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The get fit, stay fit thread

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A Saturday night on the booze must be the worst thing ever for a weight loss regime. It hits in three distinct ways;

1.The humongous calorie intake of 10 pints of lager or whatever you're having.

2. The horrific take-away you invariably get at the end of the night.

3. Total and absolute inability to do any physical activity the following day.

Would the above totally undo a week of otherwise decent diet and exercise?

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A Saturday night on the booze must be the worst thing ever for a weight loss regime. It hits in three distinct ways;

1.The humongous calorie intake of 10 pints of lager or whatever you're having.

2. The horrific take-away you invariably get at the end of the night.

3. Total and absolute inability to do any physical activity the following day.

Would the above totally undo a week of otherwise decent diet and exercise?

Of course not. Even the takeaway isn't unhealthy - it alone will not make up your total fat/calorie recommendation for a day and can contain perfectly healthy nutrients when taken as part of a balanced diet. Maybe move onto the vodka after a few pints though if you're wanting to lose weight. :P

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A Saturday night on the booze must be the worst thing ever for a weight loss regime. It hits in three distinct ways;

1.The humongous calorie intake of 10 pints of lager or whatever you're having.

2. The horrific take-away you invariably get at the end of the night.

3. Total and absolute inability to do any physical activity the following day.

Would the above totally undo a week of otherwise decent diet and exercise?

I feel the exact same, I'm trying to stay aff the bevvy for a month. I play Sunday mornings so I have no reason not to do any exercise although half the time I'm hungover and can't be arsed.

Cider and Beer are the worst along with full fat fizzy mixers. I drink vodka with diet coke as it doesn't bloat you and you feel as you haven't put on a stone the next day.

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I have a max of 3 pints then I'm on to the voddy on a night out. And I always go for a 6 inch tuna and salad Subway before I head to the taxi rank.


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I'm having a day on a day off.

Is a rest day after every session the best way to go about it, or should I be going more often?

Dinner after the gym is four chicken breasts and a tin of beans.

I'm trying to gain muscle, not much though and get toned. Pretty skinny as I am, but I'm 6ft 2.

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Is it better to eat before or after working out?

Both really. Or you can exercise in a fasted state; you can read up on it and decide for yourself.

Your body is starved after sleeping and you need energy to help you exercise, so you would have your slow digesting carbs such as oats and some sugar; a piece of fruit to help you through your routine. If you're lifting heavy then the first thing you need to eat after a routine is protein; however you get that protein is up to you.

Always eat around 2 hours before your workout though, I tend to feel a bit bloated if I eat straight before or like half an hour before a workout.

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Is it better to eat before or after working out?

Probably down to personal preference, but I don't like to eat anything up to 2 hours before going to the gym or I can feel sick when I'm there. I can eat for Scotland straight after though, which is fine as long as the meal is well balanced , portion control etc.

I think the vast majority of folk can be a bit OTT about nutrition, unless you're trying to get to Andy Murray levels of fitness you don't have to be super-stringent about meal times, horsing down protein shakes etc.

Generally, if you eat balanced meals 90% of the time, don't booze too much, and don't eat massive portions you'll probably notice an improvement- if you want to go beyond that there's no harm but I've found that trying to be too fastidious can make you lose motivation.

I eat too much crap and booze too much to be six-pack ripped but I've never protested otherwise.

Edited by Fuctifano
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Is it better to eat before or after working out?

Doesn't really matter. Personal preference really.

I feel I get slightly light-headed if I'm working out on an empty-stomach but like to eat at least an hour before to give it time to settle.

Eating at least something after is important; some fast carbs and a bit of protein is good. Do your own research into the metabolic window because everyone has their own opinion. Personally I like to eat a banana whilst walking home from the gym and then get a proper meal with a good amount of protein within two hours.

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Been lifting weights and doing cardio six times a week, three days of each now for about a year.

Food I found didn't help

Eating lots and lots of fruit, it's still calories and full of sugar. Three pieces a day is fine.

Avoid smoothies, especially innocent smoothies. Very unhealthy and full of sugar. Same as eating three of four doughnuts.

Also avoid drinking lots of milk.

Eating lots of nuts, fnar. Though eating almonds was ok. Ate loads plus bags of peanuts etc. nuts contain lots of fat. I have half a dozen in porridge at breakfast, that's it.

Ready meals, even if healthy contain lots ofsalt and sugar.

When I was eating the above along with chicken breasts and baked potatoes I put on quite a bit of fat along with muscle.

Food I found works

Skimmed milk, tastes the same when adding to tea or other things.

Green tea, no milk, no sugar.

Lots of water, fills you up and helps digestion and breaking down fat.

Porridge, absolute wonder food. Have seen me last five or six hours climbing a Munro or going to the gym on just a bowlful of this stuff.

Eating actual real food. Stuff you need to mix together and cook yourself, even if it's just salad rather than pre packed etc.

Trying to find a balance now. Started at 12 stone went up to 12 and a half but looking fat then now down to under 11 stone but lost most fat looking more ripped but lost a wee bit of muscle mass. Strength is still there though.

Eating 1800 calories a day during the week and maybe 2000 at the weekend.

After last bit of fat comes off will eat 2000 plus every day but not sure what will keep the fat off and build just muscle.

I'm starting to think that's impossible and would like some guidance.

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Reason I asked is because I put off going today because I had enough spaghetti bolognese to feed Ethiopia, but that was obviously a mistake. I should really start halving my portions too, because I've read that's good. I need to eat as many calories as possible though in order to put on weight. If it helps, it helps I guess. I already eat relatively well though.

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There really is some amazing advice through this whole thread, especially from mhak.

I have to agree with this. Me and mhak had some differences but he was actually the one that persuaded me to get into shape, if there's one thing this site misses it's his fitness advice.

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Any of the ipad or android ones are good.

Five mins a day is enough and working solely om abs isnt going to work unless you reduce overall body fat.

I found doing hundreds of crunches just pushed my belly out.

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  • 4 months later...

Sizeable bump.

Injuries are my current frustration. Started running over the summer, was losing weight and fitter than I'd been in years. Season started and I did too many games in a short space of time and was suffering with my right knee. Took a couple of weeks off after persisting with it. Went back to training last night, knee is fine. Played a game of football at the end, tried to tackle (foul) someone as they were getting away from me, he kept going as I lay in a heap on the floor. Ankle is very sore today.

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Great bump IMO. I've sacked the treadmill 6 days a week and now do 4 gym sessions and 2 treadmill sessions a week. Definitely feel like my body has filled out muscle-wise and I'm sleeping for an hour/90 mins longer each night.

And there is slight signs of a *2 pack starting to show.

* Not the African-American rapper who is probably dead.

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Thought I'd post in this. Been enjoying the gym to get my endorphins going, but I suffer from hypermobility. Trying to go every second day, but now trying to go every three days in a row with a forth one off. Any advice for getting the most out of my body?

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