let it cook a low-medium heat. Then after aboit 6-7 minutes, stick the pan in the oven and bake it until it is to your liking. Does me 4 days. Can put some spices through it as well.

Lunch i get 4-5 tins of tUna. Drain them and put them in a bowl witj red onion and black eyed beans . Season it. Then put some olive oil and white wine vinegar in and mix. Add enough of both to your taste. Dont add too much straight away. Add some chilli flakes. Then have that with some spinach and avocado everyday and watch dem gains come at ya

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