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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Herbalife and Insanity are the in the same bracket as AIDS imo.

What's wrong with insanity?! I've done all sorts of exercise. Go through stages where I'll go to the gym every day, go running, football training etc etc and I find insanity one of the tougher things to do. Its just an exercise routine. Great for the winter and close season at the football.

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getting married at end of year, decided to start getting fit, bought a fitbit for when I start running and my bro wants me to sign up for loch ness marathon prior to my wedding.

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getting married at end of year, decided to start getting fit, bought a fitbit for when I start running and my bro wants me to sign up for loch ness marathon prior to my wedding.

What time's the wedding?
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the FFIT course finished. I've lost 9.7kg since the end of October. I need to keep myself motivated now and not lapse into my bad old ways. I don't think I'd enjoy being in a gym, so I think my best bet is to get into cycling a bit more, in addition to maintaining my current walking levels. There's plenty of forest trails and quiet roads nearby, so I'm looking into getting a half decent beginners mountain bike.

I can finally get shot of that ICT shirt now!

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I was going to regular gym classes - spin, combat, pump and was pretty happy but got a free months trial doing crossfit during January.

I've now signed up for this and its the best decision ive made.

Different WODs (workout of the day) all the time. My body was in shock and felt muscles I never knew I had. Shoulders especially very sore at first!

Great bunch of people and some heavy lifting but really loving it.

Trying to follow the paleo way of eating but not totally strict and the omission of pasta, rice and bread makes me feel so much less bloated.

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I was going to regular gym classes - spin, combat, pump and was pretty happy but got a free months trial doing crossfit during January.

I've now signed up for this and its the best decision ive made.

Different WODs (workout of the day) all the time. My body was in shock and felt muscles I never knew I had. Shoulders especially very sore at first!

Great bunch of people and some heavy lifting but really loving it.

Trying to follow the paleo way of eating but not totally strict and the omission of pasta, rice and bread makes me feel so much less bloated.


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After about three of four months of whey protein I got bigger but also put on fat. Got to 11st 11lbs and added 5 body fat.

Also felt bloated and slower at the fives. Plus side was lifting weights was so much easier and added lots of muscle.

Going to stop and cut again back to 11st or less and get the fitness back. Stopping logging food on fitness pal was a mistake too. I reckon I could go back on them but maybe half the amount I was taking but really trying to cut the fat and get really lean in the next six months.

Better being lean and fit than big and bloated, interesting to try it perhaps I jumped in with both feet to quickly?

Still quite pleased to have increased the amount of weight I can lift, hopefully I can sustain it while cutting.

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After a bit of a festive blip, I'm getting back to normal. I put 9lbs on, but I've managed to get 7lbs of it back off in the last 5 weeks. In an ideal world I would have liked to have Lost the 9lbs by now, but I'm pleased with my efforts so far.

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weigh in after 2 weeks of diet and exercise - 10lbs lost 16 to go before i reach my April target !!

after that its a decision on how much i want to lose by October

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What should you be aiming for percentage-wise for your macronutrients, when trying to gain mass? The myfitnesspal app has me at 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein, is that right?

That's the same breakdown for me also; however I'm maintaining my weight, not increasing it. I'd imagine if you want to increase it you should aim for higher levels of protein/fat than carbohydrates.

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What should you be aiming for percentage-wise for your macronutrients, when trying to gain mass? The myfitnesspal app has me at 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein, is that right?

If you want to be putting on mass then you need to bashing lots and lots of calories

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What should you be aiming for percentage-wise for your macronutrients, when trying to gain mass? The myfitnesspal app has me at 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein, is that right?

Anything you want as long as protein is high. It's overall calories intake and expenditure that counts.

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