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Can anyone recommend a good fitness book / guide?

I'm getting a bit flabby and need to sort out my diet and get some muscle built. I'm about a stone overweight, and eat too much sugar. Think I'm looking for a manual that'll guide me towards what to do rather than what I'm currently doing. Seen a few on ebay, but seem be a bit US-centric so would fancy something that's written for the UK.

Any ideas?

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DAFC I'm out just now will post something up later. KD that's a great level of body fat loss in those pics but if done with advice from a gym there should be some gain in lean mass too. I'm not sure the guys plan is as good as it could be.

I'm guessing you're a pt?

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Diet doesnt look too bad. Tues looks bit better. I like to get some protein in me first thing, not necessary just a preference. Would think about splitting meals into those with higher carbs/low fat and vice versa if your looking to get down to 10% BF.

Talking of which im not sure how youre measuring your BF% but if it isnt by someone who knows what theyre doing with a pair of calipers id forget what number you think you are (not that a number matters anyway of course). If you are 13% you should have abs pretty much showing. Getting from 13-10% whilst adding 6lbs lean mass to a 12.5 stone frame will be very difficult to a natural trainer.

Not sure what your multi gyms like and i dont understand a lot of the exercises youre doing (i find it tough to describe things like this myself) but id recommend something like.

4 x compound exercise each session. So 1 heavy back/chest/legs/shoulders exercise per workout. You can then add some isolation work e.g. bis/tris/hams/calves as and when you feel you need. Having 35kg DBs at home isnt bad and if they get too light for you you can do single handed exercises with them e.g. single hand bench press to get a bit more milage out of the weight. Id be doing some kind of lunges each session under your circumstances. Decent leg sessions are the hardest things to do in a home gym. Assuming your just training to feel good/shag a nicer quality of girl on a saturday id recommend a rep range of 8-12.

Would separate the running and weights personally wouldnt fancy lifting heavily after 45 mins cv at a decent tempo personally.

Sandbags do have their place but im not sure its what you need just now. Bottom line though id recommend finding a decent gym nearby doesnt have to be expensive. Im paying £15/month to train at a place that has bodybuilding competitors and a pro boxer. Youll definitely notice a quick increase in progress and probably enjoy it more.

Good luck

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Thanks for taking the time to read through my long post.

For body fat I'm using a set of scales that measure bf. Not the greatest but it seems to give a rough guide. It is possible that in the right conditions my abs would show but I don't spend ages everyday looking in the mirror at myself obsessing as any setbacks would really a major issue mentally for me.

If abs aren't totally obvious then I'm guessing 13% isn't accurate?

Lunges is something I've thought about doing for a while. Will try starting them,even without weight to get proper form first.

The sandbag idea was to replace the long cv session with ten mins of intense stuff. Bike can get a bit boring tbh.

I've always felt the need to warm up at bit before weights.

With regards to splitting the cv with weights, if I was to do some cv first thing then how does that effect eating? Eat breakfast first then cv or vice versa?

Assuming that exercising on an empty stomach is a bad idea, might burn fat though?

Thanks again.

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I've lost just about 2 stone since August.

Been going to the gym twice a week, feel as if i am getting better each time I go. Struggling to type,done a few arm curls then had a go on the rowing machine. Wasn't exactly heavy weights, just shows how weak my arms are I think.

Still going to go to the gym over the Christmas holidays and have a few treats. I expect to put some of the weight back on but if I can keep ticking over in the gym I'll get back into strict mode in the new year.

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January in the gym = hell. Wish all the ny revolution dicks would f**k off instead of deluding themselves that they'll stick with it. Going by the large drop of attendance from March onwards, they clearly don't.

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Thanks for taking the time to read through my long post.

For body fat I'm using a set of scales that measure bf. Not the greatest but it seems to give a rough guide. It is possible that in the right conditions my abs would show but I don't spend ages everyday looking in the mirror at myself obsessing as any setbacks would really a major issue mentally for me.

If abs aren't totally obvious then I'm guessing 13% isn't accurate?

Lunges is something I've thought about doing for a while. Will try starting them,even without weight to get proper form first.

The sandbag idea was to replace the long cv session with ten mins of intense stuff. Bike can get a bit boring tbh.

I've always felt the need to warm up at bit before weights.

With regards to splitting the cv with weights, if I was to do some cv first thing then how does that effect eating? Eat breakfast first then cv or vice versa?

Assuming that exercising on an empty stomach is a bad idea, might burn fat though?

Thanks again.

Forget BF% it doesnt mean a thing really.

If youre just doing steady state cardio in the morning e.g. jogging go without food. If im doing HIIT in morning e.g. sprints then i like to get a scoop of unflavoured whey in me first (or 5g BCAA's if you have spare cash).

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January in the gym = hell. Wish all the ny revolution dicks would f**k off instead of deluding themselves that they'll stick with it. Going by the large drop of attendance from March onwards, they clearly don't.

December is brilliant though. Everybody starts slacking and the gym is dead for the whole month.

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Hi guys, new poster but good to find this thread. Into fitness myself, been lifting for about 3 years. Started off as a skinny runt, now I'm a not quite so skinny guy. 6'3, 13st 7lb. About 13% body fat, always been quite lean, always try to 'clean bulk'. Aiming for 14st by March/April time next year. Always happy to offer my advice.

I'm doing a 'bro split' right now, 4 days - legs, shoulders, chest/tris, back/bis. I don't deadlift...and that's all you need to know 8)

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Eating clean is tough this time of year, everyone in the office keeps bringing in really unhealthy food and it's difficult to keep refusing it and looking like a picky or snobby twat.

It's not until eating clean for a while you realise what utter shite people fill their face with most days. Scottish people eat like five year olds its embarrassing.

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Eating clean is tough this time of year, everyone in the office keeps bringing in really unhealthy food and it's difficult to keep refusing it and looking like a picky or snobby twat.

It's not until eating clean for a while you realise what utter shite people fill their face with most days. Scottish people eat like five year olds its embarrassing.

Have you ever thought about boxing training? I don't really pay much attention to my diet but in the space of a few months doing boxing training all my tops etc had gone from L or XL to Medium at the biggest. I'd lost a good bit of weight anyway from running/diet for a bit but the boxing just changed my body shape.

You see guys coming in who have clearly spent a lot of time doing weights and bulking up and it just knocks the excess off them.

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Have you ever thought about boxing training? I don't really pay much attention to my diet but in the space of a few months doing boxing training all my tops etc had gone from L or XL to Medium at the biggest. I'd lost a good bit of weight anyway from running/diet for a bit but the boxing just changed my body shape.

You see guys coming in who have clearly spent a lot of time doing weights and bulking up and it just knocks the excess off them.

Been thinking about it, going to start skipping next year and combining that with using a sandbag on days between weights.

Never been a fan of running for some reason, just can't get into it unless I'm chasing a ball or going up or down a hill.

Simply just a matter of mind over matter, more exercise less sitting about and eating.

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Been thinking about it, going to start skipping next year and combining that with using a sandbag on days between weights.

Never been a fan of running for some reason, just can't get into it unless I'm chasing a ball or going up or down a hill.

Simply just a matter of mind over matter, more exercise less sitting about and eating.

Even shadow boxing is tough. Doing all shots head height, never dropping the hands, always up on the toes moving - it's a good blast!

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